• Calculating the real return of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global by alternative measures of the deflator 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Boug, Pål (Discussion papers;775, Working paper, 2014-04)
      According to the present guidelines for fiscal policy, the use of oil revenues in the Norwegian economy should over time equal the expected real return on the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). An important question ...
    • A conceptual note on the aggregation of international prices using index numbers 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Boug, Pål (Discussion Papers;No. 656, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: Aggregation of international prices in empirical work is generally based on well known index number formulas. However, a common practice applying such formulas is the use of price indices rather than price levels ...
    • Dårligere enn svenskene? : en sammenligning av produktivitetsveksten i norsk og svensk industri 

      Boug, Pål; Naug, Bjørn E. (Journal article, 2001)
      Nasjonalregnskapstall antyder at norsk industri de siste 20-25 årene har hatt langt svakere produktivitetsvekst enn industrien hos våre handelspartnere. Slike sammenligninger er imidlertid svært usikre, idet datagrunnlag og ...
    • Did OPEC change its behaviour after the November 2014 meeting? 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We analyse the behaviour of OPEC as a group by formulating a theoretical model that encompasses the perfect competition model and various forms of the imperfect competition model. By confronting the theoretical model with ...
    • The empirical modelling of house prices and debt revisited: A policy-oriented perspective 

      Boug, Pål; Hungnes, Håvard; Takamitsu, Kurita (Discussion Paper;No. 967, Working paper, 2021-11)
      The recent boom in house prices in many countries during the Covid-19 pandemic and the possibility of household financial distress are of concern among some central banks. We revisit the empirical modelling of house prices ...
    • Energy demand, carbon emissions and acid rain. Consequences of a changing Western Europe 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Boug, Pål; Kolsrud, Dag (Rapporter;96/12, Report, 1996)
      Employing a multisector energy demand model of thirteen Western European countries (SEEM) together with the RAINS model developed by IIASA, we in this report address the question of how much the European economic ...
    • Etterspørsel etter arbeidskraft i industrien 

      Boug, Pål (Journal article, 1999)
      Sammenhengen mellom produksjon og sysselsetting har stor betydning for den langsiktige utviklingen i økonomien. Hvor raskt etterspørselen etter arbeidskraft reagerer på økonomisk politikk er viktig for konjunkturstyringen. ...
    • Exact and inexact decompositions of international price indices 

      Boug, Pål (Discussion Papers;No. 868, Working paper, 2017-10-09)
      Decompositions of international price indices are usually inexact in the sense that the underlying aggregator formula is not exactly reproduced. In this paper, we compare analytically the exact and inexact decompositions ...
    • Exact and inexact decompositions of trade price indices 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Boug, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Exchange rate pass-through in a Small Open Economy 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Eika, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 429, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: Several small open economies switched to inflation targeting during the 1990s, thereby giving up various forms of exchange rate targeting in favour of flexible exchange rates. Norway did the same early in 2001, ...
    • Exchange rate volatility and export performance : a cointegrated VAR approach 

      Boug, Pål; Fagereng, Andreas (Discussion Papers;No. 522, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: During the last decades Norwegian exporters have ƒ{ despite various forms of exchange rate targeting ƒ{ faced a rather volatile exchange rate which may have influenced their behaviour. Recently, the shift to ...
    • Expectations in export price formation tests using cointegrated VAR models 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Discussion Papers;No. 283, Working paper, 2000)
      The formation of export prices is an area in which the linear quadratic adjustment cost (LQAC) model under rational expectations may be relevant in practice. This paper evaluates the empirical performance of the LQAC-model ...
    • Financial deregulation and consumer behavior: the Norwegian experience 

      Boug, Pål; Mork, Knut Anton; Tjemsland, Trond (Discussion Papers;No. 156, Working paper, 1995)
      The present paper uses the model by Campbell and Mankiw (1991) to examine the Norwegian consumer behavior and the role of the financial deregulation during the 1980s. For quarterly data on non-durables and services, we ...
    • Fiscal policy, macroeconomic performance and industry structure in a small open economy 

      Boug, Pål; von Brasch, Thomas Rolf Lydersen Lystad; Cappelen, Ådne; Hammersland, Roger; Hungnes, Håvard; Kolsrud, Dag; Zhulanova Skretting, Julia; Strøm, Birger; Vigtel, Trond Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We analyse how fiscal policy affects both the macroeconomy and the industry structure, using a multi-sector macroeconomic model of the Norwegian economy with an inflation targeting monetary policy. Our simulations show ...
    • Fiscal policy, macroeconomic performance and industry structure in a small open economy 

      Boug, Pål; von Brasch, Thomas; Cappelen, Ådne; Hammersland, Roger; Hungnes, Håvard; Kolsrud, Dag; Skretting, Julia; Strøm, Birger; Vigtel, Trond Christian (Discussion Paper;No. 984, Working paper, 2022-07)
      We analyse how fiscal policy affects both the macroeconomy and the industry structure, using a multi-sector macroeconomic model of the Norwegian economy with an inflation targeting monetary policy. Our simulations show ...
    • Fiskale multiplikatorer i norsk økonomi 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Eika, Torbjørn (Rapporter;2017/9, Report, 2017-04-27)
      Ny rapport som studerer virkninger av ulike finanspolitiske tiltak med utgangspunkt i Statistisk sentralbyrås makroøkonometriske modell, MODAG. I denne rapporten studeres virkninger av ulike finanspolitiske tiltak med ...
    • Fra kjøpefest til edruelighet : økonomi 

      Boug, Pål (Journal article, 2010)
      Det første tiåret av 2000-tallet har vært preget av store svingninger i norsk økonomi. Årtusenskiftet ble innledet med konjunkturnedgang og nokså moderat vekst i husholdningenes forbruk. Etter at konjunkturbunnen ble nådd ...
    • Getting Back on Track: Forecasting After Extreme Observations 

      Boug, Pål; Hungnes, Håvard; Kurita, Takamitsu (Discussion Papers;1018, Working paper, 2024-12)
      This paper examines the forecast accuracy of cointegrated vector autoregressive models when confronted with extreme observations at the end of the sample period. It focuses on comparing two outlier correction methods, ...
    • Hvor raskt og sterkt er valutakursgjennomslaget i norsk økonomi? 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Eika, Torbjørn (Journal article, 2005)
      I en liten åpen økonomi som den norske spiller valutakursen en viktig rolle for prisutviklingen. Overgang fra en pengepolitikk som sikter mot fast valutakurs til en politikk med et inflasjonsmål og flytende valutakurs, innebærer ...
    • Inflation Dynamics in a Small Open Economy 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-13)
      We evaluate the empirical performance of forward-looking models for inflation dynamicsin a small open economy. Using likelihood-based testing procedures, we find that the exactformulation is at odds with Norwegian data. ...