Blar i Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) på forfatter "Biørn, Erik"
A generalized single equation error correction model and its application to quarterly data
Biørn, Erik; Olsen, Hilde (Discussion Paper;No. 19, Working paper, 1986-12-01)In this paper, we specify a class of single equation 'error correction' models on the basis of a general autoregressive-distributed lag regression equation with one regressor and a white noise disturbance. This relationship ... -
Aggregation and aggregation biases in production functions : a panel data analysis of translog models
Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 317, Working paper, 2002)Abstract: An applied econometric study of aggregation, based on an unbalanced panel data set for manu-facturing plants is presented. Panel data are informative in examining aggregation of variables, parameters, and ... -
Constructing panel data estimators by aggregation: A general moment estimator and a suggested synthesis
Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 420, Working paper, 2005)Abstract: A regression equation for panel data with two-way random or fixed effects and a set of individual specific and period specific `within individual' and `within period', estimators of its slope coefficients are ... -
Consumer demand in Norwegian households 1973-1977. A data base for micro-econometrics
Biørn, Erik; Jansen, Eilev S. (Rapporter;1980/4, Report, 1979-12-20)Perspektivene for okonometriske konsumanalyser ble betydelig utvidet da Statistisk Sentralbyrå gikk over til løpende innsamling av individuelle forbruksdata fra og med året 1974. Tidligere ble det gjennomført større ... -
Depreciation profiles and the user cost of capital
Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 6, Working paper, 1985-04-01) -
Distribution of Preferences and Measurement Errors in a Disaggregated Expenditure System
Aasness, Jørgen; Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion papers;149, Working paper, 1995-12)A complete system of consumer expenditure functions with 28 commodity groups is modelled and estimated by means of Norwegian household panel data. Measurement errors are carefully modelled. Total consumption expenditure ... -
En kvartalsmodell for industrisektorers investeringer og produksjonskapasitet
Biørn, Erik (Rapporter;1985/24, Report, 1985-08-28) -
Energy price changes, and induced scrapping and revaluation of capital a putty clay approach
Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 16, Working paper, 1986-09-15)The paper presents a framework for analyzing the effect of unanticipated energy price changes on the firms' plans for scrapping of capital and on the induced changes in the value of capital. A putty-clay vintage model with ... -
Engel functions, panel data and latent variables
Aasness, Jørgen; Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Paper;No. 41, Working paper, 1988-12)A system of consumer expenditure functions is estimated from Norwegian household budget data. Specific features o f our approach are: (I) Panel data on individual households are used, which offer far richer opportunities ... -
Engel functions, panel data, and latent variables - with Detailed Results
Aasness, Jørgen; Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Paper;No. 89, Working paper, 1993-06)A system of consumer expenditure functions is estimated from Norwegian household budget data. Specific features of the approach are: (i) Panel data from individual households are used, which offer far richer opportunities ... -
Errors in Variables and Panel Data: The Labour Demand Response to Permanent changes in Output
Biørn, Erik; Klette, Tor Jakob (Discussion papers;125, Working paper, 1994-08)This paper examines panel data modelling with latent variables in analyzing log-linear relations between inputs and output of firms. Our particular focus is on (i) the "increasing returns to scale puzzle" for labour input ... -
Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models from Incomplete Cross-Section / Time-Series Data
Biørn, Erik (Rapporter;1981/33, Report, 1981-11-26)Most of the theoretical contributions to models for handling combined cross-section/time-series data are based on the assumption that complete time-series of equal length exist for all observation units. This paper is ... -
Expectations, substitution, and scrapping in a putty clay model
Frenger, Petter; Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 17, Working paper, 1986-08-15)The paper presents a putty-clay framework for analyzing the effect of changing expectations about future prices on a firm's choice of technique, and on its anticipated scrapping of capital equipment. Particular attention ... -
Gross and net capital, productivity, and the form of the survival function some norwegian evidence
Biørn, Erik; Holmøy, Erling; Olsen, Øystein (Discussion Papers;No. 11, Working paper, 1985-05-29) -
Gross capital, net capital, capital service price, and depreciation: a framework for empirical analysis
Biørn, Erik (Rapporter;1983/27, Report, 1983-11-08) -
Heterogeneity in returns to scale : a random coefficient analysis with unbalanced panel data
Biørn, Erik; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 292, Working paper, 2000)Abstract: This paper analyses the importance of scale economies by means of unbalanced plant-level panel data from three Norwegian manufacturing industries. Focus is on heterogeneous technologies, and unlike most previous ... -
Individual heterogeneity and price responses in tobacco consumption : a two-commodity analysis of unbalanced panel data
Wangen, Knut Reidar; Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 294, Working paper, 2001)Abstract: The paper presents a panel data analysis of tobacco demand. The purpose is threefold: (i) to measure income, own-price, and cross-price responses for two tobacco commodities: cigarettes and handrolling tobacco, ... -
Kvantifisering av konjunkturbarometerinformasjon
Biørn, Erik (Rapporter;1982/25, Report, 1982-08-16) -
Kvartalsserier for brukerpriser på realkapital i norske produksjonssektorer
Biørn, Erik; Fosby, Hans Erik (Rapporter;1980/3, Report, 1979-12-21)I makro-økonomisk modellarbeid er det ofte ønskelig å ha et mål for prisen på tjenester fra produksjonsfaktoren realkapital. Slike priser kan bare unntaksvis observeres som markedsstørrelser. I denne rapporten presenteres ... -
KVARTS a quarterly model of the Norwegian economy
Biørn, Erik; Jensen, Morten; Reymert, Morten (Discussion Papers;No. 13, Working paper, 1985-07-05)This paper presents the main characteristics of the first version of a quarterly 12 sector macroeconomic model of the Norwegian economy. The general purpose of the project is to obtain a framework for quantitative analysis ...