• Air pollution and sick-leaves - is there a connection? A case study using air pollution data from Oslo 

      Hansen, Anett C.; Selte, Harald K. (Discussion Papers;No. 197, Working paper, 1997)
      In recent years a growing number of studies have been discussing the relationship between air pollution and human health. The evidence in the literature for adverse health effects of several pol-lutants seems convincing. ...
    • Asymmetric information and international tradable quota treaties : an experimental evaluation 

      Søberg, Morten (Discussion Papers;No. 248, Working paper, 1999)
      This paper reports an experimental test of international quota trading on a market characterised by several dominant traders. Asymmetric information regarding quota demand and supply imply true market-clearing prices which ...
    • Do environmental regulations hamper productivity growth? How accounting for improvements of firms' environmental performance can change the conclusion 

      Telle, Kjetil; Larsson, Jan (Discussion Papers;No. 374, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: Many economists maintain that environmental regulations hamper productivity growth. However, recently, an opposing view has gained advocates. Indeed, it has been suggested that the empirically detected inverse ...
    • EPA's new emissions trading mechanism : a laboratory evaluation : a comment 

      Søberg, Morten (Discussion Papers;No. 213, Working paper, 1998)
      In the US tradable SO2 permit scheme 97.2 per cent of the permits are grandfathered annually to electricity utilities. The remaining 2.8 per cent are withheld and offered for sale at the Environmental Protection Agency ...
    • Factoring the environmental Kuznets curve evidence from Norway 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete; Medin, Hege (Discussion Papers;No. 275, Working paper, 2000)
      The environmental Kuznets curve theory suggests that economic growth may reduce environmental problems. In this article, we analyze the changes in environmentally damaging emissions to air in Norway from 1980 to 1996. In ...
    • It pays to be green - a premature conclusion? 

      Telle, Kjetil; Aslaksen, Iulie; Synnestvedt, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 394, Working paper, 2004)
      It has been claimed that good environmental performance can improve firms’ economic performance. However, because of e.g. data limitations, the methods applied in most previous quantitative empirical studies of the ...
    • Mechanism design for refunding emissions payment 

      Hagem, Cathrine; Holtsmark, Bjart; Sterner, Thomas (Discussion papers;705, Working paper, 2012-09)
      We analyze two mechanism designs for refunding emission payments to polluting firms; Output Based (OB) and Expenditure Based (EB) refunding. In both instruments, emissions fees are returned to the polluting industry, ...
    • Profitability of different instruments in international climate policies 

      Aune, Finn Roar; Kverndokk, Snorre; Lindholt, Lars; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 403, Working paper, 2005)
      Abstract: This article discusses how different climate policy instruments such as CO2 taxes and renewable energy subsidies affect the profitability of fossil fuel production, given that a fixed global climate target ...
    • Quantifying central hypotheses on Environmental Kuznets Curves for a rich economy : a computable general equilibrium study 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete; Fæhn, Taran; Strøm, Birger (Discussion Papers;No. 341, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: We investigate whether the future relationships between several pollutants and per capita income in rich countries may assume the inverted U-forms of Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKC). The emission-augmenting ...
    • Richer and cleaner - at others' expense? 

      Fæhn, Taran; Bruvoll, Annegrete (Discussion Papers;No. 477, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: Pollution intensive production can be avoided domestically by increased imports and less exports of dirty products. Such trade effects may imply more emissions abroad, or pollution leakages. We study whether ...
    • Sectoral and regional expansion of emissions trading 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Dijkstra, Bouwe; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 654, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: We consider an international emissions trading scheme with partial sectoral and regional coverage. Sectoral and regional expansion of the trading scheme is beneficial in aggregate, but not necessarily for ...
    • Stabilisation of CO2 concentrations: Mitigation scenarios using the Petro model 

      Kverndokk, Snorre; Lindholt, Lars; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 267, Working paper, 2000)
      How to stabilise the CO2 consentration in the atmophere depends crucially on baseline assumptions of future economic growth, energy demand and supply techlogies etc. In this paper we investigate how different assumptions ...
    • Strategic climate policy in small, open economies 

      Greaker, Mads; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 448, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: According to environmental interests groups governments should use their climate policy strategically in order to provide for a faster introduction of new, cleaner technologies. Strategic use of climate policy ...
    • Strategic partitioning of emissions allowances : under the EU Emission Trading Scheme 

      Böhringer, Christoph; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 538, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is breaking new ground in the experience with emission trading regimes across multiple jurisdictions. Since the EU ETS covers only some industries, it implies a hybrid emission ...
    • Transboundary environmental policy effects: Markets and emission leakages 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete; Fæhn, Taran (Discussion Papers;No. 384, Working paper, 2004)
      Abstract: According to the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) literature, several mechanisms within rich economies, including increased willingness to conduct abatement policies, contribute to reduce environmental problems. ...
    • Uncertainty and international negotiations on tradable quota treaties 

      Søberg, Morten (Discussion Papers;No. 233, Working paper, 1998)
      Negotiating an international tradable quota treaty between industrialised and developing countries is complicated by uncertain marginal abatement costs and non-uniform quota prices. An initial quota allocation that implies ...