Blar i Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) på forfatter "Dagsvik, John K."
A behavioral two-sex marriage model
Dagsvik, John K.; Brunborg, Helge; Flaatten, Ane S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)In this paper we propose a particular marriage model, i.e., a model for the number of marriages for each age combination as a function of the vectors of the number of single men and women in each age group. The model is ... -
A framework for analyzing rank ordered data with application to automobile demand
Dagsvik, John K.; Liu, Gang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this paper we develop a general random utility framework for analyzing data on individuals' rank orderings. Specifically, we show that in the case with 3 alternatives one can express the probability of a particular rank ... -
A framework for empirical modelling of consumer demand with latent quality attributes
Dagsvik, John K.; Zhu, Yu; Aaberge, Rolf (Discussion Papers;No. 229, Working paper, 1998)This paper discusses a particular approach to empirical consumer demand modelling when products are differentiated and the product attributes are unobservable. In contrast to the traditional approach to this problem, see ... -
A framework for estimating disequilibrium models with many markets
Andreassen, Leif (Discussion papers;138, Working paper, 1995-02)This paper presents a framework for estimating non-Walrasian models with many markets based on the virtual price approach in Lee (1986). The paper discusses an open economy multi-market non-Walrasian model with many agents ... -
Aggregate behavior in matching markets with fl exible contracts and non-transferable representations of preferences
Dagsvik, John K.; Jia, Zhiyang (Discussion Papers;No. 875, Working paper, 2018-05-30)This paper modifies and extends the aggregate equilibrium models for matching markets developed earlier in the literature. Agents in the matching market search for a match among potential partners, including agreements ... -
Aggregate marginal costs of public funds
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we discuss aggregate measures of marginal costs of public funds (MCF) in populations that are heterogeneous with respect to observed as well as unobserved characteristics. We first discuss how to compute MCF ... -
Aggregation in matching markets
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 173, Working paper, 1996)This paper develops aggregate relations for a matching market of heterogeneous suppliers and demanders. The point of departure is the analysis of two-sided matching found in Roth and Sotomayor (1990). Under particular ... -
Aggregation when Markets do not Clear
Andreassen, Leif (Discussion papers;139, Working paper, 1995-02)This paper presents a method for aggregation across markets in a Non-Walrasian model, focusing mainly on labor markets. The method utilizes a probabilistic approach based on aggregating across virtual price functions instead ... -
Agricultural production with uncertain water supply
Dagsvik, John K.; Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion Papers;No. 370, Working paper, 2004)Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for analysis of multioutput agricultural production when the supply of water is uncertain. Specifically, we assume that the farmer operates as if the decision ... -
An alternative approach to labor supply modeling : emphasizing job-type as choice variable
Dagsvik, John K.; Jia, Zhiyang (Discussion Papers;No. 550, Working paper, 2008)Abstract: Traditional labor supply analysis is based on the assumption that workers only have preferences over consumption and hours of work, and are able to choose consumption and hours freely within the budget constraint. ... -
Analysis of the discouraged worker phenomenon : evidence from micro data
Dagsvik, John K.; Kornstad, Tom; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 453, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: In this paper we analyze labor force participation with particular reference to the discouraged worker effect. The theoretical point of departure is a simple model where the worker evaluates the expected utility ... -
Analyzing labor supply behavior with latent job opportunity sets and institutional choice constraints
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 344, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: In this paper we discuss a general framework for analyzing labor supply behavior in the presence of complicated budget- and quantity constraints of which some are unobserved. The point of departure is that an ... -
Axiomatization of stochastic models for choice under uncertainty
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 465, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This paper develops a theory of probabilistic models for risky choices. Part of this theory can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory to account for bounded rationality. One probabilistic ... -
Axiomatization of stochastic models for choice under uncertainty
Dagsvik, John K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)This paper develops a theory of probabilistic models for risky choices. This theory can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory. One probabilistic version of the Archimedean Axiom and two versions of the ... -
Behavioral multistate duration models : what should they look like?
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 688, Working paper, 2012)Abstract: This paper discusses how specification of probabilistic models for multistate duration data generated by individual choices should be justified on a priori theoretical grounds. Preferences are assumed represented ... -
A Behavioral two-sex marriage model
Dagsvik, John K.; Flaatten, Ane S.; Brunborg, Helge (Discussion Papers;No. 238, Working paper, 1998)In this paper we discuss a particular marriage model, i.e., a model for the number of marriages for each age combination as a function of the vectors of the number of single men and women in each age group. The model is ... -
Betydningen av motløshet for yrkesdeltaking
Dagsvik, John K.; Kornstad, Tom; Skjerpen, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Motløse arbeidere kjennetegnes ved at de søker arbeid i oppgangskonjukturer mens de trekker seg ut av arbeidsmarkedet når tidene blir dårligere og det er vanskelig å finne nytt arbeid. De representerer dermed en skjult ... -
Choice among lotteries when preferences are stochastic
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 221, Working paper, 1998)Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of specifying probabilistic models for choices (strategies) with uncertain outcomes. The point of departure is an extension of the axiom system of the von Neumann-Morgenstern ... -
Choice probabilities and equilibrium conditions in a matching market with flexible contracts
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Paper;No. 94, Working paper, 1993-08)The purpose of the paper is to develop discrete and continuous probabilistic choice models for a matching market of heterogeneous suppliers and demanders. The point of departure is similar to that of Tinbergen (1956) which ... -
Choice under uncertainty and bounded rationality
Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 409, Working paper, 2005)Abstract: This paper develops a theory for probabilistic models for risky choices that can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory to account for bounded rationality. One probabilistic version of the ...