• Effektevaluering av intensivopplæringen i overgangsprosjektet, Ny Giv. Andre delrapport 

      Rønning, Marte; Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen (Rapporter;2016/08, Report, 2016-03-01)
      Det er ingen tegn til at intensivopplæringen har hatt noen generell effekt på elevenes resultater. I Stavanger er det imidlertid tegn til at deltakerne i større grad enn lignende elever fullfører Vg1 og fortsetter til Vg2.
    • Fullføring av videregående opplæring og effekter av tiltak mot frafall. Sluttrapport fra effektevalueringen av Overgangsprosjektet i Ny GIV 

      Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Strømsvåg, Susann; Eielsen, Gaute; Rønning, Marte (Rapporter;2018/08, Report, 2018-03-07)
      Gjennom Overgangsprosjektet i Ny GIV har elever med svake faglige prestasjoner midtveis i 10. trinn fått tilbud om tilpasset intensivopplæring i vårsemestrene 2011-2013. Hensikten har vært å øke gjennomstrømningen i og ...
    • Hospital reimbursement and capacity constraints: Evidence from orthopedic surgeries 

      Huitfeldt, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)
      Health care providers’ response to payment incentives may have consequences for both fiscal spending and patient health. This paper studies the effects of a change in the payment scheme for hospitals in Norway. In 2010, ...
    • Impacts of hospital wait time on patient health and labor supply 

      Godøy, Anna Aasen; Haaland, Venke Furre; Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Votruba, Mark (Discussion papers;919, Working paper, 2019-11)
      We estimate the effects of wait time for orthopedic surgery on health and labor market outcomes of Norwegian workers. Our identification strategy exploits variation in wait times for surgery generated by the idiosyncratic ...
    • Internal labor markets: A worker flow approach 

      Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Kostøl, Andreas Ravndal; Nimczik, Jan; Weber, Andrea (Discussion Paper;No. 961, Working paper, 2021-08)
      This paper develops a new method to study how workers’ career and wage profiles are shaped by internal labor markets (ILM) and job hierarchies in firms. Our paper tackles the conceptual challenge of organizing jobs within ...
    • Reconciling estimates of the long-term earnings effect of fertility 

      Bensnes, Simon; Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Leuven, Edwin (Discussion Paper;No. 1004, Working paper, 2023-08)
      This paper presents novel methodological and empirical contributions to the child penalty literature. We propose a new estimator that combines elements from standard event study and instrumental variable estimators and ...
    • Regional variation in health care utilization and mortality 

      Godøy, Anna Aasen; Huitfeldt, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02-19)
      Geographic variation in health care utilization has raised concerns of possible inefficiencies in health care supply, as differences are often not reflected in health outcomes. Using comprehensive Norwegian microdata, we ...
    • Regional variation in healthcare utilization and mortality 

      Godøy, Anna Aasen; Huitfeldt, Ingrid (Discussion Paper;No. 890, Working paper, 2018-12-12)
      Geographic variation in healthcare utilization has raised concerns of possible inefficiencies in healthcare supply, as differences are often not reflected in health outcomes. Using comprehensive Norwegian microdata, we ...
    • Selection in Surveys 

      Dutz, Deniz; Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Lacouture, Santiago; Mogstad, Magne; Torgovitsky, Alexander; Dijk, Winnie van (Discussion Paper;No. 971, Working paper, 2021-12)
      We evaluate how nonresponse affects conclusions drawn from survey data and consider how researchers can reliably test and correct for nonresponse bias. To do so, we examine a survey on labor market conditions during the ...
    • Spending the night. Provider incentives, capacity constraints and patient outcomes 

      Huitfeldt, Ingrid (Discussion papers;889, Working paper, 2018-11)
      Healthcare providers’ response to payment incentives may have consequences for both fiscal spending and patient health. This paper studies the effects of a change in the payment scheme for hospitals in Norway. In 2010, ...