• Alternative designs for tariffs on embodied carbon. A global cost-effectiveness analysis 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;682, Working paper, 2012)
      In the absence of effective world-wide cooperation to curb global warming, import tariffs on embodied carbon have been proposed as a potential supplement to unilateral emissions pricing. We systematically consider alternative ...
    • Avoiding adverse employment effects from energy taxation: What does it cost? 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon (Discussion Papers;No. 432, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: Welfare analysis of energy taxes typically shows that systems with uniform rates perform better than differentiated systems. However, most western countries include some exemptions for their energyintensive export ...
    • Cost-effective unilateral climate policy design: Size Matters 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Fischer, Carolyn; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 664, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: Given the bleak prospects for a global agreement on mitigating climate change, pressure for unilateral abatement is increasing. A major challenge is emissions leakage. Border carbon adjustments and output-based ...
    • Counterfactual Analyses of Oil Price Shocks using a World Model 

      Barrell, Ray; Magnussen, Knut A. (Discussion papers;177, Working paper, 1996-07)
      Oil price shocks have played a dominant role in the macroeconomic development of the world economy over the last twenty five years. In this paper a large, estimated, macro-economic world model with time varying trade ...
    • Did Norway gain from the 1979-85 oil price shock? 

      Eika, Torbjørn; Magnussen, Knut A. (Discussion Papers;No. 210, Working paper, 1998)
      Macroeconomic effects of the high oil prices in the period 1979-85 for the Norwegian economy are considered. An alternative low oil price scenario is developed and effects of the oil shock are calculated as the deviation ...
    • Energy taxation in a small, open economy : efficiency gains under political restraints 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon; Fæhn, Taran (Discussion Papers;No. 387, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: Welfare analyses of energy taxes typically show that systems with uniform rates perform better than differentiated systems, especially if revenue increases can be recycled via cuts in more distortionary taxes. ...
    • Environmental tax reform and producer foresight : an intertemporal computable general equilibrium analysis 

      Bye, Brita (Discussion Papers;No. 185, Working paper, 1996)
      This paper analyses the non-environmental welfare costs of an environmental tax reform using a numerical intertemporal general equilibrium model for the Norwegian economy. The tax reform is revenue neutral such that an ...
    • The Global Effects of Subglobal Climate Policies 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Fischer, Carolyn; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;634, Working paper, 2010)
      Individual countries are in the process of legislating responses to the challenges posed by climate change. The prospect of rising carbon prices raises concerns in these nations about the effects on the competitiveness of ...
    • Labour market rigidities and environmental tax reforms : welfare effects of different regimes 

      Bye, Brita (Discussion Papers;No. 242, Working paper, 1998)
      The working of the labour market is important for the total welfare effects of tax reforms. This paper analyses, by using a computable general equilibrium model for the Norwegian economy, how different assumptions about ...
    • Oil dependency of the Russian economy: an econometric analysis 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Fjærtoft, Daniel; Løfsnæs, Ole (Discussion Papers;No. 617, Working paper, 2010)
      Abstract: A macro econometric model of the Russian economy is developed, containing 13 estimated equations – covering major national account variables, government expenditures and revenues, interest rates, prices and the ...
    • Output-based rebating of carbon taxes in the neighbor’s backyard. Competitiveness, leakage and welfare 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Bye, Brita; Fæhn, Taran; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion papers;783, Working paper, 2014-06)
      We investigate how carbon taxes combined with output-based rebating (OBR) in an open economy perform in interaction with the carbon policies of a large neighboring trading partner. Analytical results suggest that whether ...
    • Sources of Business Cycles in Energy Producing Economies – The case of Norway and United Kingdom 

      Bjørnland, Hilde Christiane (Discussion papers;179, Working paper, 1996-08)
      This paper analyses the sources of business cycles in economies that have an important energy producing sector. Especially, I investigate the effects of oil and gas extractions (energy booms) on the manufacturing sector, ...
    • Taxation, unemployment and growth: dynamic welfare effects of "green" policies 

      Bye, Brita (Discussion Papers;No. 183, Working paper, 1996)
      This paper analyses the effects of so-called "green" tax reforms on a small, open economy producing an imperfect substitute for foreign goods, using an intertemporal general equilibrium model. The labour market is characterised ...
    • The Anatomy of electricity demand: A CGE decomposition for Norway 

      Holmøy, Erling (Discussion Papers;No. 426, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: The paper derives a general equilibrium demand function for electricity by imposing a specific closure rule on a large CGE-model of the Norwegian economy. By a decomposition technique it quantifies the ...
    • The welfare effects of carbon policies: grandfathered quotas versus differentiated taxes 

      Bye, Brita; Nyborg, Karine (Discussion Papers;No. 261, Working paper, 1999)
      Recently, it has been demonstrated that pre-existing distortionary taxes can substantially increase the costs of market-based instruments which do not raise revenue, such as non-auctioned emissions quotas. Revenue-raising ...