Now showing items 921-940 of 1336

    • Pro-cyclical mortality. Evidence from Norway 

      Haaland, Venke Furre; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion papers;766, Working paper, 2013-11)
      Using variation across geographical regions, a number of studies from the U.S. and other developed countries have found more deaths in economic upturns and less deaths in economic downturns. We use data from regions in ...
    • Probabilistic choice models for uncertain outcomes 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion papers;141, Working paper, 1995-02)
      This paper discusses the problem of specifying probabilistic models for choices (strategies) with uncertain outcomes. The most general case we consider is choice settings where the uncertain outcomes are sets which may ...
    • A probabilistic forecast of the immigrant population of Norway 

      Keilman, Nico (Discussion Paper;996, Working paper, 2023-01)
      We present a probabilistic forecast for the immigrant population of Norway and their Norwegian-born children (“second generation”) broken down by age, sex, and three types of country background: 1. West European countries ...
    • Probabilistic models for qualitative choice behavior : an introduction 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Documents;2000/1, Working paper, 2000)
      Preface: The econometric discipline has been criticized for being too similar to mathematical statistics and only to a limited degree linked to formalized theoretical models. This is particularly the case as regards formulation ...
    • Problematic response margins in the estimation of the elasticity of taxable income 

      Berg, Kristoffer; Thoresen, Thor Olav (Discussion Papers;No. 851, Working paper, 2016-11-23)
      The elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is known to represent a summary measure of tax efficiency costs, which means that further information about the behavioral components of the ETI is not required for its use in tax ...
    • Problems of linking single-region and multiregional economic models 

      Skoglund, Tor; Stokka, Arne (Discussion Paper;No. 37, Working paper, 1988-09)
      Norway has, like many other countries, experienced a growth in the development of single-region and multiregional economic models during the last ten years. The models are mainly used for planning purposes and forecasting ...
    • Process tables in the Norwegian national accounts 

      Halvorsen, Tore; Solholm, Kerstin (Notater / Documents;2015/3, Working paper, 2015-01)
      Process tables is a tool for presenting and explaining in a tabular form what sources are used and what happens to the source figures in the process of compiling national accounts. In Norway the first attempt to produce ...
    • Production - demand adjustment in Norwegian manufacturing: A quarterly error correction model 

      Biørn, Erik; Olsen, Hilde (Discussion Paper;No. 35, Working paper, 1988-05)
      In this paper, we specify a general error correction equation for seasonally unadjusted data, with an arbitrary number of regressors. Special attention is paid to the specification of trend and seasonal filters, which have ...
    • Productivity dispersion and measurement errors 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Iancu, Diana-Cristina; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 869, Working paper, 2017-11-24)
      We outline a novel procedure to identify the role of measurement errors in explaining the empirical dispersion in productivity across establishments. The starting point of our framework is the typical errors-in-variable ...
    • Productivity growth, firm turnover and new varieties 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Iancu, Diana-Cristina; Raknerud, Arvid (Discussion Papers;No. 872, Working paper, 2018-03-08)
      We reconcile two different strands of the literature: the literature on how new goods impact prices and the literature on productivity growth and firm turnover. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to provide a ...
    • Produksjonsindeks for bygg og anlegg 

      Storbråten, Berit (Notater / Documents;2017/41, Working paper, 2017-11-23)
      Produksjonsindeks for bygg og anlegg har gjennomgått en rekke produksjonsmessige endringer i perioden 2013-2016. Bakgrunnen for endringene var ønske om et mer kvalitetssikret produkt og en mer effektiv og oversiktlig ...
    • Profitability of different instruments in international climate policies 

      Aune, Finn Roar; Kverndokk, Snorre; Lindholt, Lars; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 403, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: This article discusses how different climate policy instruments such as CO2 taxes and renewable energy subsidies affect the profitability of fossil fuel production, given that a fixed global climate target ...
    • Project evaluations and decision processes 

      Nyborg, Karine (Discussion papers;137, Working paper, 1995-02)
      Cost-benefit analysis have been attacked by many critics because of its implicit ethical assumptions. The normative content of the method is at odds with the common attitude that economists should analyze how to reach given ...
    • Promoting integration of immigrants. Effects of free child care on child enrollment and parental employment 

      Drange, Nina; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion papers;799, Working paper, 2015-02)
      Proficiency in the language spoken by the majority population may be crucial for the cognitive development of children from immigrant families. High-quality child care is believed to promote such language skills, and it ...
    • Promoting renewables and discouraging fossil energy consumption in the European Union 

      Hagem, Cathrine (Discussion Papers;610, Working paper, 2010)
      The European Union (EU) identified some positive and negative externalities related to energy production and consumption when adopting its Renewable Energy and Climate Change Package. Given these externalities, we derive ...
    • Promotion rat race and public policy 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon (Discussion papers (Statistisk sentralbyrå. Forskningsavdelingen);No. 686, Working paper, 2012)
      This study investigates whether excess effort to climb a career ladder justifies policy interventions. The answer depends on whether the government is able to levy a higher tax burden on career workers than on non-career ...
    • Properties of demand functions for linear consumption aggregates 

      Aasness, Jørgen (Discussion Paper;No. 49, Working paper, 1990-07)
      The starting point is the demand functions for homogeneous goods, with properties derived from standard static consumer theory. A linear consumption aggregate of a commodity group is defined as a weighted sum of the physical ...
    • Prosjektet Variabelkatalog og et referansesystem til arkivert numerisk informasjon 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Arbeidsnotater IO;nr 73/8, Working paper, 1972)
      Begrepet variabelkatalog har gjennom flere år gått igjen i arbeidsprogrammer og prosjektbeskrivelser. I den senere tid har det bl.a. vært trukket fram i forbindelse med Byråets opplysningsvirksomhet og markedsføring av ...
    • Prospects for a common, deregulated Nordic electricity market 

      Bye, Torstein; Johnsen, Tor Arnt (Discussion papers;144, Working paper, 1995-06)
      Electricity markets have typically been regulated all over the world. In Europe, UK and Norway have begun to deregulate their electricity markets. Several more countries will probably join them in the near future, for ...
    • Proxy Interviews in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey. Analysis of self-respondent and proxy interviews, and their impact on estimates 

      Li, Lisa (Notater / Documents;2018/48, Working paper, 2018-12-19)
      The aim of this study is to investigate selection and measurement effects of proxy interviews in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey. In 2018 there will be a test-run of a multi-mode data collection for the labour force ...