• A framework for estimating disequilibrium models with many markets 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion papers;138, Working paper, 1995-02)
      This paper presents a framework for estimating non-Walrasian models with many markets based on the virtual price approach in Lee (1986). The paper discusses an open economy multi-market non-Walrasian model with many agents ...
    • Aggregation when Markets do not Clear 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion papers;139, Working paper, 1995-02)
      This paper presents a method for aggregation across markets in a Non-Walrasian model, focusing mainly on labor markets. The method utilizes a probabilistic approach based on aggregating across virtual price functions instead ...
    • Demographic forecasting with a dynamic stochastic microsimulation model 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion Paper;No. 85, Working paper, 1993-03)
      This paper summarizes some of the main features of demographic microsimulatiori modeling, including a comparison with other demographic forecasting techniques. It also presents a dynamic stochastic microsimulation model, ...
    • Framskriving av arbeidsstyrke og utdanning. Mikrosimuleringsmodellen MOSART 1 

      Andreassen, Leif; Andreassen, Truls; Fredriksen, Dennis; Spurkland, Gina; Vogt, Yngve (Rapporter;1993/6, Report, 1993-05-21)
    • Mortality, fertility and old age care in a two-sex growth model 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion Papers;No. 378, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of decreasing mortality in explaining demographic change over the last century. A two-sex overlapping generations model is used where care both for children and the elderly ...
    • The Future burden of public pension benefits. A microsimulation study 

      Andreassen, Leif; Fredriksen, Dennis; Ljones, Olav (Discussion Papers;No. 115, Working paper, 1994)
      The microsimulation model MOSART is used to analyse the long run development in disability and old-age pensions covered by the Norwegian National Insurance System. The number of pensioners will increase relative to the ...
    • Theoretical and econometric modeling of disequilibrium 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion Paper;No. 83, Working paper, 1993-02)
      This paper surveys some recent work in the theoretical and econometric disequilibrium literature. The first .part of the paper gives an overview of some the main concepts used in the theory of non-Walrasian economics. These ...
    • Transitions to disability and rehabilitation 

      Andreassen, Leif; Kornstad, Tom (Discussion Papers;641, Working paper, 2010)
      The discrete choice model of McFadden (1973) is used to quantify the desire for going into rehabilitation or disability among fully employed married women in Norway. Predictions using the model indicate that as much as 60 ...
    • Utviklingen i sykefraværet på 1990-tallet 

      Andreassen, Leif; Kornstad, Tom (Journal article, 2007)
      Langtidssykemelding er en belastning for individer, bedrifter og det offentlige, både direkte og indirekte, ved at langtidssykemeldte ofte ender opp som uføretrygdede. Derfor har økningen i antall langtidssykemeldte store ...