Now showing items 61-80 of 1336

    • Alternative designs for tariffs on embodied carbon. A global cost-effectiveness analysis 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;682, Working paper, 2012)
      In the absence of effective world-wide cooperation to curb global warming, import tariffs on embodied carbon have been proposed as a potential supplement to unilateral emissions pricing. We systematically consider alternative ...
    • Alternatives to paying child benefit to the rich: means testing or higher tax? 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Apps, Patricia; Rees, Ray; Vattø, Trine Engh (Discussion Paper;No. 969, Working paper, 2021-11)
      The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 implies that the US is effectively moving towards a general child benefit. However, the amount paid out is dependent on income, similar to schemes in several other countries. In the ...
    • Altruist talk may (also) be cheap: Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference studies 

      Iversen, Endre Kildal; Grimsrud, Kristine; Mitani, Yohei; Lindhjem, Henrik (Discussion Paper;No. 952, Working paper, 2021-04)
      Altruistic preferences of various forms may cause difficulties in welfare economics. In the valuation of public goods, such preferences are believed to help explain the substantial non-use values found in many stated ...
    • An econometric analysis of exports of metals : product differentiation and limited output capacity 

      Benedictow, Andreas (Discussion Papers;No. 287, Working paper, 2000)
      Abstract: A framework based on product differentiation and limited output capacity is established as a foundation for modelling Norwegian exports of primary metals: Producers of metals are exposed to economic cycles, which ...
    • An Economic model of moral motivation 

      Brekke, Kjell Arne; Kverndokk, Snorre; Nyborg, Karine (Discussion Papers;No. 290, Working paper, 2000)
      Abstract: In this paper, we present an economic model of moral motivation. Consumers prefer regarding themselves as socially responsible individuals. Voluntary contributions to public goods are motivated by this preference. ...
    • An Expenditure Based estimate of Britain's black economy revisited 

      Wangen, Knut Reidar (Discussion Papers;No. 414, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: The seminal paper by Pissarides and Weber (1989) is one of several previous studies trying to measure the size of the black economy. Pissarides and Weber compared the relationship between food expenditure and ...
    • An experimental investigation of social norms 

      Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 310, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: Several economists have maintained that social and internalized norms can enforce cooperation in public good situations. This experimental study investigates impacts of social and internalized norms for cooperation ...
    • An investigation of the Norwegian consumption function. Income distribution and wealth effects 

      Landsem, Jørgen (Notater / Documents;2016/20, Working paper, 2016-09-12)
      Since the financial crisis, Norwegian private consumption has fallen as a share of household disposable income. This weak development in consumption was not predicted by the contemporaneous consumption models and led to a ...
    • An up-to-date joint labor supply and child care choice model 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Vattø, Trine Engh (Discussion Papers;No. 885, Working paper, 2018-10-12)
      Norwegian parents of preschool children base their care choices on a completely different choice set from their predecessor. Now there is essentially only one type of nonparental care – center-based care – and on the ...
    • Analyse av utgifter til hjemmetjenester 

      Foss, Aslaug Hurlen (Notater;2024/21, Working paper, 2024-03)
      Analysen starter med å se på brutto driftsutgifter totalt til «helse og omsorgstjenester» i kommunene. Det er svært høy korrelasjon mellom driftsutgifter og lønnsutgifter, og også til annen statistikk, slik som folkemengde ...
    • An analysis of a demand charge electricity grid tariff in the residential sector 

      Stokke, Andreas V.; Doorman, Gerard L.; Ericson, Torgeir (Discussion Papers;574, Working paper, 2009)
      This paper analyses the demand response from residential electricity consumers to a demand charge grid tariff. The tariff charges the maximum hourly peak consumption in each of the winter months January, February and ...
    • Analysis of the discouraged worker phenomenon : evidence from micro data 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Kornstad, Tom; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 453, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: In this paper we analyze labor force participation with particular reference to the discouraged worker effect. The theoretical point of departure is a simple model where the worker evaluates the expected utility ...
    • Analyzing labor supply behavior with latent job opportunity sets and institutional choice constraints 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 344, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: In this paper we discuss a general framework for analyzing labor supply behavior in the presence of complicated budget- and quantity constraints of which some are unobserved. The point of departure is that an ...
    • Anbefalinger for videreutvikling av Innbyggerundersøkelsen. Anbefalinger gjort på bakgrunn av ekspertevaluering og analyser av Innbyggerundersøkelsene 2010–2017 

      Berglund, Frode; Lillegård, Magnar; Gravem, Dag; Holmberg, Anders (Notater / Documents;2018/31, Working paper, 2018-08-02)
      Statistisk sentralbyrå har, på oppdrag fra Difi (Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT), kommet med anbefalinger for hvordan Difi kan videreutvikle Innbyggerundersøkelsen fremover. Innbyggerundersøkelsen gjennomføres av ...
    • Anbefalte kvalitetsindikatorer i offisiell statistikk 

      Foss, Aslaug Hurlen; Haugen, Per Ola (Notater;2024/5, Working paper, 2024-01)
      Kvalitetsindikatorer er viktig for å måle etterlevelsen av kvalitetskravene som er definert i «Statistikkloven» (Lovdata, 2019) og «Retningslinjer for europeisk statistikk» (SSB, 2017). «Rapport om kvalitet i offisiell ...
    • An applied general equilibrium assessment of the marginal cost of public funds in Norway 

      Vennemo, Haakon (Discussion Paper;No. 62, Working paper, 1991-06)
      The purpose of this paper is to estimate the marginal cost of public funds (MCF) in Norway An econometrically specified large scale applied general equilibrium model of the Norwegian economy is employed to derive the ...
    • Arbeidsgrupperapporter 2017 : KOSTRA 

      Unknown author (Notater / Documents;2017/29, Working paper, 2017)
      KOSTRA-prosjektet (KOmmune-STat-RApportering) hadde to hovedformål: • Gjennomgang av det faglige innholdet i rapporteringen fra kommune til stat, med sikte på å forenkle og samordne samt på at rapporteringen skal ...
    • Arbeidsgrupperapporter 2018. KOSTRA 

      Fretheim, Anni S. (Notater / Documents;2018/30, Working paper, 2018-07-12)
      KOSTRA står for Kommune-Stat-Rapportering og gir styringsinformasjon om ressursinnsatsen, prioriteringer og måloppnåelse i kommuner, bydeler og fylkeskommuner. Dette notatet omfatter rapporter fra KOSTRAs arbeidsgrupper. ...
    • Arbeidsgrupperapporter 2019. KOSTRA 

      Unknown author (Notater / Documents;2019/30, Working paper, 2019-08-19)
      Dette notatet omfatter rapporter fra KOSTRAs arbeidsgrupper. Arbeidsgruppene har en årlig gjennomgang av eventuelle oppdateringer og vedlikehold av rapporteringsinnholdet av statistikk. Representantene i arbeidsgruppene ...
    • Are carbon prices redundant in the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package? 

      Aune, Finn Roar; Golombek, Rolf (Discussion Paper;No. 940, Working paper, 2020-10)
      In 2018, an agreement between the key EU institutions – the Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Council – was reached after a long-lasting discourse over the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package. ...