Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Strøm, Steinar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Analyzing labor supply behavior with latent job opportunity sets and institutional choice constraints
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 344, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: In this paper we discuss a general framework for analyzing labor supply behavior in the presence of complicated budget- and quantity constraints of which some are unobserved. The point of departure is that an ... -
The choice of space heating system and energy consumption in Norwegian household
Nesbakken, Runa; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 102, Working paper, 1993-12)The procurement of space heating equipment is modelled jointly with the intensity of use. Annualized capital cost ("user cost of capital") is found to have a significant impact on the procurement decision. This impact ... -
Do more equal slices shrink the cake? An empirical investigation of tax-transfer reform proposals in Italy
Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo; Strøm, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)A crucial issue in efficiency-equality evaluations of tax reforms resides in the possibility that the level as well as the distribution of welfare may change, where the household-specific measures of welfare capture the ... -
Energiforbruk til oppvarmingsformål i husholdningene
Nesbakken, Runa; Strøm, Steinar (Rapporter;1993/10, Report, 1993-06-01) -
Et effektivt kraftmarked – konsekvenser for kraftkrevende næringer og regioner
Bye, Torstein; Hoel, Michael; Strøm, Steinar (Sosiale og økonomiske studier;102, Book, 1999)Store deler av den kraftkrevende industrien og treforedlingsindustrien har kraftpriskontrakter der prisene har vært fastsatt gjennom politiske prosesser, noe som har gitt denne industrien lavere kraftpriser enn andre ... -
Fuel choice and the demand for natural gas in Western European households
Bartlett, Sarita; Dagsvik, John K.; Olsen, Øystein; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 23, Working paper, 1987)The paper presents an econometric model for analysing natural gas demand for space heating in the residential sector in Weste rn Europe. A discrete-continuous • dynamic choice model is specified. Households' decisions ... -
Gifte kvinners arbeidstilbud, skatter og fordelingsvirkninger
Dagsvik, John K.; Ljones, Olav; Strøm, Steinar; Aaberge, Rolf (Rapporter;1986/14, Report, 1986)I denne rapporten analyseres gifte kvinners arbeidstilbud. Datamaterialet som utnyttes er hentet fra Levekårsundersøkelsen 1980 og Inntektsundersøkelsen 1979. Dette datamaterialet gir mulighet for å analysere sammenhengene ... -
Inntektsulikhet i Norge 1973-1990
Strøm, Steinar; Wennemo, Tom; Aaberge, Rolf (Rapporter;1993/17, Report, 1993)Denne rapporten gir en beskrivelse av utviklingen i ulikhet i fordelingen av årsinntekt i Norge for perioden 1973-1990. Datamaterialet som benyttes er Inntekts- og formuesundersøkelsene for årene 1973, 1979, 1982, ... -
Strøm, Steinar (Journal article, 1998)Det sterkeste argumentet for kontantstøtten er at den fører til at mødre blir hjemme med sine små barn. Det må ha vært regjeringens målsetting. Kontantstøtten kan føre til et langt lavere tilbud av arbeid fra gifte ... -
Kontantstøtten : svar til Thoresen og Løyland (TL)
Strøm, Steinar (Others, 1998)Fra og med 1.1. 1999 (oppstart for 1 åringer i august 1998) vil de foreldre som sier nei til en statsstøttet barnehageplass få utbetalt statsstøtten. Klarere kan en vel ikke få sagt at en skal få betalt for ikke å ... -
Kraftpriser og kraftforbruk
Bye, Torstein; Strøm, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1987)Marginalkostnadene for kraft levert alminnelig forsyning er høyere enn for kraftkrevende industri bl.a. pga. distribusjonskostnader og jevnere effektbelastning i kraftkrevende industri. Korrigert for disse forskjellene ... -
Labor supply analysis with non-convex Budget sets without the Hausman approach
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 857, Working paper, 2017-03-14)When the budget set is non-convex the application of the Hausman approach to estimate labor supply functions will in general be cumbersome because labor supply no longer depends solely on marginal criteria (first order ... -
Labor supply in Italy
Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 92, Working paper, 1993-07)The present study tries to overcome some of the shortcomings of the standard empirical labor supply models by applying an alternative approach which allows for complex non-convex budget sets, highly non-linear labor supply ... -
A labor supply model for married couples with non-convex budget sets and latent rationing
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 36, Working paper, 1988-06)The basic assumption in this paper is that individuals make their choices from a set of latent discrete alternatives, called matches. Given the match, hours of work, wages and non-pecuniary characteristics follow. This ... -
Labor supply responses and welfare effects from replacing current tax rules by a flat tax: Empirical evidence from Italy, Norway and Sweden
Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo; Strøm, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000)This paper employs a microeconometric framework to examine the labor supply responses and the welfare effects from replacing current tax systems in Italy, Norway and Sweden by a flat tax on total income. The flat tax rates ... -
Labor supply with non-convex budget sets, hours restriction and non-pecuniary job-attributes
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 76, Working paper, 1992-09)The basic assumption in this paper is that a household labor supply decision can be considered as choice from a set of discrete alternatives, called matches. The matches are characterized by attributes such as hours of ... -
Labor supply, income distribution and excess burden of personal income taxation in Norway
Aaberge, Rolf; Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 54, Working paper, 1990-12)This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of labor supply for married couples in NorwaS, based on a new modelling approach. This new framework is particularly convenient for dealing with'complicated budget ... -
Labor supply, income distribution and excess burden of personal income taxation in Sweden
Aaberge, Rolf; Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Paper;No. 53, Working paper, 1990-12)The paper presents results from a labor supply study on Swedish data. The estimated labor supply model is based on a new methodological approach. This approach is well suited for taking into account complex nonlinear and ... -
Marginal compensated effects in discrete labor supply models
Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar; Locatelli, Marilena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper develops analytic results for marginal compensated effects in discrete labor supply models, including a Slutsky equation. The Slutsky equation is aggregate in the sense that it establishes the relationship between ... -
Non-convex budget set, hours restriction and labour supply in Sweden
Anderson, Irene A. K.; Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar; Wennemo, Tom (Discussion Paper;No. 33, Working paper, 1988-05)This paper presents the results of a labor supply study based on Swedish labor market data and data from filled-in tax returns. The model is designed to deal with non-convex budget sets (implied by the tax and social ...