Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Skarðhamar, Torbjørn"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Age at immigration and crime. Findings for male immigrants in Norway
Andersen, Synøve Nygaard; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion papers;728, Working paper, 2012-12)Previous studies have identified an “immigrant paradox” in crime in which crime rates are highest among immigrants who are young when they arrive in the host country, even though social capital and integration in the labour ... -
Crime and the transition to marriage. The roles of gender and partner’s criminal involvement
Monsbakken, Christian Weisæth; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 678, Working paper, 2012)Several previous studies have argued that marriage leads to a decline in criminal propensity. Most of these studies have focused on men and have given little attention to the characteristics of their partner and events ... -
Crime and the transition to parenthood. The role of sex and relationship context
Monsbakken, Christian Weisæth; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde (Discussion Papers;673, Working paper, 2012)Research on desistance from crime has paid little attention to parenthood as a “turning point”. In this paper, we use Norwegian register data on a population of men and women who had their first child between 1995 and 2001 ... -
Crime and the transition to teenage parenthood
Øien-Ødegaard, Carine; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion papers;812, Working paper, 2015-06)Age-graded social control theory suggests that parenthood can have a preventive effect on crimeamong adults, but it is unclear whether and how this applies to teenagers, as teenage parenthood and affiliation with crime ... -
Desistance from crime. How much can be explained by life course transitions?
Aase, Kjersti N.; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion papers;791, Working paper, 2014-11)Objectives: Previous studies have argued that marriage, parenthood and employment are important factors that lead to desistance from crime. However, the effects of these events only apply to those experiencing them and do ... -
Do welfare-to-work initiatives work? : evidence from an activation programme targeted at social security recipients in Norway
Rønsen, Marit; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 519, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: This paper presents results from an evaluation of a Norwegian initiative to combat poverty launched in 2003. Central to the plan is a broad spectrum of rehabilitation and activation measures intended to help ... -
Does employment contribute to desistance? Offending trajectories of crime-prone men around the time of job entry
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Savolainen, Jukka (Discussion papers;716, Working paper, 2012-11)Influential perspectives in life course criminology maintain that transitions to adult social roles play an important role in the termination of criminal careers. Along with marriage, employment is frequently associated ... -
Does parental income matter for onset of offending?
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;588, Working paper, 2009)Although several established theories of crime often suggest an association between socio-economic background and youth criminal involvement, the empirical evidence for such claims diverges considerably. The aim of this ... -
The effect of plant closure on crime
Rege, Mari; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;593, Working paper, 2009)We estimate the effect of exposure to plant closure on crime using an individual-level panel data set containing criminal charges for all unmarried and employed Norwegian men below the age of 40. Men originally employed ... -
Family formation, fatherhood and crime : an invitation to a broader perspectives on crime and family transitions
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde (Discussion Papers; 579, Working paper, 2009)Using large-scale individual-level Norwegian administrative register data on the total population of men, we study the offending rates five years prior to and after five different family-related transitions. Leading ... -
Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data
Rege, Mari; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)We estimate the job displacement effect on criminal behavior for young adult Norwegian men separated from their plant of employment during a mass layoff. Displaced workers experience a 20 percent increase in criminal charge ... -
Kriminalitet og straff blant innvandrere og øvrig befolkning : Korrigert versjon 12.09.11
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Thorsen, Lotte Rustad; Henriksen, Kristin (Rapporter;2011/21, Report, 2011)Denne rapporten beskriver registrert kriminalitet og straff blant innvandrere og norskfødte med innvandrerforeldre, sammenlignet med den øvrige befolkningen. Fra tidligere studier vet vi at innvandrere er overrepresentert ... -
Levekår og flyttemønstre i Oslo indre øst
Barstad, Anders; Havnen, Eli; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Sørlie, Kjetil (Rapporter;2006/15, Report, 2006)Handlingsprogram Oslo indre øst, som startet opp høsten 1997 og avsluttes i 2006, er statens og kommunens felles satsing for å bedre levekårene i de tre bydelene Sagene-Torshov, Grünerløkka-Sofienberg og Gamle Oslo. ... -
Life after prison : the relationship between employment and re-incarceration
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;597, Working paper, 2009)We explore the relationship between formal employment and recidivism using a dataset that follows every Norwegian resident released from prison in 2003 for several years. By the end of 2006, 27 percent are re-incarcerated. ... -
Like og forskjellige : ikke-vestlige innvandrere og kriminalitet
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Journal article, 2006-10)Sammenlignet med resten av befolkningen er ikke-vestlige innvandrere overrepresentert blant personer siktet for forbrytelser. Levekårsproblemer forekommer også noe hyppigere blant ikke-vestlige innvandrere. Bosted, integrasjon ... -
Livet etter soning - hindrer arbeid tilbakefall? : etter avsonet dom - arbeid og risiko for ny fengsling
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil (Journal article, 2009)Innsatte som hadde jobb da de ble løslatt fra fengselet, havnet sjeldnere bak murene igjen enn de uten jobb. En fjerdedel av dem som slapp ut fra fengsel i 2003 var sysselsatt ved løslatelsen. Blant dem som ikke var det, ... -
Modelling ‘crime-proneness’ : a comparison of models for repeated count outcomes
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Schweder, Tore; Schweder, Simen Gan (Discussion Papers;611, Working paper, 2010)In the criminal career literature, the individual-level age-crime relationship is commonly modelled using generalized linear mixed models, where between-individual heterogeneity is then handled through specifying random ... -
Noen få veier tungt i kriminalitetsbildet
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Journal article, 2004-06)At personer begår et og annet lovbrudd i løpet av ungdomstiden er ikke så uvanlig. To av ti personer født 1977 ble siktet for minst ett lovbrudd i løpet av tiden mellom fylte 14 og 24 år. En av ti ble siktet for forbrytelser. ... -
Pick a number. Mapping recidivism measures and their consequences
Andersen, Synøve Nygaard; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion papers;772, Working paper, 2014-03)Recidivism studies differ with respect to samples, definitions and follow-up periods. While it is recognized that such differences hamper comparability, there is little systematic knowledge about how recidivism figures are ... -
Reconsidering the theory on adolescent-limited and life-course persistent antisocial behaviour
Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;587, Working paper, 2009)This article presents a critical review of the taxonomic theory of adolescent-limited and life-course persistent antisocial behaviour (Moffitt 1993) and its empirical evidence. This influential theory suggests that there ...