Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Greaker, Mads"
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
A Comment on the Environment and Directed Technical Change
Greaker, Mads; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel (Discussion papers;713, Working paper, 2012-11)The major claim in Acemoglu, Aghion, Bursztyn & Hemous (2012) (AABH) is that subsidies for research and development of clean technologies are more important than carbon taxes when dealing with climate change. However, they ... -
A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change
Greaker, Mads; Stoknes, Per Espen; Alfsen, Knut H.; Ericson, Torgeir (Discussion papers;718, Working paper, 2012-11)Agenda 21 required countries to develop and regularly update a national set of indicators for sustainable development. Several countries now have such sets also including separate indicators for climate change. Some of ... -
Alfsen og Randers - misvisende kritikk
Bye, Torstein; Greaker, Mads (Others, 2007)Debatt om Lavutslippsutvalgets rapport NOU 2006:18 Et klimavennlig Norge. -
Can voluntary product-labeling replace trade bans in the case of GMOs?
Greaker, Mads; Chen, Yuyu (Discussion Papers;No. 485, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: Genetically modified (GM) food has raised both health-risk fears and environmental concerns. This has led some countries to ban the trade in such food triggering a great deal of controversy among countries. ... -
Carbon capture and storage technologies in the European power market
Golombek, Rolf; Greaker, Mads; Kittelsen, Sverre A.C.; Røgeberg, Ole; Aune, Finn Roar (Discussion Papers;603, Working paper, 2009)We examine the potential of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies in the European electricity markets, assessing whether CCS technologies will reduce carbon emissions substantially in the absence of investment ... -
Directed technical change and the resource curse
Greaker, Mads; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Paper;No. 991, Working paper, 2022-09)The "resource curse" is a potential threat to all countries relying on export income from abundant natural resources such as fossil fuels. The early literature hypothesized that easily accessible natural resources would ... -
Does a renewable fuel standard for biofuels reduce climate costs?
Greaker, Mads; Hoel, Michael; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion papers;720, Working paper, 2012-12)Recent contributions have questioned whether biofuels policies actually lead to emissions reductions, and thus lower climate costs. In this paper we make two contributions to the literature. First, we study the market ... -
Eco-labels, production related externalities and trade
Greaker, Mads (Discussion Papers;No, 332, Working paper, 2002)Abstract: We analyze the trade and welfare effects of eco-labels in a domestic market with one domestic firm and one foreign firm. Pollution is production related, and the government can choose between including the product ... -
Elbiler og toveislading - Fordeler for både bileiere og strømkunder
Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Emissions leakage and subsidies for pollution abatement. Pay the polluter or the supplier of the remedy?
Fischer, Carolyn; Greaker, Mads; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion papers;708, Working paper, 2012-10)Asymmetric regulation of a global pollutant between countries can alter the competitiveness of industries and lead to emissions leakage. For most types of pollution, abatement technologies are available for firms to produce ... -
Et bærekraftig samfunn? : indikatorer for bærekraftig utvikling 2008
Brunvoll, Frode; Greaker, Mads; Homstvedt, Svein; Kittilsen, Marte O.; Smith, Tone (Rapporter;2008/25, Report, 2008)I Nasjonalbudsjettet 2008, der den nye nasjonale strategien for bærekraftig utvikling ble presentert, blir det angitt at "Statistisk sentralbyrå har et viktig ansvar i arbeidet med å oppdatere og analysere indikatorene". ... -
Explaining experience curves for LNG liquefaction costs: Competition matter more than learning
Greaker, Mads; Sagen, Eirik Lund (Discussion Papers;No. 393, Working paper, 2004)Abstract: In this paper we seek to identify different driving forces behind the fall in LNG liquefaction unit costs. Our focus is on organizational learning including process specific R&D, but we also seek to account for ... -
From natural resources and environmental accounting to construction of indicators for sustainable development
Alfsen, Knut H.; Greaker, Mads (Discussion Papers;No. 478, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: Norway has a long history in trying to develop management tools for sustainable development. From the early development of natural resources accounts in the 1980’s, through discussions of the usefulness of ... -
Grunnrenten i norsk akvakultur og kraftproduksjon fra 1984 til 2018
Greaker, Mads; Lindholt, Lars (Rapporter;2019/34, Report, 2019-11-12)Ekstraordinær høy avkastning i en kommersiell sektor som baserer seg på en naturressurs omtales som grunnrente. Denne rapporten bruker nasjonalregnskapstall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå for å undersøke om det har vært ... -
Grønne sertifikater og læring
Bye, Torstein; Greaker, Mads; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Rapporter;2002/27, Report, 2002-09-13)Et stort antall empiriske studier viser at produksjonskostnadene for nye teknologier, inklusive grønne energiteknologier, gjerne faller over tid. På bakgrunn av dette har man undersøkt om kostnadsfallet kan forklares med ... -
Hvordan kan en internasjonal klimaavtale håndheves?
Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Hovi, Jon (Journal article, 2013)En god internasjonal klimaavtale krever ikke bare bred deltagelse og dype forpliktelser, den må også sikre at medlemslandene overholder sine forpliktelser. Håndhevingssystemet i Kyotoprotokollen har en rekke svakheter. ... -
Hvordan sikre bærekraftig forvaltning av økosystemer?
Grimsrud, Kristine; Greaker, Mads (Journal article, 2013)Økosystemtjenester er et forholdsvis nytt begrep. Det omfatter all slags høsting av naturen fra landbruk til hobbyjakt. Videre omfatter det rekreasjon, kulturelle verdier knyttet til natur og landskap og renovasjonstjenester ... -
Hvorfor kan vi ikke bare overlate hydrogen til markedet?
Greaker, Mads (Journal article, 2007)«Hydrogensamfunnet» er et moteord som går igjen i dagens miljødebatt. I Norge bruker myndighetene store beløp på å få etablert en «hydrogenvei» fra Stavanger til Oslo. Videre gir myndighetene hydrogenbiler fritak for ... -
Industrial competitiveness and diffusion of new pollution abatement technology – a new look at the Porter-hypothesis
Greaker, Mads (Discussion Papers;No. 371, Working paper, 2004)We study the relationship between industrial competitiveness, adaption of cleaner production techniques and environmental policy. While other contributions have analyzed environmental innovations with point of departure ... -
Innretning av støtte til biodrivstoff
Greaker, Mads (Journal article, 2001)Støttesystemene i EU og Norge er lite egnet til å fremme læring da dagens støtte til biodrivstoff i EU og Norge i første rekke kommer førstegenerasjons biodrivstoff til gode. Siden læringspotensialet for denne ...