Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Author "Galloway, Taryn Ann"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Assimilation effects on poverty among immigrants in Norway
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Aaberge, Rolf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)This paper discusses the question of whether or not the high incidence of poverty among immigrants in Norway persists even after immigrants have been in the country for a long period, i.e. after they have had the opportunity ... -
Do immigrants integrate out of poverty in Norway
Galloway, Taryn Ann (Discussion Papers;No. 482, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: In light of the riots and unrest among immigrants in France during the fall of 2005, the question of how immigrants are faring with respect to a certain minimum in society is both a timely and pertinent question ... -
Does parental income matter for onset of offending?
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;588, Working paper, 2009)Although several established theories of crime often suggest an association between socio-economic background and youth criminal involvement, the empirical evidence for such claims diverges considerably. The aim of this ... -
Effects of income and the cost of children on fertility. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Hart, Rannveig Kaldager (Discussion Papers;No. 828, Working paper, 2015-11-30)The relationship between income, cost of childrearing and fertility is of considerable political and theoretical interest. We utilize exogenous variation in family income and the direct cost of children to estimate causal ... -
Gruppering av kommuner etter folkemengde og økonomiske rammebetingelser 2003
Langørgen, Audun; Aaberge, Rolf; Galloway, Taryn Ann (Rapporter;2006/8, Report, 2006-03-14)Formålet med denne rapporten er å ordne kommunene i sammenliknbare grupper etter økonomiske rammebetingelser. Dette betyr for det første at kommunene blir ordnet etter hvilke kostnader de står overfor for å innfri ... -
Initiation into crime : an analysis of Norwegian register data on five birth cohorts
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Pudney, Stephen (Discussion Papers;No. 655, Working paper, 2011)Abstract: We construct linked register data on five Norwegian birth cohorts, covering: criminal charges after age 15; family characteristics and history up to age 15; and (for males) IQ test scores. A longitudinal analysis ... -
Is the relationship between schooling and disability pension receipt causal?
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Brinch, Christian N. (Discussion papers;748, Working paper, 2013-06)We examine the potential causal effect of years of schooling on the use of public disability pensions by studying the extension of compulsory schooling introduced in Norway in the 1960s. Simple regressions of disability ... -
Karakterpraksis i grunnskoler : Sammenheng mellom standpunkt- og
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Rønning, Marte (Rapporter;2011/4, Report, 2011)Denne rapporten analyserer hvorvidt det er systematiske forskjeller mellom skoler i hvordan de setter standpunktkarakterer for sine elever. Måten dette gjøres på er å undersøke om det er systematiske avvik (på skolenivå) ... -
Re-examining the earnings assimilatins of immigrants
Galloway, Taryn Ann (Discussion Papers;570, Working paper, 2008)Studies on the earnings assimilation of immigrants have traditionally focused exclusively on immigrants in employment. However, given evidence of immigrants' difficulties in entering and remaining in the labor market, ... -
Sammenlikning av simultane og partielle analyser av kommunenes økonomiske atferd
Langørgen, Audun; Galloway, Taryn Ann; Mogstad, Magne; Aaberge, Rolf (Rapporter;2005/25, Report, 2005)Kommunene produserer tjenester innenfor forskjellige tjenesteytende sektorer, som administrasjon, utdanning, barnehager, helsestell, sosiale tjenester, kultur og infrastruktur. Variasjoner i pengebruken per innbygger ... -
The Labor market integration of immigrant men and women
Galloway, Taryn Ann (Discussion Papers;No. 483, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: Out of necessity, the earliest studies of immigrants' performance in the labor market in Western countries focused solely on men. However, as the employment rates of women in Western countries rise and approach ... -
To what extent is a transition into employment associated with an exit from poverty
Galloway, Taryn Ann (Discussion Papers;No. 382, Working paper, 2004)Abstract: A link between lack of employment and poverty is often made implicitly, but can be difficult to enumerate in a satisfactory manner. We would therefore like to ask the question: to what extent does acquiring ... -
Universal Transfers, Tax Breaks and Fertility: Evidence from a Regional Reform in Norway
Hart, Rannveig Kaldager; Galloway, Taryn Ann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Årlig og kronisk fattigdom i Norge. En empirisk analyse av perioden 1993-2001
Galloway, Taryn Ann; Mogstad, Magne (Rapporter;2006/20, Report, 2006)Hovedformålet med denne studien er å kartlegge omfanget av kronisk og årlig fattigdom i Norge fra perioden 1993- 2001. Dessuten ønsker vi å studere i hvilken grad individer som har lav inntekt i en kort periode er utsatt ...