Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Rege, Mari"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
An experimental investigation of social norms
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 310, Working paper, 2001)Abstract: Several economists have maintained that social and internalized norms can enforce cooperation in public good situations. This experimental study investigates impacts of social and internalized norms for cooperation ... -
Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long Run Outcomes : evidence from Norwegian Registry Data
Kalil, Ariel; Mogstad, Magne; Rege, Mari; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No 589, Working paper, 2009)This study examines the link between divorced nonresident fathers’ proximity and children’s long-run outcomes using high-quality data from Norwegian population registers. We follow (from birth to young adulthood) 15,992 ... -
Does public policy crowd out private contributions to public goods?
Nyborg, Karine; Rege, Mari (Discussion Papers;No. 300, Working paper, 2001)Abstract: It is sometimes claimed that individuals’ contributions to public goods are not motivated by economic costs and benefits alone, but that people also have a moral or norm-based motivation. A number of studies ... -
The effect of plant closure on crime
Rege, Mari; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;593, Working paper, 2009)We estimate the effect of exposure to plant closure on crime using an individual-level panel data set containing criminal charges for all unmarried and employed Norwegian men below the age of 40. Men originally employed ... -
Home with Mom. The effects of stay-at-home parents on children's long-run educational outcomes
Bettinger, Eric; Hægeland, Torbjørn; Rege, Mari (Discussion papers;739, Working paper, 2013-05)In 1998 the Norwegian government introduced a program that substantially increased parents’ incentives to stay home with children under the age of three. Many eligible children had older siblings, and we investigate how ... -
Hva skjer med barna når mor eller far mister jobben?
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil (Journal article, 2012)Det finnes en stor faglitteratur som viser at det kan være svært belastende for et menneske å miste jobben. Jobbtap øker sannsynligheten for langtidsledighet og uføretrygd, og har en negativ effekt på fremtidig ... -
Indirect social sanctions from monetarily unaffected strangers in a public good game
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 359, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: Several economists have maintained that social sanctions can enforce cooperation in public good situations. This experimental study investigates whether indirect social sanctions from monetarily unaffected ... -
Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data
Rege, Mari; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)We estimate the job displacement effect on criminal behavior for young adult Norwegian men separated from their plant of employment during a mass layoff. Displaced workers experience a 20 percent increase in criminal charge ... -
Networking strategy: Cooperate today in order to meet a cooperator tomorrow
Rege, Mari (Discussion Papers;No. 282, Working paper, 2000)This paper explains why people might cooperate playing an infinitely recurring prisoners' dilemma in which they change their partner in every period. After two people have played the prisoners' dilemma there is a possibility ... -
Parental job loss and children's school performance
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No. 517, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: Using Norwegian register data we estimate how children’s school performance is affected by their parents’ exposure to plant closure. Fathers’ exposure leads to a substantial decline in children’s graduation-year ... -
Plant Closure and Marital Dissolution
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No. 514, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: We estimate the effect of plant closure on divorce using a panel data set comprising more than 80,000 married couples in Norway. Plant closure substantially increases the likelihood of marital dissolution of ... -
Social Interaction Effects in Disability Pension Participation. Evidence from Plant Downsizing
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No. 496, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: We estimate the magnitude of social interaction effects in disability pension participation among older workers in Norway. Specifically, we investigate how a worker’s propensity to draw disability benefits is ... -
Social Norms and Private Provision of Public Goods. Endogenous Peer Groups
Rege, Mari (Discussion papers;257, Working paper, 1999-07)The formation of peer groups with social norms for private contributions to a public good is analyzed in an n-player two stage game. First people choose a peer group, then they choose whether to contribute. The first choice ... -
The Effect of plant downsizing on disability pension utilization
Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No. 435, Working paper, 2005)Abstract: We investigate the impact of plant downsizing on disability pension utilization in Norway. Plant downsizing substantially increases the disability entry rate of workers in affected plants. Workers originally ... -
The Evolution of considerate smoking behavior
Nyborg, Karine; Rege, Mari (Discussion Papers;No. 279, Working paper, 2000)This paper studies the formation of social norms for considerate smoking behavior. Being considerate gives smokers a higher social approval from non-smokers, but imposes an inconvenience cost. A non-smoker's disapproval ... -
The intergenerational transfer of the employment gender gap
Haaland, Venke Furre; Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion papers;767, Working paper, 2014-01)Despite well-documented convergence during the later years of the 20th century, labor market attachment remains markedly higher for men than for women. The current paper employs rich longitudinal registry data to investigate ... -
Tidlig læring og sosial mobilitet: Norske barns muligheter til å lykkes i utdanningsløpet og arbeidslivet
Mogstad, Magne; Rege, Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Familiebakgrunn har stor betydning for barns utvikling. Flere internasjonale studier viser at skoleprestasjoner, utdanningsnivå, arbeidsmarkedstilknytning og lønn er avhengige av familiebakgrunn. Spesielt viser studiene ... -
Økonomisk modellering av sosiale normer : om røykeloven og hensynsfulle røykere
Nyborg, Karine; Rege, Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)I denne artikkelen presenterer vi resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse som viser at røykere opptrådte langt mer hensynsfullt overfor ikke-røykere i private hjem i 1999 enn 10 - 15 år tidligere. Også forventningene om ...