Graph sampling by lagged random walk
Peer reviewed, Journal article
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Original version
Zhang, L.-C. (2022). Graph sampling by lagged random walk. Stat, 11( 1), e444. 10.1002/sta4.444Abstract
We propose a family of lagged random walk sampling methods in simple undirected graphs, where transition to the next state (i.e., node) depends on both the current and previous states—hence, lagged. The existing random walk sampling methods can be incorporated as special cases. We develop a novel approach to estimation based on lagged random walks at equilibrium, where the target parameter can be any function of values associated with finite-order subgraphs, such as edge, triangle, 4-cycle and others.
"This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Zhang, L.-C. (2022). Graph sampling by lagged random walk. Stat, 11( 1), e444, which has been published in final form at
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