Browsing Artikler / Journal articles by Document Types "Peer reviewed"
Now showing items 1-20 of 329
29 recommendations to combat social inequalities in health. The Norwegian Council on Social Inequalities in Health
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)All political parties in Norway agree that social inequalities in health comprise a public health problem and should be reduced. Against this background, the Council on Social Inequalities in Health has taken action to ... -
50$/fat - hva har Norge da råd til?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Mye tyder på at forventningene om den langsiktige realprisen på olje kan ha doblet seg til rundt 50$/fat i løpet av de siste par år. I så fall har Norge fått nesten halvannen ekstra petroleumsformue sammenlignet med hva ... -
A behavioral two-sex marriage model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)In this paper we propose a particular marriage model, i.e., a model for the number of marriages for each age combination as a function of the vectors of the number of single men and women in each age group. The model is ... -
A framework for analyzing rank ordered data with application to automobile demand
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this paper we develop a general random utility framework for analyzing data on individuals' rank orderings. Specifically, we show that in the case with 3 alternatives one can express the probability of a particular rank ... -
A Two-Stage Bennet Decomposition of the Change in the Weighted Arithmetic Mean
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The weighted arithmetic mean is used in a wide variety of applications. An infinite number of possible decompositions of the change in the weighted mean are available, and it is therefore an open question which of the ... -
Accounting for family background when designing optimal income taxes: a microeconometric simulation analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The purpose of this paper is to introduce and adopt a generalised version of Roemer's (1998) Equality of Opportunity (EOp) framework, which we call extended EOp, for analysing second-best optimal income taxation. Unlike ... -
Ageing and labor productivity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We exploit a policy-induced shift in the labor supply of elderly (age 63–67) workers in Norway to explore how aging of the workforce within existing firms is likely to affect labor productivity and the demand for younger ... -
Aggregate marginal costs of public funds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we discuss aggregate measures of marginal costs of public funds (MCF) in populations that are heterogeneous with respect to observed as well as unobserved characteristics. We first discuss how to compute MCF ... -
Altruist talk may (also) be cheap: Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Altruistic preferences have been found to be important for explaining the substantial nonuse values identifed in numerous stated preference surveys. However, studies analysing the efect of altruism on willingness to pay ... -
Arbeidstidsønsker i småbarnsfasen : hvordan tolke ønsker om kortere arbeidstid?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Forskere i mange land argumenterer for at studier av arbeidstid bør suppleres med studier av arbeidstidspreferanser. Dette vil gi en bedre forståelse av folks trivsel og velferd, samtidig som det gir et bedre grunnlag for ... -
Arbeidstilbudet hvor mye er det å hente?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)Yrkesprosenten i Norge er høy, både i et historisk og internasjonalt perspektiv. De sysselsatte i Norge jobber imidlertid relativt få timer. Mens yrkesprosenten for menn (25-54 år) er på linje med andre land, har ... -
Are Carbon Prices Redundant in the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Policy Package?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In 2018, an agreement between the key EU institutions—the Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Council—was reached after a long-lasting discourse over the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package. This ... -
Assessing income tax perturbations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We present a scheme for analysing income tax perturbations, applied to a real Norwegian tax reform during 2016–2018. The framework decomposes the reform into a structural reform part and a tax level effect. The former ... -
Asset market participation and portfolio choice over the life-cycle
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-20)Using error‐free data on life‐cycle portfolio allocations of a large sample of Norwegian households, we document a double adjustment as households age: a rebalancing of the portfolio composition away from stocks as they ... -
Assimilation effects on poverty among immigrants in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)This paper discusses the question of whether or not the high incidence of poverty among immigrants in Norway persists even after immigrants have been in the country for a long period, i.e. after they have had the opportunity ... -
Assortative labor matching, city size, and the education level of workers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We investigate the heterogeneity of assortative labor matching with respect to geography, skills, and tasks. Our contribution is to separate plant quality by education level and occupation tasks using the AKM-model. We ... -
Avoiding adverse employment effects from electricity taxation in Norway: What does it cost?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Welfare analyses of energy taxes typically show that systems with uniform rates perform better than differentiated systems. However, most western countries include some exemptions for their energyintensive export industries ... -
Axiomatic characterization of the Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve orderings
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)This paper is concerned with distributions of income and the ordering of related Lorenz curves. By introducing appropriate preference relations on the set of Lorenz curves, two alternative axiomatic characterizations of ... -
Axiomatization of stochastic models for choice under uncertainty
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)This paper develops a theory of probabilistic models for risky choices. This theory can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory. One probabilistic version of the Archimedean Axiom and two versions of the ... -
Baby booming inequality? Demographic change and earnings inequality in Norway, 1967–2000
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In this paper, we demonstrate how age-adjusted inequality measures can be used to evaluate whether changes in inequality over time are due to changes in the age-structure. To this end, we use administrative data on earnings ...