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dc.contributor.authorAndresen, Martin Eckhoff
dc.contributor.authorNix, Emily
dc.descriptionThis paper was previously circulated as “What Causes the Child Penalty and How Can it be Reduced? Evidence from Same-Sex Couples and Policy Reforms”. The first part of the previously circulated draft is now “What Causes the Child Penalty? Evidence from Same Sex and Adopting couples”.en_US
dc.description.abstractChildren cause large earnings drops for mothers but not fathers, a stylized fact known as the “child penalty” that explains a substantial portion of remaining gender income gaps. Can policy reduce the child penalty? We first document how changes in the child penalty over a long time horizon in Norway correlate with major family policy reforms. Next, we evaluate two possible interventions: paternity leave and high-quality childcare. We find no impact of paternity leave on child penalties or a measure of father’s preferences for childcare. In contrast, a year of publicly provided childcare reduces child penalties by 23% during the years of use. These results suggest governments can act to reduce child penalties, but providing alternatives to the mother’s time, such as quality childcare, is more effective than paternity leave.en_US
dc.publisherStatistisk sentralbyråen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDiscussion Paper;No. 983
dc.rightsNavngivelse-Ikkekommersiell 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.subjectGender wage gapen_US
dc.subjectChild penaltyen_US
dc.subjectPaternity leaveen_US
dc.titleCan the child penalty be reduced? - Evaluating multiple policy interventionsen_US
dc.typeWorking paperen_US
dc.relation.projectNorges Forskningsråd: 236947en_US

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Navngivelse-Ikkekommersiell 4.0 Internasjonal
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