• Aggregate marginal costs of public funds 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this paper, we discuss aggregate measures of marginal costs of public funds (MCF) in populations that are heterogeneous with respect to observed as well as unobserved characteristics. We first discuss how to compute MCF ...
    • Aggregate productivity and heterogeneous firms 

      Holmøy, Erling; Hægeland, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 266, Working paper, 2000)
      It is an established fact that firms, even within narrowly defined industries, differ with respect to productivity. In this paper we analyse how observed heterogeneity in productivity is affected by endogenous producer ...
    • Aggregate productivity effects of technology shocks in a model of heterogeneous firms : the importance of equilibrium adjustments 

      Holmøy, Erling; Hægeland, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 198, Working paper, 1997)
      This paper studies how productivity shifts at the level of the firm are transmitted to aggregate industry productivity in a model of heterogeneous firms. We analyse both uniform productivity shifts, and catching up by ...
    • Aggregation and aggregation biases in production functions : a panel data analysis of translog models 

      Biørn, Erik; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 317, Working paper, 2002)
      Abstract: An applied econometric study of aggregation, based on an unbalanced panel data set for manu-facturing plants is presented. Panel data are informative in examining aggregation of variables, parameters, and ...
    • Aggregation in matching markets 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Papers;No. 173, Working paper, 1996)
      This paper develops aggregate relations for a matching market of heterogeneous suppliers and demanders. The point of departure is the analysis of two-sided matching found in Roth and Sotomayor (1990). Under particular ...
    • Aggregation when Markets do not Clear 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion papers;139, Working paper, 1995-02)
      This paper presents a method for aggregation across markets in a Non-Walrasian model, focusing mainly on labor markets. The method utilizes a probabilistic approach based on aggregating across virtual price functions instead ...
    • Aggregation with price variation and heterogeneity across consumers 

      Halvorsen, Bente; Larsen, Bodil Merethe (Discussion Papers;No. 489, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: In the aggregation literature, prices and price and income derivatives are often assumed not to vary across consumers. These assumptions may not be fulfilled: prices often vary and consumers are heterogeneous ...
    • Agricultural production with uncertain water supply 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Mathiassen, Astrid (Discussion Papers;No. 370, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for analysis of multioutput agricultural production when the supply of water is uncertain. Specifically, we assume that the farmer operates as if the decision ...
    • AIECE general report 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;2007/20, Report, 2007-05-31)
      The world economy registered one of the highest growth rates ever in 2006. Growth was particularly high in Asia, Latin America and Russia. Also in the euro area, economic growth accelerated through 2006, boosted by exports ...
    • Air pollution and sick-leaves - is there a connection? A case study using air pollution data from Oslo 

      Hansen, Anett C.; Selte, Harald K. (Discussion Papers;No. 197, Working paper, 1997)
      In recent years a growing number of studies have been discussing the relationship between air pollution and human health. The evidence in the literature for adverse health effects of several pol-lutants seems convincing. ...
    • Aksjer og inntektsfordeling 

      Fjærli, Erik; Naug, Bjørn E. (Journal article, 2000)
      Inntektsstatistikk viser at registrerte aksjeinntekter økte sterkt i perioden etter skattereformen i 1992. Økningen var spesielt sterk for personer med høye inntekter, noe som bidro til at de registrerte inntektsforskje ...
    • Aktivitetsregulering eller stabil valutakurs. Om pengepolitikkens rolle i den norske oljeøkonomien 

      Eika, Torbjørn; Moum, Knut (Rapporter;1999/23, Report, 1999-09)
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1979 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1979/23, Report, 1979-09-04)
      Statistisk Sentralbyrå får stadig en rekke forespørsler i tilknytning til den alminnelige skattedebatt. Ofte blir det spurt om tall som ikke uten videre kan hentes fra offisielle norske og internasjonale statistiske ...
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1980 Current Tax Data 1980 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1980/27, Report, 1980-09-25)
      Statistisk Sentralbyrå får stadig en rekke forespørsler i tilknytning til den alminnelige skattedebatt. Ofte blir det spurt om tall som ikke uten videre kan hentes fra offisielle norske og internasjonale statistike ...
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1981 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1981/26, Report, 1981-09-29)
      I denne publikasjonen presenterer Statistisk Sentralbyrå et tallmateriale som er bearbeidet og tilrettelagt med sikte på å kunne nyttes i skatteanalyser og i den offentlige skattedebatt. En har lagt vekt på å illustrere ...
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1982 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1982/27, Report, 1982-09-21)
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1983 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1983/25, Report, 1983-10-17)
      I denne publikasjonen presenterer Statistisk Sentralbyrå et tallmateriale som er bearbeidd og tilrettelagt med sikte på & kunne nyttes i skatteanalyser og i den offentlige skattedebatt. En har lagt vekt på å illustrere ...
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1984 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1985/2, Report, 1985)
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1985 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1985/33, Report, 1985-10-07)
    • Aktuelle skattetall 1986 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1986/25, Report, 1986-10-21)