• The New Keynesian Phillips curve : does it fit Norwegian data? 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Discussion Papers;No. 652, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: We evaluate the empirical performance of the new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) for a small open economy using cointegrated vector autoregressive models, likelihood based methods and general method of moments. ...
    • No child left behind : universal child care and children's long-run outcomes 

      Havnes, Tarjei; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion Papers;582, Working paper, 2009)
      There is a heated debate in the US and Canada, as well as in many European countries, about a move towards subsidized, universally accessible child care. At the same time, studies on universal child care and child development ...
    • Noisy signals in target zone regimes theory and Monte Carlo experiments 

      Holden, Steinar; Kolsrud, Dag; Vikøren, Birger (Discussion Papers;No. 160, Working paper, 1995)
      Previous empirical evidence indicates that uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) does not hold for target zone exchange rates, like those in the European Monetary System and in the Nordic countries. We explore a target zone ...
    • Non-Bayesian multiple imputation 

      Bjørnstad, Jan F. (Discussion Papers;No. 421, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: Multiple imputation is a method specifically designed for variance estimation in the presence of missing data. Rubin’s combination formula requires that the imputation method is “proper” which essentially means ...
    • Non-convex budget set, hours restriction and labour supply in Sweden 

      Anderson, Irene A. K.; Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar; Wennemo, Tom (Discussion Paper;No. 33, Working paper, 1988-05)
      This paper presents the results of a labor supply study based on Swedish labor market data and data from filled-in tax returns. The model is designed to deal with non-convex budget sets (implied by the tax and social ...
    • Non-parametric identication of the mixed proportional hazards model with interval-censored durations 

      Brinch, Christian N. (Discussion Papers;600, Working paper, 2009)
      This note presents identication results for the mixed proportional hazards model when duration data are interval-censored. Earlier positive results on identication under intervalcensoring require both parametric specication ...
    • Non-parametric identification of the mixed hazards model with interval-censored durations 

      Brinch, Christian N. (Discussion Papers;No. 539, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: Econometric duration data are typically interval-censored, that is, not directly observed, but observed to fall within a known interval. Known non-parametric identification results for duration models with ...
    • Non-stationary inflow and duration of unemployment 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Wennemo, Tom (Discussion Paper;No. 52, Working paper, 1990-10)
      This paper is concerned with econometric problems and methods involved in estimating duration models using data on incomplete unemployment spells provided by standard labor force surveys. In particular it considers how the ...
    • Non-Tariff barriers - the Achilles' heel of trade policy analyses 

      Fæhn, Taran (Discussion Papers;No. 195, Working paper, 1997)
      This study demonstrates the quantitative, as well as the qualitative, role of non-tariff barriers (NTBs). The Norwegian nominal tariff and non-tariff barriers are identified and thoroughly quantified. Computations of ...
    • Nonparametric identification of discrete choice models 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 222, Working paper, 1998)
      Abstracts: In this paper we give simple proofs of identification results in discrete choice models for the case where neither the derteministic part nor the distribution function of the random parts of the utility function ...
    • NORA — A Microfounded Model for Fiscal Policy Analysis in Norway 

      Gundersen, Thomas S.; Quaghebeur, Ewoud; Tretvoll, Håkon (Notater;2024/4, Working paper, 2024-01)
      This document describes NORA, a microfounded model for fiscal policy analysis in Norway. The model is based on relatively standard dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models of the type used in many central ...
    • Nordisk sammenlikning av byggekostnadsindeksene for boliger. Muligheter og begrensinger i tolkninger og bruk 

      Høiby, Hanne (Notater / Documents;2017/35, Working paper, 2017-10-25)
      Formålet med publikasjonen er å gi en oversikt over forutsetningene som ligger til grunn for byggekostnadsindeksene for boliger som utgis av SSB. Det er lagt vekt på metode og datakilder og hvilke muligheter og begrensninger ...
    • Nordmenns grensehandel. Fysisk grensehandel 

      Henriksen, Guro; Kvile, Jarle (Notater;2020/01, Working paper, 2020-01-08)
      SSB har gjennomført en pilotundersøkelse for nordmenns fysiske grensehandel. SSB publiserer kvartalsvis statistikk for grensehandel. Statistikken dekker nordmenns fysiske handel i utlandet på reiser uten overnatting og ...
    • Norsk standard for utdanningsgruppering 2016. Revidert 2000 Dokumentasjon Oppdatert 2016 

      Barrabés, Nuria; Østli, Greta Kjølstad (Notater / Documents;2016/30, Working paper, 2016-11)
      Norsk standard for utdanningsgruppering (NUS2000) er først og fremst beregnet for bruk i offisiell norsk statistikk. Den skal definere alle utdanningsaktiviters nivå og fagområde. For utdanningsaktiviteter fullført innenfor ...
    • Norsk standard for utdanningsgruppering. Revidert 2000 Dokumentasjon 

      Barrabés, Nuria; Østli, Greta Kjølstad (Notater / Documents;2015/37, Working paper, 2015-09)
      Norsk standard for utdanningsgruppering (NUS2000) er først og fremst beregnet for bruk i offisiell norsk statistikk. Den skal definere alle utdanningsaktiviters nivå og fagområde. For utdanningsaktiviteter fullført innenfor ...
    • The Norwegian aluminium industry, electricity prices and welfare 

      Klette, Tor Jakob (Discussion Paper;No. 38, Working paper, 1988-10)
      This paper presents a partial equilibrium analysis of the changes in the the Norwegian aluminium industry which would follow if the industry was faced with higher electricity prices. The industry is modelled as an imperfectly ...
    • Norwegian gas sales and the impacts on European CO2 emissions 

      Berg, Elin; Boug, Pål; Kverndokk, Snorre (Discussion Papers;No. 199, Working paper, 1997)
      This paper studies the impacts on Western European CO2 emissions of a reduction in Norwegian gas sales. The impacts are due to changes in energy demand and energy supply, but environmental and political regulations also ...
    • Norwegian National Accounts - GNI Inventory for ESA 2010. 2019 version 

      Liu, Gang; Todsen, Steinar (Notater;2023/13, Working paper, 2023-03)
      This document provides a comprehensive documentation of data sources and methods for calculating the central variables gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI) in the Norwegian national accounts. ...
    • Norwegian pension reform : defined benefit versus defined contribution 

      Fredriksen, Dennis; Stølen, Nils Martin (Discussion Papers;No. 669, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: Norway. The new system fulfils several criteria for a defined contribution scheme. Earnings from all years in work count in the accumulation of entitlements, and an actuarial rule converting the final balance ...
    • A note on myopic decision rules in the neoclassical theory of producer behaviour 

      Holmøy, Erling; Olsen, Øystein (Discussion Paper;No. 34, Working paper, 1988-05)
      The paper presents a theoretical framework for analysing investment behaviour in a perfect neoclassical environment. The model distinguishes explicitly between capital units of different age. In coherence with the neoclassical ...