Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Liu, Gang"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A Behavioral model of work-trip mode choice in Shanghai
Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 444, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This paper analyzes travelers’ choice behavior by using data from a stated preference survey on work-trip mode choice in Shanghai. Several versions of a multinomial choice model are specified and estimated. ... -
A causality analysis on GDP and air emissions in Norway
Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 447, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This paper conducts Granger-causality tests on real per capita GDP and four types of air emissions (CO2, CO, SO2 and NOx) by using Norwegian data covering the period 1973-2003. The test results indicate that ... -
A framework for analyzing rank ordered data with application to automobile demand
Dagsvik, John K.; Liu, Gang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this paper we develop a general random utility framework for analyzing data on individuals' rank orderings. Specifically, we show that in the case with 3 alternatives one can express the probability of a particular rank ... -
A stylized satellite account for human capital
Liu, Gang (Discussion papers;816, Working paper, 2015-08)This paper presents a satellite account in which investment in human capital is considered as a produced product/asset. It is not the education sector but the individual person taking education or training/courses that is ... -
Compiling physical asset accounts for petroleum resources in Norway
Liu, Gang; Midttun, Sindre (Notater;2024/7, Working paper, 2024-02)The physical asset accounts for petroleum resources on the Norwegian continental shelf over the period 2017-2022 are compiled according to SEEA-CF standard, in terms of the suggested form and classifications, allowing ... -
Estimating energy demand elasticities for OECD countries. A dynamic panel data approach
Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 373, Working paper, 2004)Abstract: This paper estimates price and GDP/income elasticities of several energy goods in OECD countries over 1978 to 1999 by applying the one-step GMM estimation method suggested by Arellano and Bond (1991) to a panel ... -
A Framework for analyzing rank ordered panel data with application to automobile demand
Dagsvik, John K.; Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 480, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: In this paper we develop a framework for analyzing panel data with observations on rank ordered alternatives that allows for correlated random taste shifters across time and across alternatives. As a special ... -
How well do tree plantations comply with the twin targets of the clean development mechanism? : the case of tree plantations in Tanzania
Glomsrød, Solveig; Liu, Gang; Wei, Taoyuan; Aune, Jens B. (Discussion Papers;No. 534, Working paper, 2008)Abstract: This paper studies the effect of a CDM tree-planting project on carbon sequestration and urban and rural income distribution, taking economy-wide impacts into account. Carbon sequestration in agricultural soil ... -
Implementering av grunn i inntekts- og kapitalregnskapet
Scheele, Marius; Amdal, Nils; Melsom, Ella Tenmann; Liu, Gang; Kurta, Dior (Notater / Documents;2019/2, Working paper, 2019-01-14)Dette prosjektet har hatt som formål å forbedre beregningene som gjøres av leie av grunn, samt kjøp og salg av grunn på tvers av sektorer og type grunn. Inntekts- og kapitalregnskapet (IKR) viser alle inntekts- og ... -
Including land as a balance sheet item in the Norwegian National Accounts
Liu, Gang (Notater / Documents;2016/01, Working paper, 2016-01-08)This document discusses the definition and scope of land as an asset, and how to register land, esp. rented land in the balance sheets. The accounting links and associated entries related to land from opening to closing ... -
Is it necessary and feasible to estimate the asset value from oilfield level?
Liu, Gang; Midttun, Sindre (Notater;2024/8, Working paper, 2024-02)This paper aims to assess the necessity and feasibility of applying the ‘Bottom-up’ approach at the oilfield level to estimate the asset value of petroleum resources on the Norwegian continental shelf by following the ... -
Measuring human capital for Norway 2007-2014
Liu, Gang (Notater / Documents;2018/40, Working paper, 2018-10-05)Using the Norwegian register-based database, this document outlines the estimation of Norwegian human capital for 2007-2014. The estimated results must be interpreted as experimental and are not yet an official version ... -
Norwegian National Accounts - GNI Inventory for ESA 2010. 2019 version
Liu, Gang; Todsen, Steinar (Notater;2023/13, Working paper, 2023-03)This document provides a comprehensive documentation of data sources and methods for calculating the central variables gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI) in the Norwegian national accounts. ... -
On Nash equilibrium in prices in an oligopolistic market with demand characterized by a nested multinomial logit model and multiproduct firm as nest
Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 454, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This note provides a proof on existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in prices in a market where the demand side is characterized by a nested multinomial logit model with multiproduct firm as nest and ... -
On the measurement of nonmarket hospital services in the Norwegian National Accounts
Liu, Gang (Notater;2023/9, Working paper, 2023-03)Somatic services rendered by central government-owned hospitals account for a significant part of nonmarket activities in Norway. The output volume of these services has been currently measured by the summed DRG ... -
Structural Change and Productivity in the Market Economy of Mainland Norway: 1997-2014
Liu, Gang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Based on a newly compiled Norwegian KLEMS database, this article investigates structural change and productivity in the market economy of mainland Norway for the 1997-2014 period. The findings largely confirm the general ... -
Structural development in the market economy of mainland Norway 1997-2014
Liu, Gang (Rapporter;2018/12, Report, 2018-04-13)Using the Norwegian KLEMS database, this report investigates the structural development in the market economy of mainland Norway over 1997-2014. The findings largely confirm the trends that have been identified by many ... -
Subsidising carbon capture : effects on energy prices and market shares in the power market
Aune, Finn Roar; Liu, Gang; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Sagen, Eirik Lund (Discussion Papers;595, Working paper, 2009)This paper examines how ambitious climate policies and subsidies to carbon capture may affect international energy prices and market shares in the power market. A detailed numerical model of the international energy markets ... -
Testing the split of economic ownership for petroleum resources in Norway
Liu, Gang (Notater/Documents;2023/24, Working paper, 2023-05)Based on the Norwegian experiences, a long-term average pattern is identified as regards the distribution of resource rent due to petroleum activities, which can be used to split the economic ownership of oil and gas ... -
The Norwegian KLEMS Growth and Productivity Accounts. 1997-2014
Liu, Gang (Notater / Documents;2017/38, Working paper, 2017-11-10)This paper documents the theoretical methodologies and practical compilation procedures for constructing the Norwegian KLEMS database 1997-2014. This database comprises output, intermediate input, labor, capital, and ...