Viser treff 121-138 av 138

    • A Variance Estimation R-package for Repeated Surveys - Useful for Estimates of Changes in Quarterly and Annual Averages 

      Langsrud, Øyvind (Journal article, 2016)
      This paper presents a newly developed R-package for calculation of variances of estimates based on data from several waves of a repeated survey with partly overlapping samples. Development of the package is a part of ...
    • Methods library of embedded R functions at Statistics Norway 

      Langsrud, Øyvind (Journal article, 2017)
      Statistics Norway is modernising the production processes. An important element in this work is a library of functions for statistical computations. In principle, the functions in such a methods library can be programmed ...
    • Trade and foreign direct investment‐related impacts of Brexit 

      Latorre, Maria C.; Olekseyuk, Zoryana; Yonezawa, Hidemichi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08)
      We offer a general-equilibrium analysis of Brexit incorporating the state-of-the-art differences in productivity and firms' selection within manufacturing sectors a la Melitz (Econometrica, 2003, 71, 1695) and multinationals ...
    • Structural Change and Productivity in the Market Economy of Mainland Norway: 1997-2014 

      Liu, Gang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Based on a newly compiled Norwegian KLEMS database, this article investigates structural change and productivity in the market economy of mainland Norway for the 1997-2014 period. The findings largely confirm the general ...
    • Early Childcare and Cognitive Development: Evidence from an Assignment Lottery 

      Drange, Nina; Havnes, Tarjei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Young children are thought to be vulnerable to separation from their primary caregiver. This raises concern about whether early childcare enrollment may harm child development. We use childcare assignment lotteries to ...
    • Beyond the Economic Gaze. Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries 

      Comolli, Chiara Ludovica; Neyer, Gerda; Andersson, Gunnar; Dommermuth, Lars; Fallesen, Peter; Jalovaara, Marika; Jónsson, Ari; Kolk, Martin; Lappegård, Trude (;Nr. 2019/16, Report, 2019)
      Abstract: This study investigates fertility responses to the business cycle in the Nordic countries by comparing period variation in women’s childbearing propensity. We harmonize register data from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, ...
    • An up-to-date joint labor supply and child care choice model 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Vattø, Trine Engh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Norwegian parents of preschool children base their care choices on a completely different choice set from their predecessor. Now there is essentially only one type of nonparental care – center-based care – and on the ...
    • NEET Status and Early versus Later Skills among Young Adults: Evidence from linked register-PIAAC data 

      Barth, Erling; Keute, Anna-Lena; Schøne, Pål; von Simson, Kristine; Steffensen, Kjartan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Do skills protect against exclusion in adult ages, and how important are the skills acquired before the age of 16 years versus those acquired later on? We match the scores on numeracy and literacy skills from the 2011 PIAAC ...
    • Efficient Combination of Taxes on Fuel and Vehicles 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A tax on fuel combined with tax exemptions or subsidies for fuel-efficient vehicles is implemented in many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other negative externalities from road traffic. This study, however, ...
    • Child care, parental labor supply and tax revenue 

      Havnes, Tarjei; Andresen, Martin Eckhoff (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      We study the impact of child care for toddlers on the labor supply of mothers and fathers in Norway. For identification, we exploit the staggered expansion across municipalities following a large child care reform from ...
    • The climate spiral demonstrates the power of sharing creative ideas 

      Hawkins, Ed; Fæhn, Taran; Fuglestvedt, Jan S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06)
      Graphical visualisations have the potential to engage diverse audiences in understanding the changes to our climate, especially when spread worldwide using both traditional and social media. The animated global temperature ...
    • Distributional Effects of a Wealth Tax under Lifetime-Dynastic Income Concepts 

      Halvorsen, Elin; Thoresen, Thor Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-14)
      Annual wealth tax is back on the policy agenda, but the discussion on itseffect is not well informed. When standard methodology is used and wealthtax burdens are measured against annual individual income, a large share ...
    • Verdier i Oslofjorden. Økonomiske verdier tilknyttet økosystemtjenester fra fjorden og strandsonen 

      Chen, Wenting; Barton, David Nicholas; Magnussen, Kristin; Navrud, Ståle; Grimsrud, Kristine; Garnåsjordet, Per Arild; Engelien, Erik; Syverhuset, Anne Olga; Bekkby, Trine; Rinde, Eli (NIVA-rapport;, Report, 2019)
      Rapporten har som mål å gi en kunnskapsstatus om økonomiske verdier av Oslofjorden innenfor rammen av arbeidet med å utarbeide en Helhetlig plan for Oslofjorden. For å strukturere arbeidet har vi brukt økosystemtjenester ...
    • Færre med store barneflokker – Hvilken betydning har endringer i kvinners arbeidstid for nedgangen i fødselstallene? 

      Dommermuth, Lars; Kornstad, Tom; Lappegård, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Andelen kvinner med minst tre barn har gått ned de siste tiårene i Norge, også blant grupper som vanligvis har fått mange barn. Samtidig har kvinnene i økende grad gått over fra å arbeide deltid til heltid. Vi undersøker ...
    • Declined Total Fertility Rate Among Immigrants and the Role of Newly Arrived Women in Norway 

      Tønnessen, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In many Western countries, the total fertility rate (TFR) of immigrant women has declined over the last decades. This paper proposes two methods for investigating such changes in the aggregate immigrant fertility level: ...
    • The dual approach for measuring multidimensional deprivation: Theory and empirical evidence 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Peluso, Eugenio; Sigstad, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper is concerned with the problem of ranking and quantifying the extent of deprivation in multidimensional distributions of dichotomous deprivation variables. To this end, we introduce a family of measures of ...
    • Taxing Consumption to Mitigate Carbon Leakage 

      Kaushal, Kevin R.; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Unilateral actions to reduce CO2 emissions could lead to carbon leakage such as relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries (EITE). To mitigate such leakage, countries often supplement an emissions trading ...
    • Structural labour supply models and microsimulation 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The purpose of the paper is to provide a discussion of the various approaches for accounting for labour supply responses in microsimulation models. The paper focus attention on two methodologies for modelling labour supply: ...