Viser treff 81-100 av 426

    • Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: findings from employees in child care centers 

      Drange, Nina; Gunnes, Trude; Telle, Kjetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Persistently, high workload may raise sickness absence with associated costs to firms and society. We proxy workload by the number of adults per child in Norwegian child care centers and find that more educated teachers ...
    • Exact and inexact decompositions of trade price indices 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Boug, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Marginal compensated effects in discrete labor supply models 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar; Locatelli, Marilena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper develops analytic results for marginal compensated effects in discrete labor supply models, including a Slutsky equation. The Slutsky equation is aggregate in the sense that it establishes the relationship between ...
    • Buy to let housing investors in the Nordic countries 

      Bø, Erlend Eide (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The last few decades have seen high population and housing price growth in the Nordic capital cities. The high prices have led to concerns about affordability of housing and unsustainable mortgage levels. Policy makers and ...
    • Head start and the distribution of long-term education and labor market outcomes 

      de Haan, Monique; Leuven, Edwin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We investigate the effect of Head Start on education and wage income for individuals in their 30s in the NLSY79. We contribute to the existing literature by examining effects across outcome distributions, using an approach ...
    • Did OPEC change its behaviour after the November 2014 meeting? 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We analyse the behaviour of OPEC as a group by formulating a theoretical model that encompasses the perfect competition model and various forms of the imperfect competition model. By confronting the theoretical model with ...
    • Hvor likestilte er mor og far? Resultater fra en beslutningsmodell for familier med førskolebarn 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Vattø, Trine Engh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Modeller som beskriver hvordan foreldre med førskolebarn responderer på endringer i familiepolitikken har så langt kun fokusert på morens arbeidstilbud. Underforstått er det dermed moren som er den alternative omsorgspersonen ...
    • Educational differences in cohort fertility across sub-national regions in Europe 

      Nisén, Jessica; Klüsener, Sebastian; Dahlberg, Johan; Dommermuth, Lars; Jasilioniene, Aiva; Kreyenfeld, Michaela; Lappegård, Trude; Peng, Li; Martikainen, Pekka; Neels, Karel; Riederer, Bernhard; Riele, Saskia te; Szabó, Laura; Trimarchi, Alessandra; Viciana, Francisco; Wilson, Ben; Myrskylä, Mikko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Educational differences in female cohort fertility vary strongly across high-income countries and over time, but knowledge about how educational fertility differentials play out at the sub-national regional level is limited. ...
    • Public acceptance and willingness to pay cost-effective taxes on red meat and city traffic in Norway 

      Grimsrud, Kristine; Lindhjem, Henrik; Sem, Ingvild Vestre; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The Norwegian Green Tax Commission proposes inter alia cost-effective taxes on red meat and city traffic to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. Implementation requires public support, but the acceptance ...
    • The Consumption Euler Equation or the Keynesian Consumption Function? 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Jansen, Eilev S.; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Refunding emission payments: Output-based versus expenditure-based refunding 

      Hagem, Cathrine; Hoel, Michael; Sterner, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We analyse two mechanism designs for refunding emission payments to polluting firms: output-based refunding (OBR) and expenditure-based refunding (EBR). In both instruments, emission fees are returned to the polluting ...
    • Public R&D support and firm performance: A multivariate dose-response analysis 

      Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Raknerud, Arvid; Iancu, Diana-Cristina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We analyse all the major sources of direct and indirect research and development (R&D) support to the business enterprise sector in a single country, Norway, for the period 2002–2013, treating the financial support for R&D ...
    • Elektrifisering av veitransport – hva er miljøeffektene og kostnadene? 

      Holtsmark, Bjart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09)
      Ikke noe land har like omfattende satsing på elbiler som Norge. Elbilsalget utgjør nå nær halvparten av nybilsalget. Dette er forårsaket av en velkjent pakke med virkemidler. Politikken bidrar til å redusere våre utslipp ...
    • Regional variation in health care utilization and mortality 

      Godøy, Anna Aasen; Huitfeldt, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02-19)
      Geographic variation in health care utilization has raised concerns of possible inefficiencies in health care supply, as differences are often not reflected in health outcomes. Using comprehensive Norwegian microdata, we ...
    • Who benefited from industrialization? The local effects of hydropower technology adoption in Norway 

      Leknes, Stefan; Modalsli, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper studies the impact of the construction of hydropower facilities on labor market outcomes in Norway at the turn of the twentieth century (1891–1920). The sudden breakthrough in hydropower technology provides a ...
    • Optimal Climate Policy in the Presence of Another Country's Climate Policy 

      Kaushal, Kevin R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-25)
      The allowances in an emission trading system (ETS) are commonly allocated for free to the emission-intensive and trade-exposed sector, e.g., in the form of output-based allocation (OBA). Recently an approach combining OBA ...
    • Productivity Dispersion and Measurement Error 

      von Brasch, Thomas; Iancu, Diana-Cristina; Skjerpen, Terje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-11)
      Several reasons have been put forward to explain the high dispersion of productivity across establishments: quality of management, different input usage and market distortions, to name but a few. Although it is acknowledged ...
    • Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data 

      Rege, Mari; Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil; Votruba, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)
      We estimate the job displacement effect on criminal behavior for young adult Norwegian men separated from their plant of employment during a mass layoff. Displaced workers experience a 20 percent increase in criminal charge ...
    • The impacts of the EU ETS on Norwegian plants’ environmental and economic performance 

      Klemetsen, Marit Elisabeth; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Jakobsen, Anja Lund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02-28)
      This paper examines the impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) on the environmental and economic performance of Norwegian plants. The ETS is regarded as the cornerstone climate policy in the EU and Norway, but ...
    • Internal Migration and the Role of Intergenerational Family Ties and Life Events 

      Thomas, Michael J.; Dommermuth, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-14)
      Objective This article examines how the migration behavior of older parents and adult children might be influenced by the geographical configuration of nonresident family networks and the emergence of “linked” life events. ...