Browsing Artikler / Journal articles by Document Types "Peer reviewed"
Now showing items 41-60 of 329
Cox regression with linked data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Cultural norms and financial incentives: A model of how to fund universities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper derives the optimal compensation contract when two asymmetrically verifiable tasks are tied together, a cultural norm of behavior coexists with a financial incentive, and public funding is also a concern. To ... -
Debatten omkring Solidaritetsalternativet : lønnsdannelsen i industrien - uendret også i perioden 1995-1997
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)Solidaritetsalternativet bør ses på som et viktig bidrag i å bevare det norske lønnsforhandlingssystemet. Men det kan synes som at man med Solidaritetsalternativet har hatt et mer ambisiøst mål, å bidra til en enda ... -
Declined Total Fertility Rate Among Immigrants and the Role of Newly Arrived Women in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In many Western countries, the total fertility rate (TFR) of immigrant women has declined over the last decades. This paper proposes two methods for investigating such changes in the aggregate immigrant fertility level: ... -
Decomposing Global Inequality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-25)This paper provides an intuitive additive decomposition of the global income Gini coefficient with respect to differences within and between countries. In 2005, nearly half the total global income inequality is due to ... -
Decomposition of rank-dependent measures of inequality by subgroups
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)Summary - The purpose of additive subgroup decomposition is to study the relationship between overall inequality and inequality within and between population subgroups defined by variables like gender, age, education and ... -
Deregulering av elektrisitetsmarkedet : norske erfaringer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Det norske elektrisitetsmarkedet ble liberalisert og deregulert i 1991, på grunnlag av energiloven av 1990. Deretter ble det integrert med et deregulert svensk marked i 1996, et finsk marked i 1997 og det danske markedet ... -
Desentralisert lønnsdannelse : avindustrialisering og økt ledighet selv med et tøffere arbeidsliv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)Det er for tiden et press for desentralisering av lønnsdannelsen i Norge. Argumentene er av mikroøkonomisk art, som at arbeidskraften lettere allokeres dit den kaster mest av seg. De makroøkonomiske konsekvensene kan derimot ... -
Det komplekse sykefraværet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Sykefraværsstatistikken har siden den startet i år 2000 vist at sykefraværsprosenten1 har ligget på om lag 7 prosent, men med en del variasjoner fra år til år. Tre temaer er svært sentrale i debatten om sykefraværet; i) ... -
Det norske kvotesystemet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Regjeringens forslag til kvotesystem for 2008-2012 innebærer vesentlige endringer i forhold til dagens kvotesystem. Noen endringer følger av at systemet skal integreres fullt ut i EUs system, andre endringer er selvvalgt. ... -
Deunionization and job polarization – a macroeconomic model analysis for a small open economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-07)Declining unionization rates and job polarization are two important labor market developments of recent decades. A large body of literature has analyzed these phenomena separately, but little has been done to see whether ... -
Did OPEC change its behaviour after the November 2014 meeting?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We analyse the behaviour of OPEC as a group by formulating a theoretical model that encompasses the perfect competition model and various forms of the imperfect competition model. By confronting the theoretical model with ... -
Discrete choice in continuous time : implications of an intertemporal version of the IIA property
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)This paper proposes a particular behavioral axiom to characterize the stochastic structure of static discrete choice models with serially correlated utilities. This assumption extends Luce’s axiom; “Independence from ... -
Distributional Effects of a Wealth Tax under Lifetime-Dynastic Income Concepts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-14)Annual wealth tax is back on the policy agenda, but the discussion on itseffect is not well informed. When standard methodology is used and wealthtax burdens are measured against annual individual income, a large share ... -
The Distributional impact of public services when needs differ
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Despite a broad consensus on the need to take into account the value of public services in distributional analysis, there is little reliable evidence on how the inclusion of such non-cash income actually affects poverty ... -
Distributional implications of joint tax evasion
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-21)Both buyers and sellers of goods and services may benefit from letting their economic transactions go unrecorded for tax purposes. The supplier reduces his tax burden by underreporting income and sales, whereas the consumer ... -
Divorce in Norwegian Same‐Sex Marriages and Registered Partnerships: The Role of Children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-09-02)Using Norwegian register data on the total population of same‐sex couples who formalized their unions from 1993 through 2010 (N = 3,422, 52% male), this study addressed the level and correlates of divorce among these couples ... -
Do characteristics of family members influence older persons’ transition to long-term healthcare services?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Do more equal slices shrink the cake? An empirical investigation of tax-transfer reform proposals in Italy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)A crucial issue in efficiency-equality evaluations of tax reforms resides in the possibility that the level as well as the distribution of welfare may change, where the household-specific measures of welfare capture the ... -
Do older parents' assistance needs deter parent-child geographic divergence in Norway?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The role of intergenerational geographic proximity in individuals' migration decisions has been well-established. The circumstances under which parents and their adult children move away from or remain close to each other ...