• Norsk lastebiltransport i et internasjonalt marked 

      Kløvstad, Astri (Journal article, 2010)
      Vogntog og andre store godsbiler utgjør en stadig større del av trafikkbildet vårt. Og de norske lastebilene har ikke vært alene om økningen. Flere og flere av godsbilene har utenlandske skilt, og særlig har enkelte av ...
    • Norske husholdningers sparing 

      Halvorsen, Elin (Journal article, 2011)
      Husholdningenes sparing er i offisiell statistikk representert av hele husholdningssektorens samlede sparing. Bak dette ene tallet skjuler det seg forskjeller mellom ulike grupper. Sparingen øker med alder, menn sparer mer ...
    • Norwegian gas sales and the impacts on European CO2 emissions 

      Berg, Elin; Boug, Pål; Kverndokk, Snorre (Discussion Papers;No. 199, Working paper, 1997)
      This paper studies the impacts on Western European CO2 emissions of a reduction in Norwegian gas sales. The impacts are due to changes in energy demand and energy supply, but environmental and political regulations also ...
    • Norwegian pension reform : defined benefit versus defined contribution 

      Fredriksen, Dennis; Stølen, Nils Martin (Discussion Papers;No. 669, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: Norway. The new system fulfils several criteria for a defined contribution scheme. Earnings from all years in work count in the accumulation of entitlements, and an actuarial rule converting the final balance ...
    • Official forecasts and management of oil windfalls 

      Harding, Torfinn; Ploeg, Frederick van der (Discussion papers (Statistisk sentralbyrå. Forskningsavdelingen);No. 676, Working paper, 2012)
      Official forecasts for oil revenues and the burden of pensioners are used to estimate forward-looking fiscal policy rules for Norway and compared with permanent-income and bird-in-hand rules. The results suggest that ...
    • Oil dependency of the Russian economy: an econometric analysis 

      Benedictow, Andreas; Fjærtoft, Daniel; Løfsnæs, Ole (Discussion Papers;No. 617, Working paper, 2010)
      Abstract: A macro econometric model of the Russian economy is developed, containing 13 estimated equations – covering major national account variables, government expenditures and revenues, interest rates, prices and the ...
    • Older or Wealthier? : the Impact of Age Adjustments on the Wealth Inequality Ranking of Countries 

      Almås, Ingvild; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion Papers;583, Working paper, 2009)
      Differences in individual wealth holdings are widely viewed as a driving force of economic inequality. However, as this finding relies on cross-section data, we may confuse older with wealthier. We propose a new method to ...
    • Om rentens effekt på konsum og sparing 

      Bø, Erlend Eide (Journal article, 2010)
      Pengepolitikk har i lengre tid vært et viktig virkemiddel i konjunkturstyringen. Renten kuttes for å øke konsum og investeringer hvis økonomien går dårlig, og heves for å hindre overoppheting av økonomien. Mye av ...
    • On dispersion preserving estimation of the mean of a binary variable from small areas 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Discussion Papers;No. 285, Working paper, 2000)
      Abstract: Over-shrinkage is a common problem in small area (or domain) estimation. It happens when the estimated small-area parameters have less between-area variation than their true values. To deal with this problem, ...
    • On natural resource rent and the wealth of a nation: a study based on National Accounts in Norway 1930-95 

      Lindholt, Lars (Discussion Papers;No. 281, Working paper, 2000)
      National wealth can be divided into real capital, financial capital, human capital and natural resource wealth. We use the National Accounts measures to illustrate the development of the wealth from 1930 to 1995, with ...
    • On the definition and measurement of chronic poverty 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Mogstad, Magne (Discussion Papers;No. 497, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: As an alternative to the conventional methods for measuring chronic poverty, this paper proposes an interpersonal comparable measure of permanent income as a basis for defining and measuring chronic poverty. ...
    • On the meaning and measurement of redistribution in cross-country comparisons 

      Lambert, Peter J.; Nesbakken, Runa; Thoresen, Thor Olav (Discussion Papers;No. 649, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: Empirical findings on the relationship between income inequality and redistribution from a cross-country perspective are not conclusive. One reason may be that observers have in mind different concepts of ...
    • On the price and volume effects from green certificates in the energy market 

      Bye, Torstein (Discussion Papers;No. 351, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: We present a model for an energy market that includes a green certificate for suppliers of energy from renewables and a purchaser commitment to buy these certificates. We show that price and volume effects in ...
    • On the value of households' recycling efforts 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete; Nyborg, Karine (Discussion Papers;No. 316, Working paper, 2002)
      Abstract: Do households' recycling efforts represent a social cost, which should be taken into account in cost-benefit analyses of alternative waste treatment systems? Some argue that it should not, since recycling efforts ...
    • Opprettholdelse av og avgang fra selvstendig næringsvirksomhet i Norge. Basert på tidsserieanalyser av 

      Stambøl, Lasse Sigbjørn (Rapporter;2009/40, Report, 2009)
      Prosjektet har hatt som hovedmål å analysere regionale forskjeller i opprettholdelse av og avgang fra selvstendig næringsvirksomhet i Norge ved hjelp av arbeidsmarkedsmobilitet i et tidsserieperspektiv. Analysene ser på ...
    • Optimal climate policy under the possibility of a catastrophe 

      Gjerde, Jon; Grepperud, Sverre; Kverndokk, Snorre (Discussion Papers;No. 209, Working paper, 1998)
      This paper concerns optimal emissions of greenhouse gases when catastrophic consequences are possible. A numerical model is presented which takes into account both continuous climate-feedback damages as well as the ...
    • Optimal CO2 abatement and technological change : should emission taxes start high in order to spur R&D? 

      Greaker, Mads; Pade, Lise-Lotte (Discussion Papers;No. 548, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: Many European politicians argue that since technological development is needed to solve the climate problem, the EU should take the lead and set tougher emission targets than what is required by the Kyoto protocol. ...
    • Optimal combinations of income tax and subsidies for education 

      Bjertnæs, Geir Haakon (Discussion Papers;No. 313, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: Nielsen and Sørensen (1997) find that progressive taxation of labour income is optimal when capital income is taxed. This paper shows that their main result still holds when introducing endogenous choice of ...
    • Optimal oil exploration under climate treaties 

      Berg, Elin; Kverndokk, Snorre; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 245, Working paper, 1999)
      In this paper we focus on how an international climate treaty will influence the exploration of oil in Non-OPEC countries. We present a numerical intertemporal global equilibrium model for the fossil fuel markets. The ...
    • Optimal timing of environmental policy. Interaction between environmental taxes and innovation externalities 

      Gerlagh, Reyer; Kverndokk, Snorre; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 493, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: This paper addresses the impact of endogenous technology through research and development (R&D) and learning by doing (LbD) on the timing of environmental policy. We develop two models, the first with technological ...