• A practical approach for modelbased poverty prediction 

      Mathiassen, Astrid; Øvensen, Geir (Rapporter;2007/9, Report, 2007)
      The objective of this report is to provide practical guidance for producing poverty estimates based on ”light” household surveys. Mathiassen (2005) outlines the theoretical model. A household budget survey is used to ...
    • A Statistical Model for Simple, Fast and Reliable Measurement of Poverty. A revised version of DP 415 

      Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion Papers;No. 415, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: The primus inter pares of the UN-approved Millennium Development Goals is to reduce poverty. The only internationally accepted method of estimating poverty requires a measurement of total consumption based on ...
    • Access to electricity and cooking solutions. Technical documentation 

      Wold, Bjørn K. Getz; Berglund, Frode; Mathiassen, Astrid; Sandvik, Ole; Schøning, Per; Mwisomba, Titus; Kawa, Samwel; Mussa, Jillahuma; Intimane, Ângelo; Malate, Domingos; Nhambirre, Berta; Pinoca, Sandra; Lønø, Kristian; Abelsæth, Anne; Vrålstad, Signe; Roll-Hansen, Dag (Notater/Documents;2024/37, Working paper, 2024-09)
      The Impact of Access to Sustainable Energy Survey (IASES) 2021/22 was implemented in Mozambique and Tanzania in a three-partite collaboration between Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) in Mozambique, the National ...
    • Agricultural production with uncertain water supply 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion Papers;No. 370, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for analysis of multioutput agricultural production when the supply of water is uncertain. Specifically, we assume that the farmer operates as if the decision ...
    • Challenges in predicting poverty trends using survey to survey imputation. Experiences from Malawi 

      Mathiassen, Astrid; Wold, Bjørn K. Getz (Discussion Paper;No. 900, Working paper, 2019-03-23)
      Poverty in low-income countries is usually measured with large and infrequent household surveys. A challenge is to find methods to measure poverty more frequently. The objective of this study is to test a method for ...
    • Gender Assessment for Malawi 

      Mathiassen, Astrid; Eliasi, Rhoda; Mahowe, Mylen; Chunga, David; Iversen, Gunvor; Pedersen, Siv Irene; Roll-Hansen, Dag (Rapporter;2007/25, Report, 2007-06)
    • Job creation, job destruction and plant turnover in Norwegian manufacturing 

      Klette, Tor Jakob; Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion papers;136, Working paper, 1995-02)
      The labour market in Norway, as in other Scandinavian countries, is often claimed to be overregulated and incapable of adjustment to changes in job opportunities. The results presented in this paper suggest to the contrary ...
    • Predicting poverty trends by survey-to-survey imputation: The challenge of comparability 

      Mathiassen, Astrid; Wold, Bjørn K. Getz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Poverty in low-income countries is usually measured using large and infrequent household consumption surveys. The challenge is to find methods to measure poverty rates more frequently. This study validates a survey-to-survey ...
    • Quality adjusted price indexes for discrete goods 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Mathiassen, Astrid; Eriksson, Bengt J. (Discussion Papers;No. 490, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: This paper discusses the construction and computation of a quality adjusted price index when the commodities are differentiated products, such as different brands of automobiles and refrigerators. The method ...
    • The predictive ability of poverty models : empirical evidence from Uganda 

      Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion Papers;No. 560, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: This paper examines the performance of a particular method for predicting poverty. The method is a supplement to the approach of measuring poverty through a fully-fledged household expenditure survey. As most ...
    • Valg og bruk av internasjonale statistikkilder 

      Mathiassen, Astrid (Notater;1997/32, Working paper, 1997)
    • Vekst og fall blant norske industribedrifter Om nyetablering, nedlegging og omstilling 

      Klette, Tor Jakob; Mathiassen, Astrid (Sosiale og økonomiske studier;95, Book, 1996)
      Denne studien presenterer en omfattende analyse av vekstmonstre blant norske industribedrifter. Studien er delt i tre hoveddeler: Den første delen ser på betydningen av nyetablerte og nedlagte bedrifter for produksjon ...