Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Bruvoll, Annegrete"
Now showing items 21-40 of 50
Måleeininga er viktig i nytte-kostnadsanalysar : pengar som måleeining favoriserer miljøinteresser
Brekke, Kjell Arne; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1994) -
Måling og feilmåling av miljøavgifter
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article, 2009)Miljøavgifter skal korrigere for negative miljøkonsekvensar som marknadsaktørane ikkje tek omsyn til. Denne artikkelen ser nærare på teorien for miljøavgifter, og kor stort omfanget av slike avgifter er i Norge. Eurostat og ... -
Meir miljø for pengane : frå avfallsavgift til utsleppsavgift
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1999) -
Miljøskadelige subsidier
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Skjelvik, John Magne; Vennemo, Haakon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Klimaforhandlingene fokuserer i første rekke på å få til kvotesystemer eller avgifter som ideelt sett sikrer globalt effektive utslippreduksjoner. Samtidig bevilges omfattende subsidier til forbruk av fossil energi rundt ... -
Multiple instruments to change energy behaviour : the emperor's new clothes
Bye, Torstein; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Discussion Papers;No. 549, Working paper, 2008)Abstract: Over the last few decades, several instruments have evolved to deal with similar energy and environmental challenges. For instance, the economic literature prescribes separate tax or cap-and-trade systems to ... -
Norsk klimapolitikk. Tiltak innanlands versus tiltak i andre land
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Rapporter;2007/46, Report, 2007)Klimaproblemet er eit globalt problem; utsleppa frå kvart land påverkar klimaet i alle andre land. Løysingane krev derfor samarbeid og koordinering på tvers av land. Det knyter seg store utfordringar til å finne rettferdige ... -
Norske avfallsmengder etter årtusenskiftet
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Ibenholt, Karin (Rapporter;1995/31, Report, 1995) -
Nytte-kostnadsanalysar : kva er moralen?
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article, 1994) -
Nytte-kostnadsanalyser og miljøprising : en moralfilosofisk kritikk
Brekke, Kjell Arne; Bruvoll, Annegrete; Lurås, Hilde; Nyborg, Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1993) -
Om gjenvinning som kostar meir enn det smakar
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998) -
On the measurement of environmental taxes
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Discussion Papers;599, Working paper, 2009)The purpose of environmental taxes is to correct the market when it fails to take environmental damages into account, i.e. to internalize the Pigouvian element. In addition, fiscal taxes are levied on both polluting and ... -
On the value of households' recycling efforts
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Nyborg, Karine (Discussion Papers;No. 316, Working paper, 2002)Abstract: Do households' recycling efforts represent a social cost, which should be taken into account in cost-benefit analyses of alternative waste treatment systems? Some argue that it should not, since recycling efforts ... -
Political motives in climate and energy policy
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Dalen, Hanne Marit; Larsen, Bodil Merethe (Discussion papers;721, Working paper, 2012-12)Standard economic theory provides clear guidance on the design of cost-efficient policy in the presence of imperfect markets and externalities. However, observed policies reveal extensive discrepancies between principles ... -
Quantifying central hypotheses on Environmental Kuznets Curves for a rich economy : a computable general equilibrium study
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Fæhn, Taran; Strøm, Birger (Discussion Papers;No. 341, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: We investigate whether the future relationships between several pollutants and per capita income in rich countries may assume the inverted U-forms of Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKC). The emission-augmenting ... -
Rett i hodet på naboen? : globale miljøvirkninger av norsk økonomisk vekst og miljøpolitikk
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Fæhn, Taran (Journal article, 2005)Vekst i forurensninger faller ikke nødvendigvis sammen med økonomisk vekst. Anslag for utviklingen i norske utslipp av miljøskadelige stoffer i årene fremover tilsier at disse ikke vil øke like mye som produksjons- og ... -
Richer and cleaner - at others' expense?
Fæhn, Taran; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Discussion Papers;No. 477, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: Pollution intensive production can be avoided domestically by increased imports and less exports of dirty products. Such trade effects may imply more emissions abroad, or pollution leakages. We study whether ... -
Taxing energy - why and how? The present policies across western countries
Bye, Torstein; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Rapporter;2008/28, Report, 2008)A range of motives underlie energy related taxes. Typical reasons are collection of the ground/scarcity rent in resource extraction, taxation of monopoly profit and to collect public revenues. Energy taxes may also serve ... -
Technological changes in the pulp and paper industry and the role of uniform versus selective environmental policy
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Bye, Torstein; Larsson, Jan; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 357, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: Although environmental regulations may imply a cost increase on firm's conventional input factors, such regulations could stimulate the incentives to improve factor productivity. Productivity measures including ... -
The costs of alternative policies
Bruvoll, Annegrete (Reports;1998/2, Report, 1998)After decades with landfill and incineration as the most common waste treatment methods, the current main waste policy strategy has changed toward recycling. Also, most governments declare that source reduction, to reduce ... -
The environmental drag on long-term economic performance. Evidence from Norway
Bruvoll, Annegrete; Glomsrød, Solveig; Vennemo, Haakon (Discussion papers;143, Working paper, 1995-05)The environmental drag is the cost to society of environmental constraints. This paper estimates the long-run environmental drag on the Norwegian economy. We employ a model called DREAM (dynamic resource / environmental ...