• SIMEN. Studies of industry, environment and energy towards 2000 

      Bye, Brita; Bye, Torstein; Lorentsen, Lorents (Discussion Paper;No. 44, Working paper, 1989-08)
      This paper describes an attempt to analyze the question of how to control air pollution, without hampering further economic growth. The analytical framework is a macroeconomic planning model, extended with a submodel for ...
    • Simple examples on smoothing macroeconomic time series 

      Swensen, Anders Rygh (Documents;1995/1, Working paper, 1995-01)
    • Simulated maximum likelihood using tilted importance sampling 

      Brinch, Christian N. (Discussion Papers;No. 540, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: This paper develops the important distinction between tilted and simple importance sampling as methods for simulating likelihood functions for use in simulated maximum likelihood. It is shown that tilted ...
    • Simulating labor supply behavior when workers have preferences for job opportunities and face nonlinear budget constraints 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Locatelli, Marilena; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 488, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: This paper analyzes the properties of a particular sectoral labor supply model developed in Dagsvik and Strøm (2006). The model is estimated on labor supply data for married women in Norway 1994. In this model, ...
    • Skattepolitikkens bidrag til omfordeling. Impact case forskning 

      Ukjent forfatter (Notater;2024/25, Working paper, 2024-05)
      Impact cases blir brukt av mange forskningsinstitusjoner for å synliggjøre hvordan og på hvilken måte forskning får innvirkning på politikk, næringsliv, samfunnsliv, helse og miljø. SSB har som målsetting å levere forskning ...
    • Skill composition: exploring a wage-based skill measure 

      Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 531, Working paper, 2008)
      Most studies of heterogeneous labor inputs use classifications of high skilled and low skilled based on workers' educational attainment. In this study we explore a wage-based skill measure using information from a wage ...
    • Skjemakommunikasjon i Altinn. Metodebetraktninger, programmeringsløsninger og praktiske tips 

      Haraldsen, Gustav; Brøndal, Finn Christian; Holt, Aud Kari Joramo (Notater / Documents;2015/19, Working paper, 2015-03)
      I selvadministrerte undersøkelser er både administrasjonen av skjemaene og selve skjemautfyllingen overlatt til oppgavegiveren. Foretak og virksomheter mottar normalt flere skjema fra SSB i løpet av et år og deltar gjerne ...
    • Small continuous surveys and the Kalman filter 

      Lind, Jo Thori (Discussion Papers;No. 333, Working paper, 2002)
      Abstract: The time series nature of repeated surveys is seldom taken into account. I present a statistical model of repeated surveys and construct a computationally feasible estimator based on the Kalman filter. The novelty ...
    • Smart hedging against carbon leakage 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion papers;920, Working paper, 2019-11)
      Policy makers in the EU and elsewhere are concerned that unilateral carbon pricing induces carbon leakage through relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries to other regions. A common measure to mitigate ...
    • Smart hedging against carbon leakage 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Discussion papers;No.822, Working paper, 2015-10)
      Unilateral climate policy induces carbon leakage through the relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries to regions with no or more lenient emission regulation. Both analytical and numerical studies suggest ...
    • Smådriftsulemper i inntektssystemet for kommunene 

      Langørgen, Audun (Notater / Documents;2015/44, Working paper, 2015-11)
      Etter Stortingsvalget i 2013 har den nye regjeringen tatt initiativ til en strukturreform som tar sikte på å redusere antallet kommuner gjennom sammenslåing. Samtidig med kommunereformen skal Kommunal- og moderniseringsd ...
    • The SNOW Model for Norway. Documentation of SNOW-NO 

      Rosnes, Orvika; Yonezawa, Hidemichi (Notater;2024/16, Working paper, 2024-02)
      In this document, we provide a description of the SNOW model for Norway (SNOW-NO), a multi sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model tailored to analyze energy, environmental and climate policies in Norway. The ...
    • SNOW-modellen for Norge. Dokumentasjon av framskrivningsmodellen for norsk økonomi og utslipp 

      Rosnes, Orvika; Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran (Notater / Documents;2019/1, Working paper, 2019-01-11)
      Dette notatet dokumenterer den rekursivt dynamiske versjonen av SNOW-modellen for norsk økonomi (SNOW-NO). Denne versjonen av SNOW-NO kan brukes til å framskrive norsk økonomi fra et kalibrert basisår til en tenkt ...
    • Social evaluation of individual welfare effects from income taxation empirical evidence based on Italian data for married couples 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo; Strøm, Steinar (Discussion Papers;No. 230, Working paper, 1998)
      This paper discusses methodological principles for social evaluation of tax systems and tax reforms when concern is primarily turned to who gains and who loses. The discussion is followed by an empirical analysis based on ...
    • Social Interaction Effects in Disability Pension Participation. Evidence from Plant Downsizing 

      Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Discussion Papers;No. 496, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: We estimate the magnitude of social interaction effects in disability pension participation among older workers in Norway. Specifically, we investigate how a worker’s propensity to draw disability benefits is ...
    • Social networks and tax avoidance: Evidence from a well-defined Norwegian tax shelter 

      Alstadsæter, Annette; Kopczuk, Wojciech; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 886, Working paper, 2018-11-02)
      In 2005, over 8% of Norwegian shareholders transferred their shares to new (legal) tax shelters intended to defer taxation of capital gains and dividends that would otherwise be taxable in the aftermath of 2006 reform. Using ...
    • Social Norms and Private Provision of Public Goods. Endogenous Peer Groups 

      Rege, Mari (Discussion papers;257, Working paper, 1999-07)
      The formation of peer groups with social norms for private contributions to a public good is analyzed in an n-player two stage game. First people choose a peer group, then they choose whether to contribute. The first choice ...
    • Social security pension generosity and the effect on household saving 

      Halvorsen, Elin; Jia, Zhiyang; Kruse, Herman; Vigtel, Trond Christian (Discussion Paper;No. 989, Working paper, 2022-09)
      This paper examines the substitution between pension wealth and household saving by studying Norway’s 2011 pension reform. The analysis identifies the effect of reductions in social security pension generosity on household ...
    • Socioeconomic differentials in multipartner fertility among men 

      Lappegård, Trude; Rønsen, Marit (Discussion Papers;No. 653, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: This paper analyzes male fertility, focusing especially on multi-partner fertility, for cohorts born 1955 to 1984. We find that socioeconomic disadvantaged men have the lowest chance of becoming fathers, and ...
    • Socioeconomic variation in the relationship between obesity and life expectancy 

      Kinge, Jonas Minet; Morris, Stephen (Discussion papers;712, Working paper, 2012-11)
      We investigate the relationship between obesity and life expectancy, and whether or not this relationship varies by socioeconomic status (SES). The underlying model is based on the “Pathways to health” framework in which ...