Now showing items 901-920 of 1336

    • Potential demand for alternative fuel vehicles 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Wetterwald, Dag G.; Aaberge, Rolf (Discussion Papers;No. 165, Working paper, 1996)
      This paper analyzes the potential household demand for alternative fuel vehicles in Norway, by applying data from a stated preference survey. The alternative fuel vehicles we consider are liquid propane gas and electric ...
    • Poverty, land Degradation and Climatic Uncertainty 

      Grepperud, Sverre (Discussion papers;162, Working paper, 1996-04)
      This paper studies farmers who operate in a risky environment at a minimum level of subsistence. In particular is investigated how poverty influence their soil conse rvation decision in the absence of formal insurance ...
    • PPP-correction of the IPCC emission scenarios - does it matter? 

      Holtsmark, Bjart; Alfsen, Knut H. (Discussion Papers;No. 366, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: Ian Castles and David Henderson have criticized IPCC’s Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (IPCC, 2000) for using market exchange rates (MER) instead of purchasing power parities (PPP) when converting ...
    • Precautionary Saving and Old-Age Pensions 

      Magnussen, Knut A. (Discussion papers;108, Working paper, 1994-02)
      A precautionary saving model is extended to include old-age pensions and provides the framework for an empirical analysis of the relation between old-age pensions and private consumption. Norwegian macrodata for socioeconomic ...
    • Predicting the exchange rate path: The importance of using up-to-date observations in the forecasts 

      Hungnes, Håvard (Discussion Paper;No. 934, Working paper, 2020-06)
      Central banks, private banks, statistical agencies and international organizations such as the IMF and OECD typically use information about the exchange rate some weeks before the publication date as the basis for their ...
    • Preferences for lifetime earnings, earnings risk and nonpecuniary attributes in choice of higher education 

      Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen (Discussion papers;725, Working paper, 2012-12)
      Expected earnings are considered to influence individuals' choice of education. However, the presence of nonpecuniary attributes and the different choice set available to prospective students make identification of this ...
    • Prevalence and substitution effects in tobacco consumption: A discrete choice analysis of panel data 

      Wangen, Knut Reidar; Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 312, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: This paper analyzes tobacco demand within a discrete choice framework. Using binomial and multinomial logit models with random effects, and an unbalanced panel data set of Norwegian households over a twenty year ...
    • Price and welfare effects of emission quota allocation 

      Golombek, Rolf; Kittelsen, Sverre A.C.; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 661, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: We analyze how different ways of allocating emission quotas may influence the electricity market. Using a large-scale numerical model of the Western European energy market, we show that different allocation ...
    • Price formation in monopolistic markets with endogenous diffusion of trading information: An experimental approach 

      Søberg, Morten (Discussion Papers;No. 336, Working paper, 2002)
      Abstract: This paper reports on price formation in experimental markets in which a single seller trades with four buyers. Transactions occur if either a buyer accepts an offer to sell from the seller, or the seller accepts ...
    • Price index for new multi-dwellings 

      Holtung, Anne (Notater / Documents;2016/38, Working paper, 2017-01-04)
      Within the frames of the project of establishing a price index for new multidwellings, a survey for the collection of data has was conducted. Data have been collected from 2011, with a “test” quarter in 2010. Based on the ...
    • Price indexes for elementary aggregates derived from behavioral assumptions 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Brubakk, Leif (Discussion Papers;No. 234, Working paper, 1998)
      This paper discusses the properties of price- and Cost-of-Living indexes that follow from specific assumptions about the structure of consumer preferences. Of particular interest are indexes for elementary aggregates. In ...
    • Price Sensitivity of Residential Energy Consumption in Norway 

      Nesbakken, Runa (Discussion papers; No.232, Working paper, 1998-09)
      The main aim of this paper is to test the stability of the results of a model which focus on the relationship between the choice of heating equipment and the residential energy consumption. The results for the income and ...
    • Price versus tradable quantity regulation : uncertainty and endogenous technology choice 

      Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Discussion Papers;No. 643, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: This paper shows that tradable emissions permits and an emissions tax have a risk-related technology choice effect. We first examine the first- and second-order moments in the probability distributions of optimal ...
    • Prices vs. quantities : technology choice, uncertainty and welfare 

      Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Discussion Papers;677, Working paper, 2012)
      This paper shows that tradable emissions permits and an emissions tax affect the firms' technology choice differently under uncertainty. A tax encourages the most flexible technology if and only if stochastic costs and ...
    • Prices vs. quantities with endogenous cost structure 

      Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Discussion papers;755, Working paper, 2013-10)
      Authorities often lack information for efficient regulation of the commons. This paper derives a criterion comparing prices versus tradable quantities in terms of expected welfare, given uncertainty, optimal policy and ...
    • Primary schooling in Zambia squeezed at community and household level 

      Belsby, Liv; Wold, Bjørn K. Getz (Discussion Papers;No. 191, Working paper, 1997)
      A part of the current economic reform program in Zambia, is to increase standard, efficiency and equity in the primary school sector. This paper studies primary school attendance. A logistic regression analysis is used to ...
    • Prisindeks for nye eneboliger. Dokumentasjon av datagrunnlag og beregningsmetode 

      Haglund, Anders (Notater / Documents;2018/4, Working paper, 2018-04-01)
      Prisindeks for nye eneboliger måler kvartalsvis prisutvikling på å sette opp en ny enebolig eksklusive tomt og honorarer. Sammen med prisindeks for nye flerboliger (småhus og blokkleiligheter) inngår den i publiseringen ...
    • Prisindeks for utleie av næringseiendom. Dokumentasjon av metode 

      Haglund, Anders (Notater / Documents;2017/01, Working paper, 2017-01-16)
      Eiendomsbransjen utgjør en stadig større andel av den totale økonomien. I arbeidet med analyse av finansiell stabilitet og generell makroøkonomisk analyse er det viktig å ha god statistikk som beskriver prisutviklingen på ...
    • Private kommersielle og ideelle tjenestetilbydere i helse- og omsorgstjenesten: Omtale av data og datagrunnlag 

      Abrahamsen, Dag Ragnvald; Beyrer, Svetlana; Claus, Gunnar; Ekornrud, Trond; Jensen, Arne (Notater / Documents;2019 / 12, Working paper, 2019-03-11)
      På oppdrag fra Helsedirektoratet har SSB sett nærmere på eksisterende informasjon om private tjenestetilbydere i omsorgstjenesten. Mer spesielt har SSB forsøkt å presentere private tjenestetilbyderes andel av bestemte ...