Viser treff 141-160 av 426

    • Inequality in current and lifetime income 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Mogstad, Magne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-14)
      To gauge inequality in living standards, the distribution of lifetime income is likely to be more relevant than the distribution of current income. Yet, empirical studies of income inequality are typically based on ...
    • Decomposing Global Inequality 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-25)
      This paper provides an intuitive additive decomposition of the global income Gini coefficient with respect to differences within and between countries. In 2005, nearly half the total global income inequality is due to ...
    • The regional dispersion of income inequality in nineteenth-century Norway 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-12)
      This paper documents, for the first time, municipality- and occupation-level estimates of income inequality between individuals in a European country in the nineteenth century, using a combination of several detailed data ...
    • Intergenerational Mobility in Norway, 1865–2011 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-16)
      There are large differences in intergenerational mobility between countries. Little is known, however, about how persistent such differences are, and how they evolve over time. This paper constructs a data set of 835,537 ...
    • Inequality in the very long run: inferring inequality from data on social groups. 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06)
      This paper presents a new method for calculating Gini coefficients from tabulations of the mean income of social classes. Income distribution data from before the Industrial Revolution usually come in the form of such ...
    • Fordelingsvirkninger av pensjonsreformen 

      Nicolajsen, Stian; Stølen, Nils Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-04-28)
      Pensjonsreformen har som mål å redusere den fremtidige veksten i statens utgifter til alderspensjon samtidig som pensjonssystemet fortsatt skal virke omfordelende. Fordelingsvirkningene av reformen er analysert gjennom ...
    • Estimating occupational mobility with covariates 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-08)
      The Altham statistic is often used to calculate intergenerational associations in occupations in studies of historical social mobility. This paper presents a method to incorporate individual covariates into such estimates ...
    • Fiscal effects of the Norwegian pension reform – A micro–macro assessment 

      Fredriksen, Dennis; Holmøy, Erling; Strøm, Birger; Stølen, Nils Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The main goal of the Norwegian pension reform of 2011 is to improve long run fiscal sustainability, not least through stronger labour supply incentives. We assess to what extent the reform is likely to live up to these ...
    • Skjev kjønnsbalanse i toppen av inntektsfordelingen 

      Modalsli, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-25)
      Denne artikkelen dokumenterer at kjønnssammensetningen er svært skjev blant de med høyest inntekt. Artikkelen presenterer utviklingen i andel kvinner og menn i topp 10, 1 og 0,1 prosent i Norge de siste tiårene, og ...
    • Har innvandrere bidratt til bedre balanse mellom tilbud av og etterspørsel etter arbeidskraft i det norske arbeidsmarkedet – hva kan en enkel indikator fortelle? 

      Kolsrud, Dag (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Årene 2003–2013 var en periode med sterk vekst, men også store konjunktursvingninger i norsk økonomi. En nedgang i arbeidsledighetsraten og vakanseraten over perioden kan skyldes at arbeidsmarkedet i økende grad koblet ...
    • Asset market participation and portfolio choice over the life-cycle 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Gottlieb, Charles; Guiso, Luigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-20)
      Using error‐free data on life‐cycle portfolio allocations of a large sample of Norwegian households, we document a double adjustment as households age: a rebalancing of the portfolio composition away from stocks as they ...
    • The effects of R&D tax credits on patenting and innovations 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Norwegian business spending on R&D is low by OECD standards. To stimulate business R&D, in 2002 the Norwegian government introduced a tax-based incentive, SkatteFUNN. We analyze the effects of SkatteFUNN on the likelihood ...
    • Portfolio choices, firm shocks, and uninsurable wage risk 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Guiso, Luigi; Pistaferri, Luigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-06)
      Assessing the importance of uninsurable wage risk for individual financial choices faces two challenges. First, the identification of the marginal effect requires a measure of at least one component of risk that cannot be ...
    • Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response. 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Guiso, Luigi; Pistaferri, Luigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-05)
      We propose a new approach to identify the strength of the precautionary motive and the extent of self-insurance in response to earnings risk based on Euler equation estimates. To address endogeneity problems, we use Norwegian ...
    • Heterogeneity in Returns to Wealth and the Measurement of Wealth Inequality 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Guiso, Luigi; Malacrino, Davide; Pistaferri, Luigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-05)
      Lacking a long time series on the assets of the very wealthy, Saez and Zucman (2015) use US tax records to obtain estimates of wealth holdings by capitalizing asset income from tax returns. They document marked upward ...
    • Saving and portfolio allocation before and after job loss 

      Basten, Christoph; Fagereng, Andreas; Telle, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-14)
      We investigate the development of household labor income, financial wealth, and asset holdings over a 9-year period around job loss, using unique administrative panel data from Norway. Consistent with predictions from ...
    • Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search : quasi-experimental evidence from Norway 

      Basten, Christoph; Fagereng, Andreas; Telle, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-23)
      We identify the causal effect of lump-sum severance payments on non-employment duration in Norway by exploiting a discontinuity in eligibility at age 50. We find that a payment worth 1.2 months’ earnings at the median ...
    • Identifying the sector bias of technical change 

      Brasch, Thomas von (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-02-19)
      The empirical literature studying the sector bias of technical change has only focused on skill-biased technical change. In this paper, I analyse the sector bias of both factor-neutral and factor-biased technical change. ...
    • Deunionization and job polarization – a macroeconomic model analysis for a small open economy 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea; Sparrman, Victoria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-07)
      Declining unionization rates and job polarization are two important labor market developments of recent decades. A large body of literature has analyzed these phenomena separately, but little has been done to see whether ...
    • The import price index with trade barriers: theory and evidence 

      Brasch, Thomas von (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-05)
      The standard economic import price index hinges on an assumption of free trade. Applying the index to situations with barriers to trade yields biased results compared to a true import price index. To circumvent this problem, ...