• Returns to public R&D grants and subsidies 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Discussion papers;740, Working paper, 2013-05)
      We address the question of whether the returns to R&D differ between R&D projects funded by public grants and R&D in general. To answer this question, we use a flexible production function that distinguishes between different ...
    • Returns to publicly owned transport infrastructure investment. A cost function/cost share approach for Norway, 1971-1991 

      Katz, Alexandra; Bye, Torstein (Discussion papers;154, Working paper, 1995-09)
      An issue of major concern to politicians and policy-makers around the world today is whether transport infrastructure investments, such as those in roads and airports, generate enough economic benefits to justify their ...
    • Revealed standards for distributing public home-care on clients 

      Langørgen, Audun (Discussion Papers;No. 288, Working paper, 2000)
      Abstract: When private goods are publicly provided at subsidized prices, government authorities have to determine the distribution of services on recipients. Such distributions are commonly based on legal regulations and ...
    • Revealing demand for nature experience using purchase data of equipment and lodging 

      Larsen, Erling Røed (Discussion Papers;No. 305, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: In 1967, John Krutilla suggested a relationship between car camping, canoe cruising, and cross-country skiing and induced demand for wild, primitive, and wilderness-related opportunities. Here, the time trend ...
    • Revenue functions and Dupuit curves for indirect taxes with cross-border shopping 

      Aasness, Jørgen; Nygård, Odd Erik (Discussion Papers;573, Working paper, 2009)
      The partial revenue from each indirect tax and the total revenue from all indirect taxes on consumer goods are derived as functions of all commodity prices, the tax rates of each commodity, total expenditure and demographic ...
    • Revisions in the Norwegian National Accounts: Accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency in preliminary figures 

      Helliesen, Magnus Kvåle; Hungnes, Håvard; Skjerpen, Terje (Discussion Paper;No. 924, Working paper, 2020-03)
      This paper investigates the quality of preliminary figures in the Norwegian national accounts. To address the problem of few observations in such analyses, we use some recently developed system tests. Preliminary figures ...
    • Richer and cleaner - at others' expense? 

      Fæhn, Taran; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Discussion Papers;No. 477, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: Pollution intensive production can be avoided domestically by increased imports and less exports of dirty products. Such trade effects may imply more emissions abroad, or pollution leakages. We study whether ...
    • Rising inequality of housing? : evidence from segmented housing price indices 

      Larsen, Erling Røed; Sommervoll, Dag Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 363, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: This article uses the Case-Shiller technique for constructing housing price indices on a Norwegian data set of transactions for the period 1991-2002 consisting of 10 376 pairs of repeated sales. Using a weighted ...
    • The road to a low emission society: Costs of interacting climate regulations 

      Bye, Brita; Kaushal, Kevin R.; Rosnes, Orvika; Turner, Karen; Yonezawa, Hidemichi (Discussion Paper;No. 972, Working paper, 2021-12)
      Transportation is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Climate regulations on transportation are often a mix of sector-specific regulations and economy-wide measures (such as emission pricing). In this ...
    • Robust inequality comparisons 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion Papers;No. 623, Working paper, 2010)
      Abstract: This paper is concerned with the problem of ranking Lorenz curves in situations where the Lorenz curves intersect and no unambiguous ranking can be attained without introducing weaker ranking criteria than ...
    • Robustness of the Norwegian wage formation system and free EU labour movement: Evidence from wage data for natives 

      Dapi, Bjorn; Nymoen, Ragnar; Sparrman, Victoria (Discussion Paper;No. 895, Working paper, 2019-02-05)
      Norway experienced a high immigration flow after the EEA directive in 2004 stating workers right to free movement within the European Union and EEA-countries. There is no clear consensus in the literature on how immigration ...
    • The role of the Artic in future global petroleum supply 

      Lindholt, Lars; Glomsrød, Solveig (Discussion Papers;645, Working paper, 2011)
      The Arctic has a substantial share of global petroleum resources, but at higher costs than in most other petroleum provinces. Arctic states and petroleum companies are carefully considering the potential for future extraction ...
    • Russian natural gas exports to Europe. Effects of Russian gas market reforms and the rising market power of Gazprom 

      Sagen, Eirik Lund; Tsygankova, Marina (Discussion Papers;No. 445, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: Gazprom, the dominant gas company in Russia, is widely believed to be the key supplier of gas to Europe in the foreseeable future. However, there are numerous uncertainties and challenges within the Russian ...
    • Rusundersøkelsen 2017. Dokumentasjonsrapport 

      Jensen, Cato Hernes (Notater / Documents;2018/25, Working paper, 2018-05-08)
      Statistisk sentralbyrå har gjennomført en årlig undersøkelse om rusmidler siden 2012. Hovedformålet med undersøkelsen er å kartlegge befolkningens bruk og vaner knyttet til alkohol, tobakk og andre rusmidler. I dette ...
    • Rusundersøkelsen 2019. Dokumentasjonsrapport 

      Todorovic, Jovana (Notater / Documents;2019/38, Working paper, 2019-11-04)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer gjennomføringen av Rusundersøkelsen 2019. Statistisk sentralbyrå har gjennomført denne undersøkelsen årlig siden 2012. Undersøkelsen er finansiert av Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI). Hovedformålet ...
    • Rutiner for ajourhold av det sentrale bedrifts- og foretaksregister 

      Olsen, Grete (Notater;1993/13, Working paper, 1993)
    • Sammensetningseffekter mellom næringer og veksten i gjennomsnittlig årslønn Teknisk dokumentasjon 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Dapi, Bjorn; Sparrman, Victoria (Notater / Documents;2017/45, Working paper, 2017-12-20)
      Sammensetningseffekter mellom næringer trakk ned veksten i gjennomsnittlig årslønn med 0,3 prosentpoeng i 2016. Dette notatet utleder det analytiske rammeverket for å dekomponere lønnsveksten i lønns- og sammensetningsef ...
    • Sampling errors and cross-country comparisons of income inequality 

      Aaberge, Rolf (Discussion Papers;No. 252, Working paper, 1999)
      The growing interest in cross-national comparisons of income inequality is primarily a result of the establishment of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database and the wide range of studies on income inequality based on ...
    • Sannsynlighet for tidliguttak av alderspensjon i MOSART 

      Fredriksen, Dennis; Halvorsen, Elin; Kruse, Herman (Notater;2024/10, Working paper, 2024-02)
      Pensjonsreformen i 2011 ga adgang til å ta ut alderspensjon fra 62 år i kombinasjon med arbeid uten avkortning. Dette førte til en økning i pensjonsutgiftene, samt medførte at et betydelig antall personer nå velger å ...
    • Saving and portfolio allocation before and after job loss 

      Basten, Christoph; Fagereng, Andreas; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;672, Working paper, 2012)
      Using administrative panel data from Norway, we investigate the development of household labor income, financial wealth and asset holdings over a nine-year period surrounding job loss. Consistent with a simple theoretical ...