A statistical file system
Original version
Statistisk tidskrift, Nr. 2, 1966Abstract
This paper is based on the assumption
that the society shall continue to grow
both in size and complexity. The condition
lor growth in a wanted direction
is, however, that the decision-making
units will at any time have access to
an increasing amount of information
describing the different aspects of the
structure and changes of the society.
This seems to represent an extremely
requiring task for the statisticians.
The statisticians have so far been
able to satisfy reasonable requirements
partly by utilizing electronic data processing
equipment. The development of
these technical tools is probably at
least as fast as the general development
of the society and if we accept the
electronic data processing systems as
tools we want to utilize, the chances of
being able to keep up with the increasing
requirements seem to be favorable.
The paper is a translation of parts of the
paper, Elektronmaskinene og statistikkens
framtidige utforming, presented for the 7th
Meeting of Nordic Statisticians in Helsingfors
1960. The original paper also contained considerations
about future developments in
electronic data processing equipment.