Now showing items 1061-1080 of 1336

    • Statistikk over samiske språkbrukere i Norge. En kartlegging av eksisterende datakilder og vurdering av fremgangsmåter for statistikk 

      Holth, Bjørn Are; Lillegård, Magnar (Notater / Documents;2017/34, Working paper, 2017-10-18)
      Det finnes i dag ingen offentlig registrering av personer som snakker samisk i Norge, og dermed heller ingen offentlig statistikk over utbredelsen av de samiske språkene. I dette notatet gjennomgår og vurderer SSB ...
    • Status Analysis on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) 

      Nielsen, Vibeke Oestreich; Brunborg, Helge; Aalandslid, Vebjørn; Roll-Hansen, Dag; Hendriks, Coen (Notater / Documents;2014/41, Working paper, 2014-11)
      The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) agenda has a wide scope. It covers the registration of vital events, like births, marriages and deaths, and the use of this to produce statistics. The registration often ...
    • Status preferences and economic growth 

      Howarth, Richard B.; Brekke, Kjell Arne (Discussion Papers;No. 240, Working paper, 1998)
      This paper examines the implications of status-seeking behavior for long-term growth in a competitive economy. We explore the intuitive hypothesis that the quest for enhanced economic status leads to excessive levels of ...
    • A stochastic model for the utility of income 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Strøm, Steinar; Jia, Zhiyang (Discussion Papers;No. 358, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: In this paper we discuss a general framework for analyzing labor supply behavior in the presence of complicated budget- and quantity constraints of which some are unobserved. The point of departure is that an ...
    • Stochastic properties and functional forms in life cycle : models for transitions into and out of employment 

      Dagsvik, John K.; Aaberge, Rolf (Discussion Papers;No. 24, Working paper, 1987)
      The paper discusses a justification for a particular econometric framework for analysing transitions into and out of employment in an intertemporal context with uncertainty. The analysis extends the models found in the ...
    • Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen 2017. Dokumentasjonsnotat 

      Falnes-Dalheim, Elisabeth; Bye, Lise Snellingen (Notater / Documents;2019/29, Working paper, 2019-08-12)
      Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen ble gjennomført høsten 2017. Formålet med undersøkelsen var å beskrive valgdeltagelse, politisk orientering samt holdninger til politiske spørsmål blant befolkningen. Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen ...
    • Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen 2021. Dokumentasjonsnotat 

      Bye, Lise Snellingen (Notater;2023/16, Working paper, 2023-03)
      Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen ble gjennomført høsten 2021. Formålet med undersøkelsen var å kunne beskrive valgdeltagelse, politisk orientering samt holdninger til politiske spørsmål blant befolkningen. Stortingsvalgundersøkelsen ...
    • Strategic climate policy in small, open economies 

      Greaker, Mads; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 448, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: According to environmental interests groups governments should use their climate policy strategically in order to provide for a faster introduction of new, cleaner technologies. Strategic use of climate policy ...
    • Strategic investment in climate friendly technologies: the impact of permit trade 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine (Discussion Papers;No. 615, Working paper, 2010)
      Abstract: Our point of departure is that a group of developed countries invest in the development of greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies both at home and in developing countries. Such investments reduce the cost ...
    • Strategic partitioning of emissions allowances : under the EU Emission Trading Scheme 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 538, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is breaking new ground in the experience with emission trading regimes across multiple jurisdictions. Since the EU ETS covers only some industries, it implies a hybrid emission ...
    • Structural adjustment and soil degration in Tanzania : A CGE-model approach with endogenous soil productivity 

      Aune, Jens B.; Glomsrød, Solveig; Iversen, Vegard; Wiig, Henrik (Discussion Papers;No. 189, Working paper, 1997)
      In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two way link between the environment and the economy. ...
    • Structural adjustments and deforestation in Nicaragua 

      Glomsrød, Solveig; Monge A., Maria Dolores; Vennemo, Haakon (Discussion Papers;No. 193, Working paper, 1997)
      This paper investigates the impact of structural adjustment policies on deforestation taking place when the agricultural frontier advances into forest reserves in Nicaragua. A computable general equilibrium model incorporating ...
    • Structural break in the Norwegian LFS due to the 2021 redesign 

      Hungnes, Håvard; Skjerpen, Terje; Hamre, Jørn Ivar; Jansen, Xiaoming Chen; Pham, Dinh Quang; Sandvik, Ole (Discussion Paper;No. 987, Working paper, 2022-08)
      The labour force surveys (LFSs) on all Eurostat countries underwent a substantial redesign in January 2021. To ensure coherent labour market time series for the main indicators in the Norwegian LFS, we model the impact ...
    • Structural Labour Supply Models and Microsimulation 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Colombino, Ugo (Discussion Papers;No. 877, Working paper, 2018-06-04)
      The purpose of the paper is to provide a discussion of the various approaches for accounting for labour supply responses in microsimulation models. The paper focus attention on two methodologies for modelling labour ...

      Aaberge, Rolf; Chen, Xiaojie; Li, Jing; Li, Xuezeng (Discussion Paper;No. 70, Working paper, 1992-04)
      This paper presents the results from a descriptive analysis of economic inequality among households living in urban regions of two Chinese provinces, Sichuan and Liaoning, in 1990. The results refer to distributions of ...
    • Støyplage i Norge. Oppdatert dokumentasjon av metode 

      Engelien, Erik; Holz, Kirsten Elisabeth; Steinnes, Margrete (Notater / Documents;2018/13, Working paper, 2018-03-23)
      Støy virker sjenerende, kan påvirke søvnkvaliteten og være medvirkende årsak til forhøyet blodtrykk og stress (WHO 2009, 2011). Støy er et av de store gjenværende miljøproblemene som rammer flest mennesker i Norge. For ...
    • Subsidising carbon capture : effects on energy prices and market shares in the power market 

      Aune, Finn Roar; Liu, Gang; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Sagen, Eirik Lund (Discussion Papers;595, Working paper, 2009)
      This paper examines how ambitious climate policies and subsidies to carbon capture may affect international energy prices and market shares in the power market. A detailed numerical model of the international energy markets ...
    • Sufficient Welfare Indicators. Allowing Disagreement in Evaluations of Social Welfare 

      Brekke, Kjell Arne; Lurås, Hilde; Nyborg, Karine (Discussion papers;119, Working paper, 1994-06)
      There is no consensus on how to measure interpersonally comparable, cardinal utility. Despite of this, people repeatedly make welfare evaluations in their everyday lives. However, people do not always agree on such ...
    • Supply versus demand-side policies in the presence of carbon leakage and the green paradox 

      Hagem, Cathrine; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Discussion Papers;No. 836, Working paper, 2016-02-11)
      This study derives the optimal combination of consumer taxes and producer taxes when both spatial and intertemporal leakages from the free-riders are taken into account. The starting point of this paper is a climate ...
    • Survey sampling : a necessary journey in the prediction world 

      Bjørnstad, Jan F. (Discussion Papers;608, Working paper, 2010)
      The design-approach is evaluated, using a likelihood approach to survey sampling. It is argued that a model-based approach is unavoidable from a scientific point of view. Estimating population quantities can then be regarded ...