Now showing items 2863-2882 of 4349

    • Omfang av bruk av kontantstøtte blant barn med ikke-vestlig innvandrerbakgrunn 

      Daugstad, Gunnlaug (Rapporter;2006/26, Report, 2006-08-28)
      På oppdrag fra Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet har Statistisk sentralbyrå gjennomført en analyse av omfang av kontantstøttebruk blant barn med ikke-vestlig innvandrerbakgrunn. Tidligere analyser av kontantstøttebruk ...
    • Omfanget av deltidsarbeid 

      Lohne, Ylva; Næsheim, Helge Nome (Journal article, 2003-12)
      Det er 600 000 deltidssysselsatte personer ifølge Arbeidskraftundersøkelsene. Omfanget av deltidsarbeid er imidlertid større. Dette kommer til syne når man tar utgangspunkt i arbeidsforhold fremfor person. Tar man med ...
    • Omlegging av indikatorene for penger og kreditt: Harmonisering med internasjonale standarder og tilpasning til nye kilder 

      Brynestad, Eirin Ingvaldsen; Haugen, Anne Karin Linderud; Tangen, Anne Hege; Vegsund, Heidi; Østensen, Katharina (Notater / Documents;2019 / 9, Working paper, 2019-02-01)
      Omlegging av rapporteringen fra banker, kreditt- og finansieringsforetak, statlige låneinstitutter og Norges Bank fra 2018 førte til at arbeidsprosesser, metoder og programmer i pengemengdestatistikken og kredittindikatoren ...
    • Omlegging av konsumprisindeksen gir økt målt prisvekst i 2000 

      Johannessen, Randi; Lilleås, Per Espen; Sandberg, Lasse (Journal article, 2000-10)
      Denne artikkelen analyserer virkninger av omleggingene som ble foretatt i konsumprisindeksen i august 1999 og i januar 2000. Beregninger viser at vekstratene til konsumprisindeksen spesielt har blitt påvirket av omleggingen ...
    • Omlegging av pengemengdestatistikken. Dokumentasjon av endringer fra tidligere publisert statistikk 

      Høstmark, Camilla; Mathiesen, Marit; Pedersen, Kari; Østensen, Katharina (Notater / Documents;2016/09, Working paper, 2016-03-30)
      Beholdningene, transaksjonene og vekstratene i pengemengden endret seg som følge av omleggingen av pengemengdestatistikken i 2014/2015. Dette notatet omtaler konsekvensene for beholdningsnivåer i pengemengden. Metode for ...
    • On dispersion preserving estimation of the mean of a binary variable from small areas 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Discussion Papers;No. 285, Working paper, 2000)
      Abstract: Over-shrinkage is a common problem in small area (or domain) estimation. It happens when the estimated small-area parameters have less between-area variation than their true values. To deal with this problem, ...
    • On Equity and Public Pricing in Developing Countries 

      Mohn, Klaus (Discussion papers;123, Working paper, 1994-08)
      With address to developing countries, this paper derives some formulae for the optimal price structure for publicly provided private goods. A general equilibrium model is examined, which makes it possible to incorporate ...
    • On general versus emission saving R&D support 

      Bye, Brita; Jacobsen, Karl (Discussion Papers;584, Working paper, 2009)
      We analyse welfare effects of supporting general versus emission saving technological development when carbon emissions are regulated by a carbon tax. We use a computable general equilibrium model with induced technological ...
    • On library routines in the statistical data production 

      Nordbotten, Svein; Aastorp, Thor (Journal article, 1962)
      Early in the history of program controlled computer application, users learned that programming efforts might be saved if programs and subroutines were written to satisfy certain criteria as to general use, and the ...
    • On measuring the contribution from fi rm turnover to aggregate productivity growth: Selection on profitability and not productivity 

      Brasch, Thomas von (Discussion papers;819, Working paper, 2015-10)
      Foster et al. (2001) outline a framework that is commonly used to identify the contribution from firm turnover to aggregate productivity growth. The framework is not derived from economic theory and it implies that ...
    • On Nash equilibrium in prices in an oligopolistic market with demand characterized by a nested multinomial logit model and multiproduct firm as nest 

      Liu, Gang (Discussion Papers;No. 454, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: This note provides a proof on existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in prices in a market where the demand side is characterized by a nested multinomial logit model with multiproduct firm as nest and ...
    • On natural resource rent and the wealth of a nation: a study based on National Accounts in Norway 1930-95 

      Lindholt, Lars (Discussion Papers;No. 281, Working paper, 2000)
      National wealth can be divided into real capital, financial capital, human capital and natural resource wealth. We use the National Accounts measures to illustrate the development of the wealth from 1930 to 1995, with ...
    • On R&D anf the undersupply of emerging versus mature technolgies 

      Heggedal, Tom-Reiel (Discussion Papers;571, Working paper, 2008)
      An important policy question is whether research and development (R&D) in new, emerging technologies should be more subsidized than R&D in other more mature technologies. In this paper I analyze if innovation externalities ...
    • On some common practices of systematic sampling 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Discussion Papers;No. 456, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: Systematic sampling is a widely used technique in survey sampling. It is easy to execute, whether the units are to be selected with equal probability or with probabilities proportional to auxiliary sizes. It ...
    • On some common practices of systematic sampling 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Systematic sampling is widely used technique in survey sampling. It is easy to execute, whether the units are to be selected with equal probability or with probabilities proportional to auxiliary sizes. It can be very ...
    • On statistical file systems II 

      Nordbotten, Svein (Journal article, 1967)
      At the Nordic statistical meeting in Helsinki 1960, some ideas were presented under the name Statistical file system (2). The aim of the present paper is to discuss some further views connected to such a system and ...
    • On the Bias in Gross Labour Flow Estimates Due to Nonresponse and Misclassification 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Abstract: I evaluate and compare the bias due to nonresponse and misclassification in the sample gross labour flow estimates from the Norwegian Labour Force Survey (LFS). These help also to explain the level and net change ...
    • On the definition and measurement of chronic poverty 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion Papers;No. 497, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: As an alternative to the conventional methods for measuring chronic poverty, this paper proposes an interpersonal comparable measure of permanent income as a basis for defining and measuring chronic poverty. ...
    • On the Effects of Linking Cap‑and‑Trade Systems for CO2 Emissions 

      Holtsmark, Bjart; Weitzman, Martin L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-23)
      Linkage of national cap-and-trade systems is typically advocated by economists on a general analogy with the beneficial linkage of free-trade areas and on the specific grounds that linkage will ensure cost effectiveness ...
    • On the effects of linking voluntary cap-and-trade systems for CO2 emissions 

      Weitzman, Martin L.; Holtsmark, Bjart (Discussion Papers;no. 883, Working paper, 2018-09-05)
      Linkage of cap-and-trade systems is typically advocated by economists on a general analogy with the beneficial linking of free-trade areas and on the specific grounds that linkage will ensure cost effectiveness among the ...