• Evaluation of the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Fjærli, Erik; Foyn, Frank; Hægeland, Torbjørn; Møen, Jarle; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Discussion Papers;640, Working paper, 2010)
      We find that the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme introduced in 2002 mainly works as intended. The scheme is cost-effective and it is used by a large number of firms. It stimulates these firms to invest more in R&D, and, ...
    • Growth policy in a small, open economy : domestic innovation and learning from abroad 

      Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran; Grünfeld, Leo A. (Discussion Papers;572, Working paper, 2008)
      Research and development (R&D) play a pivotal role for innovation and productivity growth, and knowledge spillovers can make the case for public support to private R&D. In small and open economies, absorption of foreign ...
    • Knowledge spillovers and the timing of R&D policy 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Jacobsen, Karl (Discussion Papers;635, Working paper, 2010)
      We analyze how knowledge spillovers influence the optimal timing of R&D policy. Using numerical simulations we find that optimal subsidies to R&D may be rising over time even when the returns to knowledge is decreasing. ...
    • On general versus emission saving R&D support 

      Bye, Brita; Jacobsen, Karl (Discussion Papers;584, Working paper, 2009)
      We analyse welfare effects of supporting general versus emission saving technological development when carbon emissions are regulated by a carbon tax. We use a computable general equilibrium model with induced technological ...
    • On R&D anf the undersupply of emerging versus mature technolgies 

      Heggedal, Tom-Reiel (Discussion Papers;571, Working paper, 2008)
      An important policy question is whether research and development (R&D) in new, emerging technologies should be more subsidized than R&D in other more mature technologies. In this paper I analyze if innovation externalities ...
    • Returns to public R&D grants and subsidies 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Discussion papers;740, Working paper, 2013-05)
      We address the question of whether the returns to R&D differ between R&D projects funded by public grants and R&D in general. To answer this question, we use a flexible production function that distinguishes between different ...
    • Strategic investment in climate friendly technologies: the impact of permit trade 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine (Discussion Papers;No. 615, Working paper, 2010)
      Abstract: Our point of departure is that a group of developed countries invest in the development of greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies both at home and in developing countries. Such investments reduce the cost ...
    • The effects of R&D tax credits on patenting and innovations 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Discussion Papers;No. 565, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: Norwegian business spending on R&D is low by OECD standards. To stimulate business R&D, in 2002 the Norwegian government introduced a tax-based incentive, SkatteFUNN. We analyze the effects of SkatteFUNN on the ...
    • The impact of public R&D support on firms’ patenting 

      Bye, Brita; Klemetsen, Marit Elisabeth; Raknerud, Arvid (Discussion papers;911, Working paper, 2019-07)
      We examine the impact of both R&D tax credits and direct R&D subsidies on Norwegian firms' patenting. Whereas direct subsidies are aimed at projects with low private and high social return, tax credits do not discriminate ...
    • Timing of innovation policies when carbon emissions are restricted : an applied general equilibrium analysis 

      Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Jacobsen, Karl (Discussion Papers;No. 536, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: This paper studies the timing of subsidies for environmental research and development (R&D) and how innovation policy is influenced by the costs of emissions. We use a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) ...
    • Welfare and growth impacts of innovation policies in a small, open economy. An applied general equilibrium analysis 

      Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel (Discussion Papers;No. 510, Working paper, 2007)
      We explore how innovation incentives in a small, open economy should be designed in order to achieve the highest welfare and growth, by means of a computable general equilibrium model with R&D-driven endogenous technological ...