Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Tsygankova, Marina"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Avgiftssystemer for CO2-utslipp ved klimamål for 2020. Effekter for handels- og tjenestenæringer
Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon; Tsygankova, Marina (Rapporter;2011/20, Report, 2011)Klimaforlikets mål om nasjonale utslippsreduksjoner i 2020 kan nås med ulike virkemidler. Rapporten analyserer konsekvenser av å innføre uniforme eller differensierte avgifter på utslipp av CO2 slik at klimamålet for ... -
Netback pricing as a remedy for the Russian gas deficit
Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion Papers;No. 554, Working paper, 2008)Abstract: This descriptive study discusses the effects of increases in domestic gas prices on the Russian gas market. Domestic natural gas prices have remained below their long-run marginal cost for more than a decade ... -
Russian natural gas exports to Europe. Effects of Russian gas market reforms and the rising market power of Gazprom
Sagen, Eirik Lund; Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion Papers;No. 445, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: Gazprom, the dominant gas company in Russia, is widely believed to be the key supplier of gas to Europe in the foreseeable future. However, there are numerous uncertainties and challenges within the Russian ... -
Short run effects of bleaker prospects for oligopolistic producers of a non-renewable resource
Grimsrud, Kristine; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid; Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion papers;733, Working paper, 2013-01)In a non-renewable resource market with imperfect competition, the resource owners’ supply is governed both by current demand and by the resource rent. New information regarding future market conditions will typically ... -
The double dividend in the presence of abatement technologies and local external effects
Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon; Tsygankova, Marina; Martinsen, Thomas (Discussion Papers;No. 691, Working paper, 2012)Denne studien analyserer om det eksisterer en netto velferdsgevinst forbundet med å øke en uniform skatt på utslipp av klimagasser i kun den Norske økonomien utover en internasjonal kvotepris. Studien påviser et moderat ... -
The export of Russian gas to Europe: breaking up the monopoly of Gazprom
Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion Papers;No. 494, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: Having exports from more than one Russian gas producer has been an important issue in the Russian–EU energy dialogue during the last decade. Nevertheless, in June 2006, Russian Federal law legalized the de ... -
When is mighty Gazprom good for Russia?
Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion Papers;No 526, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: In the late 1990s, several proposals for a structural reform that would bring competition and market prices to the Russian gas industry were intensely debated. Splitting up Russian gas monopolist Gazprom into ...