• Automatic editing of individual statistical observations 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Statistical Standards and Studies;No. 3, Conference lecture, 1963)
      1. Electronic computers or data processing machines have for some years been used at several stages of statistical processing. The fields of application range from sorting, tallying, cumulating and editing to advanced ...
    • Automatic files in statistical systems 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Statistical Standards and Studies. Handbook;No. 9, Conference lecture, 1967)
      The existing statistical systems are designed for satisfying conditions which are changing rapidly today. The most marked feature of the existing systems of many countries is their extensive periodic surveys. The surveys ...
    • Bruk av en EDB-maskin i statistikkproduksjonen 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1959)
      Fra å bære et biprodukt av annen virksomhet har statistikkproduksjonen i et moderne samfunn utviklet seg til en stor og krevende databearbeidingsoppgave. Da Statistisk sentralbyra i Norge ble opprettet i 1876, ble dette ...
    • Comment [about "Can a statistician deliver? by Platek and Särndal] 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 2001)
      "Can a statistician deliver?" by Platek and Särndal is one of the important recent articles on the activities of national statistical institutes (NSIs). Their discussion covers many questions, including statistics disseminated ...
    • Dataarkiver 

      Aukrust, Odd; Nordbotten, Svein (Arbeidsnotater (Statistisk sentralbyrå) / IO;1969/2, Working paper, 1969)
      Den tradisjonelle måte å lage statistikk på, er ved undersøkelser i form av tellinger. Ved en telling blir opplysninger i de fleste tilfelle hentet inn på skjemaer fra individuelle oppgavegivere. Skjemaene undergis en ...
    • Editing statistical records by neural networks 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1995)
      Editing records to ensure quality in statistical surveys is an expensive and timeconsuming process. Since the introduction of computers in statistical processing, development and use of automated editing have been important ...
    • Long-range planning, progress- and cost-reporting in the Central bureau of statistics of Norway 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1966)
      As most firms and agencies, a statistical office has an administrative need for measuring and describing its own activities in different ways to predict future needs for resources, allocate resources and control ...
    • Meta-data about editing and accuracy for end users 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Working paper, 2000)
      This paper focuses on the needs of the end users of statistics for metadata about the statistics offered by the statistical producers. It is set within a framework proposed in an earlier paper [Nordbotten 2000a]. Since ...
    • Neural network imputation applied to the Norwegian 1990 population census data 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1996)
      Abstract: When adequate administrative registers are available, population censuses can be carried out by supplementing the administrative data with data compiled from sample surveys. A problem is, however, to obtain ...
    • A note on Transmittal of Specifications and Communications Between Subject-Matter and Processing Specialists 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Working paper, 1968)
      This note on transmittal of specifications and communications between subject-matter and processing specialists in a statistical bureau is prepared with particular reference to the procedures being used in the Norwegian ...
    • On library routines in the statistical data production 

      Nordbotten, Svein; Aastorp, Thor (Journal article, 1962)
      Early in the history of program controlled computer application, users learned that programming efforts might be saved if programs and subroutines were written to satisfy certain criteria as to general use, and the ...
    • On statistical file systems II 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1967)
      At the Nordic statistical meeting in Helsinki 1960, some ideas were presented under the name Statistical file system (2). The aim of the present paper is to discuss some further views connected to such a system and ...
    • Prediction and imputation in ISEE: tools for more efficient use of combined data sources 

      Zhang, Li-Chun; Nordbotten, Svein (Conference lecture, 2008)
      The development of an Integrated System for Editing and Estimation (ISEE) is an important part in Statistics Norway's strategic plans for improvement of statistical production processes and more efficient use of available ...
    • Prosjektet Variabelkatalog og et referansesystem til arkivert numerisk informasjon 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Arbeidsnotater IO;nr 73/8, Working paper, 1972)
      Begrepet variabelkatalog har gjennom flere år gått igjen i arbeidsprogrammer og prosjektbeskrivelser. I den senere tid har det bl.a. vært trukket fram i forbindelse med Byråets opplysningsvirksomhet og markedsføring av ...
    • A statistical file system 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1966)
      This paper is based on the assumption that the society shall continue to grow both in size and complexity. The condition lor growth in a wanted direction is, however, that the decision-making units will at any time ...
    • United Nations Statistical Office 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1982)
      This contribution to Statistisk tidskrift reviews the development which preceeded the establishment of the United Nations Statistical Office, the current work of the UNSO and some views on its future tasks. The article ...
    • The use of administrative data in official statistics - past, present and future : with special reference to the Nordic countries 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Chapter, 2010)
      The rolls, from which conscripts were called for working on the pyramids, may have been among the first administrative data sources for preparing statistics. Later rulers enrolled males for recruiting members to their ...