Now showing items 621-640 of 4348

    • Diffusion of climate technologies in the presence of commitment problems 

      Fæhn, Taran; Isaksen, Elisabeth Thuestad (Discussion papers;768, Working paper, 2014-01)
      Publicly announced GHG mitigation targets and emissions pricing strategies by individual governments may suffer from inherent commitment problems. When emission prices are perceived as short-lived, socially cost-effective ...
    • Digital sårbarhet: Hvem har høy risiko for å falle utenfor? 

      Rybalka, Marina; Brevik, Ragnar; Fremmerlid, Mats; Strøm, Kine Dale (Rapporter;2022/35, Report, 2022-08-22)
      Digitalt utenforskap er et tema som har fått økt oppmerksomhet i Norge de siste årene. Dette skyldes blant annet at med økt digitaliseringstakt, har konsekvensene ved å ikke henge med i den digitale utviklingen blitt ...
    • Digitale skillelinjer er der fremdeles : voksnes bruk av PC og Internett 

      Rønning, Wenche M.; Sølvberg, Astrid M.; Tønseth, Christin (Journal article, 2005-06)
      Tilgangen til PC og Internett er stor i Norge i dag, og de fleste er tilfredse med egne kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Tilgang er på den annen side ikke synonymt med kompetent bruk. Kvinner bruker IKT mindre enn menn, men er ...
    • Digitalisering i kommunene. Overblikk over tilstanden i 2018 

      Rybalka, Marina; Røgeberg, Ole; Dyngen, Øystein Åmelfot (Rapporter;2019/14, Report, 2019-06-11)
      I 2018 ble SSBs undersøkelse «Bruk av IKT i staten» utvidet til «Bruk av IKT i offentlig sektor» ved å omfatte kommuner og fylkeskommuner i tillegg til statlige virksomheter. Hele 89 prosent av kommunene har besvart ...
    • Digitalisering i kommunene. Utviklingen fra 2018 til 2022 

      Rybalka, Marina; Brevik, Ragnar; Denisova, Ekaterina (Rapporter;2023/27, Report, 2023-08-16)
      Hele 99 prosent av kommunene har besvart undersøkelsen «Digitalisering og IKT i offentlig sektor» i 2022. Dette gir oss et solid datagrunnlag for å si noe om digitaliseringsnivået i kommunene. Med utgangspunkt i enkle ...
    • Direct and indirect effects of reducing so 2 emissions: experimental calculations on the msg 4e model 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Hanson, Donald A.; Glomsrød, Solveig (Discussion Paper;No. 20, Working paper, 1986-12-15)
      Preliminery estimates of impacts of regulating SO emissions from manufacturing sectors are made. Only emissions pertaining 2 to fuel use are included in the regulation. Direct and indirect effects are considered and it ...
    • Direct load control of residential water heaters 

      Ericson, Torgeir (Discussion Papers;No. 479, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: In Norway there is a growing concern that electricity production and transmission may not meet the demand in peak-load situations. It is therefore important to evaluate the potential of different demand side ...
    • Directed technical change and the resource curse 

      Greaker, Mads; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Paper;No. 991, Working paper, 2022-09)
      The "resource curse" is a potential threat to all countries relying on export income from abundant natural resources such as fossil fuels. The early literature hypothesized that easily accessible natural resources would ...
    • Direkte energibruk og utslipp til luft fra transport i Norge. 1994 og 1998 

      Holtskog, Sigurd (Rapporter;2001/16, Report, 2001-06-13)
      Transport kan være både energikrevende og luftforurensende. I dette arbeidet har vi gjort et forsøk på å sammenstille de forskjellige transportmidlene med hensyn på energiforbruk og utslipp til luft. Rapporten tar for seg ...
    • Direkte investeringer og petroleumsvirksomheten : utenlandske i Norge og norske i utlandet 

      Halvorsen, Tore; Mc Mahon, Lise Dalen; Olsen, Heidi Sande (Journal article, 2004)
      Oppbyggingen og driften av virksomheten på norsk kontinentalsokkel har i stor grad vært preget av at multinasjonale selskaper har bidratt med sine kunnskaper og med eierkapital. Over tid har også norske oljeselskaper ...
    • Discouraged worker effects and barriers against employment for immigrant and non-immigrant women 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Kornstad, Tom; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 845, Working paper, 2016-09-01)
      A phenomenon observed in many labor markets is that the supply of labor appears to depend on business cycles. In other words, workers who are searching for work become “discouraged” under unfavorable business cycle conditions ...
    • Discrete and continuous choice, max-stable processes and independence from irrelevant attributes 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Paper;No. 79, Working paper, 1993-01)
      The Generalized Extreme Value Model was developed by McFadden for the case with discrete choice sets. The present paper extends this model to cases with both discrete and continuous choice sets and choice sets that are ...
    • Discrete choice in continuous time : implications of an intertemporal version of the IIA property 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)
      This paper proposes a particular behavioral axiom to characterize the stochastic structure of static discrete choice models with serially correlated utilities. This assumption extends Luce’s axiom; “Independence from ...
    • Discrimination in Europe : evidence from the rental market 

      Beatty, Timothy K.M.; Sommervoll, Dag Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 547, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: This paper considers statistical discrimination in rental markets, using a rich data set on rental contracts from Norway. We find that tenants born abroad pay a statistically significant and economically important ...
    • Distance and choice of field: Evidence from a Norwegian college expansion reform 

      Knutsen, Tora K.; Modalsli, Jørgen; Rønning, Marte (Discussion Paper;No. 932, Working paper, 2020-06)
      How can geographical proximity to college explain field of study choices? We empirically address this question using the major expansion of university colleges in Norway in the second half of the twentieth century, when ...
    • Distribution of Preferences and Measurement Errors in a Disaggregated Expenditure System 

      Aasness, Jørgen; Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion papers;149, Working paper, 1995-12)
      A complete system of consumer expenditure functions with 28 commodity groups is modelled and estimated by means of Norwegian household panel data. Measurement errors are carefully modelled. Total consumption expenditure ...
    • Distributional and behavioural effects of child care subsidies 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav (Discussion Papers;No. 135, Working paper, 1995)
      A methodology to describe the distributional and behavioural effects of child care subsidies is presented within a micro simulation framework. We discuss the effects of changing the governmental policy to support families ...
    • Distributional and environmental effects of taxes on transportation 

      Aasness, Jørgen; Larsen, Erling Røed (Discussion Papers;No. 321, Working paper, 2002)
      Abstract: This article studies environmental and distributional effects from a differentiated tax system on a set of disaggregated transportation goods. Empirical examination on Norwegian data indicates that higher tax ...
    • Distributional benchmarking in tax policy evaluations 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Jia, Zhiyang; Lambert, Peter J. (Discussion papers;765, Working paper, 2013-11)
      Given an objective to exploit cross-sectional micro data to evaluate the distributional effects of tax policies over a time period, the practitioner of public economics will find that the relevant literature offers a wide ...
    • Distributional Effects of a Wealth Tax under Lifetime-Dynastic Income Concepts 

      Halvorsen, Elin; Thoresen, Thor Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-14)
      Annual wealth tax is back on the policy agenda, but the discussion on itseffect is not well informed. When standard methodology is used and wealthtax burdens are measured against annual individual income, a large share ...