• Feriereiser og ferieplaner: Undersøkelse i januar - februar 1985 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1985/10, Report, 1985-06-05)
    • Feriereiser og ferieplaner: Undersøkelse i mai-juni 1985. 

      Statistisk sentralbyrå (Rapporter;1985/32, Report, 1985-09-30)
    • Fertility and family policy in Norway : a reflection on trends and possible connections 

      Rønsen, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)
      Below replacement fertility in many countries has lead to a renewed public interest in policies that may encourage young people to have more children. The Nordic countries are sometimes in focus in this respect, as their ...
    • Fertility and public policies : evidence from Norway and Finland 

      Rønsen, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Below replacement fertility in many countries has lead to a renewed public interest in policies that may encourage young people to have more children. The Nordic countries are sometimes in focus in this respect, as their ...
    • Fibonaccirekken i økonomifaget 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Byström, Johan; Lystad, Lars Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fibonaccirekken er en myteomspunnet tallrekke. Fasinasjonen for denne rekken skyldes blant annet at den nesten har en «universell» anvendelse og blir koblet til arkitektur, kunst, musikk samt en rekke fenomener i naturen. ...
    • Field of study, earnings and selfselection 

      Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Leuven, Edwin; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion papers;794, Working paper, 2015-01)
      Why do individuals choose different types of post-secondary education, and what are the labor market consequences of those choices? We show that answering these questions is difficult because individuals choose between ...
    • Figurer i publikasjoner 

      Byfuglien, Jan (Rapporter;1981/28, Report, 1981-11-16)
      Grafisk framstilling er, på linje med tekst og tabeller, et hjelpemiddel til å trekke ut og klargjøre opplysningsinnholdet i et tallmateriale. Mange mennesker vil trolig ha lettere for å få noe ut av en figur enn ...
    • The financial accelerator : evidence using a procedure of structural model design 

      Hammersland, Roger; Jacobsen, Dag Henning (Discussion Papers;569, Working paper, 2008)
      We find empirical evidence of a financial accelerator using a data based procedure of Structural Model Design. Credit to firms, asset prices and aggregate economic activity interact over the business cycle in our empirical ...
    • The Financial accelerator and the real economy. Self-reinforcing feedback loops in a core macro econometric model for Norway 

      Hammersland, Roger; Træe, Cathrine Bolstad (Discussion Papers;No. 668, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: This paper gives a brief description and studies the salient features of a core macro-econometric model that allows for self-reinforcing co-movements between credit, asset prices and real economic activity, often ...
    • A financial accelerator in the business sector of a macro-econometric model of a small open economy 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Hammersland, Roger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      We have incorporated afinancial accelerator mechanism operating through investments in thebusiness sector in a dynamic macroeconometric model of the Norwegian economy. In this newand amended model aggregated credit and ...
    • Financial deregulation and consumer behavior: the Norwegian experience 

      Boug, Pål; Mork, Knut Anton; Tjemsland, Trond (Discussion Papers;No. 156, Working paper, 1995)
      The present paper uses the model by Campbell and Mankiw (1991) to examine the Norwegian consumer behavior and the role of the financial deregulation during the 1980s. For quarterly data on non-durables and services, we ...
    • Financial deregulation and household saving : the Norwegian experience revisited 

      Halvorsen, Elin (Discussion Papers;No. 361, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: I use new micro data to study the effects of credit deregulation on the Norwegian household savings decline in the mid-1980s. This paper has three main findings. First, the decline in saving started in 1983, ...
    • Financial incentives and study duration in higher education 

      Gunnes, Trude; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Rønning, Marte (Discussion papers;714, Working paper, 2012-11)
      This paper investigates to which extent students in higher education respond to financial incentives by adjusting their study behavior. Students in Norway who completed certain graduate study programs between autumn 1990 ...
    • Finansiering av helse- og sosialutgifter i Norge 1990-1998 

      Nørgaard, Elisabeth (Rapporter;2001/8, Report, 2001-03-12)
      Finansieringen av de samlede utgifter har endret seg lite i perioden 1990-1998. Staten finansierer om lag 2/3 av utgiftene, kommunene finansierer i overkant av 20 prosent, mens arbeidsgivere og arbeidstakere finansierer ...
    • Finanskrisen : forsterket av doktrinen bak inflasjonsmålene : finanskrisen 

      Bjørnstad, Roger (Journal article, 2009)
      Lav og stabil inflasjon vil alltid være sentralt i utformingen av pengepolitikken, men finanskrisen viser at det nå har hatt en for sentral plass. Forankring av inflasjonsforventningene på et lavt og stabilt nivå sikrer ...
    • Finite population small area interval estimation 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Small area intervall estimation is considered for a finite population, where the small area parameters are treated as fixed constants. Design based direct estimation yealds intervals that are too long to be useful. Model ...
    • Finnene skiller seg hyppigst : Norge i verden 

      Byberg, Ingvild Hauge (Journal article, 2002-03)
      Finland topper Europa-listen over skilsmisser per 1 000 gifte. Deretter følger Sverige og Danmark, mens sammenligningene i skilsmissestatistikken viser at Norge jevnt over plasserer seg på et lavere nivå enn resten av Norden.
    • Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response. 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Guiso, Luigi; Pistaferri, Luigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-05)
      We propose a new approach to identify the strength of the precautionary motive and the extent of self-insurance in response to earnings risk based on Euler equation estimates. To address endogeneity problems, we use Norwegian ...
    • First union formation among the children of immigrants in Norway: Timing and choice of union type 

      Wiik, Kenneth Aarskaug (Discussion papers;917, Working paper, 2019-09)
      Using Norwegian register data on all individuals born 1985 to 2000 who were either nativeborn or who immigrated as children or teens (N=1,013,734), the current study investigated timing of first co-residential union and ...
    • First union formation among the children of immigrants: A population-wide study in Norway 

      Wiik, Kenneth Aarskaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05)
      Using Norwegian register data on the total population of individuals who were native-born or who immigrated prior to age 18, this study investigated differences in first union formation across migrant generations, global ...