• Increased price markup from union coordination : OECD panel evidence 

      Bjørnstad, Roger; Kalstad, Kjartan Øren (Discussion Papers;No. 470, Working paper, 2006)
      Abstract: Existing literature have focused on the influence of institutional factors on wage determination when explaining the prolonged cross-country differences in unemployment. Although coordination of wage bargaining ...
    • Indirect social sanctions from monetarily unaffected strangers in a public good game 

      Rege, Mari; Telle, Kjetil (Discussion Papers;No. 359, Working paper, 2003)
      Abstract: Several economists have maintained that social sanctions can enforce cooperation in public good situations. This experimental study investigates whether indirect social sanctions from monetarily unaffected ...
    • Individual heterogeneity and price responses in tobacco consumption : a two-commodity analysis of unbalanced panel data 

      Wangen, Knut Reidar; Biørn, Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 294, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: The paper presents a panel data analysis of tobacco demand. The purpose is threefold: (i) to measure income, own-price, and cross-price responses for two tobacco commodities: cigarettes and handrolling tobacco, ...
    • Industrial competitiveness and diffusion of new pollution abatement technology – a new look at the Porter-hypothesis 

      Greaker, Mads (Discussion Papers;No. 371, Working paper, 2004)
      We study the relationship between industrial competitiveness, adaption of cleaner production techniques and environmental policy. While other contributions have analyzed environmental innovations with point of departure ...
    • Industry restructuring, OPEC response – and oil price formation 

      Aune, Finn Roar; Mohn, Klaus; Osmundsen, Petter; Rosendahl, Knut Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 511, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: Increased focus on shareholder returns, capital discipline and return on capital employed (RoACE) caused a slowdown in investment rates and production growth among international oil companies around the turn of ...
    • The inequality effects of a dual income tax system 

      Lambert, Peter J.; Thoresen, Thor Olav (Discussion Papers;No. 663, Working paper, 2011)
      Abstract: The overall inequality effects of a dual income tax (DIT) system, combining progressive taxation of labor income with proportional taxation of income from capital, are investigated. Simple examples show that ...
    • Inflow uncertainty in hydropower markets 

      Hansen, Petter Vegard (Discussion Papers;No. 520, Working paper, 2007)
      Abstract: In order to analyse the consequences of uncertainty for prices and efficiency in a hydropower system, we apply a two-period model with uncertainty in water inflow. We study three different market structures, ...
    • Innretning av støtte til biodrivstoff 

      Greaker, Mads (Journal article, 2001)
      Støttesystemene i EU og Norge er lite egnet til å fremme læring da dagens støtte til biodrivstoff i EU og Norge i første rekke kommer førstegenerasjons biodrivstoff til gode. Siden læringspotensialet for denne ...
    • Inntekter og boligutgifter vokser i takt : utgifter til bolig i Norge og Europa 

      Normann, Tor Morten (Journal article, 2010-06)
      En av fire norske husholdninger hadde høye boligutgifter i forhold til inntektene i 2008. Denne andelen har holdt seg nokså uendret de siste årene. Unge med lave inntekter har ofte høye utgifter i forhold til inntekten, ...
    • Inntektsstatistikk for den eldre befolkningen 1999-2009 : en kohortanalyse av inntektsutviklingen for aldersgruppen 60 år og eldre 

      Claus, Gunnar; Kristoffersen, Elisabeth Søholt; Melby, Ingrid; Strøm, Frøydis (Rapporter;2012/4, Report, 2012)
      Rapporten gir et bilde av inntektene til personer som er 60 år og eldre i årene 1999 til 2009. Formålet er å etablere et grunnlag som viser inntektsnivå og inntektssammensetning til denne gruppen før reglene om fleksibel ...
    • Inntektsutviklingen i perioden 1982-2007 etter kjønn, livsfase og generasjon 

      Skrede, Kari (Journal article, 2010)
      I perioden 1982-2007 har det vært en markert realinntektsvekst i alle faser av livsløpet hvor vi kan sammenlikne eldre og yngre generasjoner. På 1990-tallet var det også en tilnærming mellom kvinners og menns inntekter, men ...
    • Input additionality in the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme 

      Hægeland, Torbjørn; Møen, Jarle (Rapporter;2007/47, Report, 2007)
      Tax incentives have become an increasingly popular policy tool over the last decades. Norway introduced an R&D tax credit scheme, called SkatteFUNN, in 2002. The degree of input additionality, i.e. to what extent the ...
    • Internasjonal sammenligning av sykefravær. Er Arbeidskraftundersøkelsene egnet som datakilde? 

      Berge, Christoffer; Johannessen, Jørgen Holck; Næsheim, Helge Nome (Rapporter;2012/6, Report, 2012)
      Hovedformålet med rapporten er å analysere om utformingen av Arbeidskraftundersøkelsene (AKU) er så ulike mellom land at det kan forklare deler eller hele forskjellen man observerer i sykefraværet. I tillegg ser vi på ...
    • Internasjonale konjukturutsikter fra AIECE : redusert vekst i verdensøkonomien 

      Benedictow, Andreas (Journal article, 2007)
      Verdensøkonomien opplevde i 2006 en av de høyeste vekstratene som noensinne er registrert, med en BNPvekst på 5,4 prosent. Det er godt over snittet på 3,5 prosent siden 1980. Utviklingen i India og Kina bidro i stor grad, ...
    • International emissions trading in a non-cooperative equilibrium 

      Holtsmark, Bjart; Sommervoll, Dag Einar (Discussion Papers;No. 542, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: Linkage of different countries’ domestic permit markets for pollution rights into a single international market alters governments’ incentives, and may trigger adjustments of the number of allocated permits. ...
    • International experiences with "green GDP" 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Hass, Julie L.; Tao, Hu; You, Wu (Reports;2006/32, Report, 2006)
      There are currently debates in many countries on whether or not to adjust or correct the measure of gross domestic product (GDP) for deterioration of the state of the environment and depletion of natural resources. The ...
    • Is Norway immune to Dutch Disease? CGE estimates of sustainable wage growth and de-industrialisation 

      Holmøy, Erling; Heide, Kim Massey (Discussion Papers;No. 413, Working paper, 2005)
      Norway's petroleum wealth has become considerably more liquid and thereby visible to the public since the mid 1990s. In the policy debate transformation of wealth is often confused with ordinary income. Such a misconception ...
    • It pays to be green - a premature conclusion? 

      Telle, Kjetil; Aslaksen, Iulie; Synnestvedt, Terje (Discussion Papers;No. 394, Working paper, 2004)
      It has been claimed that good environmental performance can improve firms’ economic performance. However, because of e.g. data limitations, the methods applied in most previous quantitative empirical studies of the ...
    • Job creation, heterogeneous workers and technical change : matched worker/plant data : evidence from Norway 

      Salvanes, Kjell G.; Førre, Svein Erik (Discussion Papers;No. 304, Working paper, 2001)
      Abstract: Using matched worker/plant level data for Norway, theories explaining the change in skill composition are assessed using direct evidence on the job creation and destruction for high, medium and low skilled ...
    • Job durations and the job search model : a two-country, multi-sample analysis 

      Bagger, Jesper; Henningsen, Morten S. (Discussion Papers;No. 553, Working paper, 2008)
      Abstract: This paper assesses whether a parsimonious partial equilibrium job search model with on-the-job search can reproduce observed job durations and transitions to other jobs and to nonemployment. We allow for ...