• Modell for beregning av boligformue. Oppdatert med tall for 2022 

      Medby, Per; Takle, Mona (Notater;2023/8, Working paper, 2023-03)
      Formålet med publikasjonen er å gi en detaljert dokumentasjon av modellen SSB har laget for å beregne markedsverdier for boliger i Norge. Modellen bygger på boligomsetninger de siste ti årene og beregner gjennomsnittlige ...
    • Modell for beregning av boligformue. Oppdatert med tall for 2023 

      Medby, Per (Notater;2024/14, Working paper, 2024-02)
      Formålet med publikasjonen er å gi en detaljert dokumentasjon av modellen SSB har laget for å beregne markedsverdier for boliger i Norge. Modellen bygger på boligomsetninger de siste ti årene og beregner gjennomsnittlige ...
    • Modell for beregning av boligformue: Oppdatert med tall for 2018 

      Takle, Mona; Medby, Per (Notater / Documents;2019 / 10, Working paper, 2019-02-14)
      Formålet med publikasjonen er å gi en detaljert dokumentasjon av modellen SSB har laget for å beregne markedsverdier for boliger i Norge. Modellen bygger på boligomsetninger de siste ti årene og beregner gjennomsnittlige ...
    • Modellering av inn- og utvandring i mikrosimuleringsmodellen MOSART 

      Knudsen, Pål (Notater / Documents;2015/05, Working paper, 2015-01)
      Hensikten med notatet er å vise hvordan modellering av brutto inn- og utvandring har forbedret resultatene som produseres av MOSART. Tidligere versjoner av MOSART benyttet netto inn- og utvandring, noe som begrenset ...
    • Modellering av trafikk på kommunale veier. Beskrivelse av metode 

      Nordbeck, Ola; Langsrud, Øyvind (Notater / Documents;2015/46, Working paper, 2015-12)
      SSB kartlegger og sammenligner støyplager for flere kilder i forbindelse med et nasjonalt miljømål. Veitrafikk er den desidert største kilden til støyplager i Norge og nær halvparten av støyplagene fra veitrafikk var ...
    • Modelling and forecasting rig rates on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 

      Skjerpen, Terje; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Osmundsen, Petter (Discussion Papers;No. 832, Working paper, 2015-12-22)
      Knowledge about rig markets is crucial for understanding the global oil market. In this paper we first develop a simple bargaining model for rig markets. Knowledge about rig markets is crucial for understanding the ...
    • Modelling consumers' energy demand 

      Bye, Brita (Discussion Paper;No. 68, Working paper, 1992-03)
      The modelling of consumers demand for energy in a general consumer demand system is discussed. Electricity, fuel-oil, the stock of electricity using durables and housing are assumed to be separable from other consumer ...
    • Modelling OPEC behaviour. Theory and evidence 

      Boug, Pål; Cappelen, Ådne; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Discussion Papers;No. 843, Working paper, 2016-07-01)
      We analyse the behaviour of OPEC as a group for the period 1992 to 2015 by formulating a model that encompasses several of the alternatives discussed in the literature. There is no consensus in the literature on how ...
    • Modelling the demand for imports and domestic output 

      Naug, Bjørn E. (Discussion Papers;No. 243, Working paper, 1999)
      The paper models domestic output over imports in Norway’s expenditure on manufactures. Using Johansen’s (1988, 1991) method, we obtain a cointegrating vector between the output-imports ratio, relative prices and a proxy ...
    • Modelling the heuristic dynamics of the wage and price curve model of equilibrium unemployment 

      Kolsrud, Dag; Nymoen, Ragnar (Discussion Papers;671, Working paper, 2012)
      A standard model of equilibrium unemployment consists of static equations for real wage ambitions (wage curve) and real wage scope (price curve), which jointly determine the NAIRU. The heuristics of the model states that ...
    • Modelling ‘crime-proneness’ : a comparison of models for repeated count outcomes 

      Skarðhamar, Torbjørn; Schweder, Tore; Schweder, Simen Gan (Discussion Papers;611, Working paper, 2010)
      In the criminal career literature, the individual-level age-crime relationship is commonly modelled using generalized linear mixed models, where between-individual heterogeneity is then handled through specifying random ...
    • A modification of Heckman's two stage estimation procedure that is applicable when the budget set is convex 

      Dagsvik, John K. (Discussion Paper;No. 28, Working paper, 1987-12)
      The paper develops a simple estimation procedure for a labor supply model with non-linear convex budget set. The procedure is an extension of Heckman's two stage method. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are derived.
    • Monetary aspects of business cycles in Norway: an exploratory study based on historical data 

      Klette, Tor Jakob (Discussion papers;130, Working paper, 1994-10)
      Hall's (1988) approach to study price-cost margins is adapted to simultaneously estimate price-cost margins and scale economies from a panel of plant level data. The paper shows how this methodology provides a very flexible ...
    • Monetary aspects of business cycles in Norway: an exploratory study based on historical data 

      Grünfeld, Leo A. (Discussion papers;131, Working paper, 1994-10)
      Based on the methodology developed by Hodrick & Prescott (1980), it is shown that monetary activity in Norway by no means obeys the cyclical pa tterns described by Lucas (1983). By constructing annual time series covering ...
    • Monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations. Lessons from a natural field experiment in Norway 

      Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;680, Working paper, 2012)
      Relying on a small natural field experiment with random assignment of treatments, I estimate effects of three core elements of most monitoring and enforcement practices: self-reporting, audit frequency and specific deterrence. ...
    • Monopolistic competition, resource allocation and the effects of industrial policy 

      Hægeland, Torbjørn (Discussion Papers;No. 161, Working paper, 1996)
      An indicator of allocation effects of industrial policy is derived from a theoretical framework of monopolistic competition. The indicator gives a qualitative picture of how industrial policy affects industry structure and ...
    • More on testing exact rational expectations in cointegrated vector autoregressive models : restricted drift terms 

      Johansen, Søren; Swensen, Anders Rygh (Discussion Papers;No. 348, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: In this note we consider testing of a type of linear restrictions implied by rational expectations hypotheses in a cointegrated vector autoregressive model for I(1) variables when there in addition is a restriction ...
    • More realistic estimates of revenue changes from tax cuts 

      Thoresen, Thor Olav; Aasness, Jørgen; Jia, Zhiyang (Discussion Papers;No. 545, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: Procedures of revenue estimation of changes in the personal income tax are discussed. Using revenue estimates of the 2006 tax cuts in the personal income tax in Norway as an example, we show that estimates of ...
    • Mortality shifts and mortality compression. The case of Norway, 1900-2060 

      Keilman, Nico; Pham, Dinh Quang; Syse, Astri (Discussion Papers;No. 884, Working paper, 2018-09-13)
      The aim of the paper is to verify whether the projections predict a continuation of the ongoing compression in mortality and of the steady upward shift in the ages at which people die. Historically, official Norwegian ...
    • Mortality, fertility and old age care in a two-sex growth model 

      Andreassen, Leif (Discussion Papers;No. 378, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of decreasing mortality in explaining demographic change over the last century. A two-sex overlapping generations model is used where care both for children and the elderly ...