• Broadband internet and the stock market investments of individual investors 

      Hvide, Hans K.; Meling, Tom G.; Mogstad, Magne; Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Discussion Paper;No. 946, Working paper, 2021-01)
      We study the effects of broadband internet use on the portfolio selection of individual investors. A public program in Norway provides plausibly exogenous variation in internet use. Our instrumental variables estimates ...
    • Do employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards? 

      Blandhol, Christine; Mogstad, Magne; Nilsson, Peter; Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Discussion Paper;No. 947, Working paper, 2021-01)
      Do employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards? Economists and policymakers are keenly interested in this question – especially lately, as worker representation is widely promoted as an important way ...
    • Inntektsvekst over livsløpet 

      Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Rapporter;2014/3, Report, 2014-01)
    • Labour supply effects of early retirement provision 

      Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Discussion papers;717, Working paper, 2012-11)
      The main objective of this paper is to estimate labour supply effects of an early retirement programme in Norway. Detailed administrative data are employed in order to characterize full paths towards retirement and account ...
    • Life expectancy and claiming behavior in a flexible pension system 

      Brinch, Christian N.; Fredriksen, Dennis; Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Discussion Papers;No. 859, Working paper, 2017-05-26)
      We study the relationship between early claiming of pensions and incentives in the highly flexible Norwegian public pension system, measuring incentives to claim based on an estimated model for expected longevity. Despite ...
    • Virkninger av jobbskattefradrag på innvandreres arbeidstilbud 

      Bhuller, Manudeep; Vestad, Ola Lotherington; Aaberge, Rolf (Rapporter;2016/38, Report, 2016-12-12)
      Jobbskattefradrag fører til at innvandreres deltakelse i arbeidsmarkedet øker, mens skatteinngangen til det offentlige reduseres, viser denne rapporten som analyserer virkningene av å innføre skattelettelser for arbeidsinntekt ...
    • What can we learn about household consumption expenditure from data on income and assets? 

      Eika, Lasse; Mogstad, Magne; Vestad, Ola Lotherington (Discussion Paper;No. 923, Working paper, 2020-03)
      A major difficulty faced by researchers who want to study the consumption and savings behavior of households is the lack of reliable panel data on household expenditures. One possibility is to use surveys that follow the ...