Now showing items 290-309 of 426

    • Now or later? The Theory of Planned Behavior and timing of fertility intentions 

      Dommermuth, Lars; Klobas, Jane; Lappegård, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-01-20)
      This article focuses on the time frame of intentions to have a child. For both parents and childless people we compare those who want a child now with those who intend to have a child within the next three years. Based on ...
    • Ny energimelding : slutt på vannkraftepoken 

      Bjerkholt, Olav (Journal article, 1987)
      St.meld. nr. 38 (1986-87) «Norges framtidige energibruk og -produksjon» ble godkjent i Statsråd 10. april 1987. Bakgrunnen for en ny energimelding nå bare to år etter den forrige er i forste rekke Regjeringens ...
    • Nytte-kostnadsanalysar : kva er moralen? 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article, 1994)
    • Nytte-kostnadsanalyser og miljøprising : en moralfilosofisk kritikk 

      Brekke, Kjell Arne; Bruvoll, Annegrete; Lurås, Hilde; Nyborg, Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1993)
    • Official statistics: Quo vadis? 

      Sæbø, Hans Viggo; Hoel, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The data revolution has resulted in discussions in the statistical community on the future of official statistics. Will official statistics survive as a brand, or will such statistics drown in the flow of data and statistics ...
    • Olav Bjerkholt - til økonomifaget med modeller, matematikk og historie 

      Cappelen, Ådne (Journal article, 2012)
      Olav Bjerkholt var forskningsdirektør i Statistisk sentralbyrå fra 1984 til 1996. I løpet av hans ledertid ble Byråets forskningsavdeling i større grad enn tidligere rettet inn mot internasjonale forskningsmiljø. Hans ...
    • Om å skape arbeidsplasser - teori og praksis 

      Aukrust, Odd (Journal article, 1987)
      Moderne sosialøkonomi gir flere, tildels motstridende, svar på årsakene til arbeidsløshet, og foreskriver dermed ulike typer økonomisk-politiske tiltak for å mote problemene. Med teoriens sjargong kan det skilles ...
    • Om den norske politikken for reduksjon av utslipp av NOx 

      Hagem, Cathrine; Holtsmark, Bjart; Sterner, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Ettersom Norge ikke klarte å innfri forpliktelsene i Gøteborg-protokollen er det grunn til å sette søkelys på den norske NOX-politikken. NOX-fondet står her sentralt. Fondet har bidratt til betydelige utslippsreduksjoner, ...
    • Om gjenvinning som kostar meir enn det smakar 

      Bruvoll, Annegrete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)
    • Om ikke føre var så etter snar : noen merknader til pensjonskommisjonens foreløpige innstilling 

      Holtsmark, Bjart (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)
      Finansminister Per-Kristian Foss ga nylig uttrykk for at regelstyrt utgiftsvekst gir ham liten handlefrihet i utformingen av statsbudsjettet. Det kan være en forsmak på hvordan våre fremtidige finansministere etter hvert ...
    • On library routines in the statistical data production 

      Nordbotten, Svein; Aastorp, Thor (Journal article, 1962)
      Early in the history of program controlled computer application, users learned that programming efforts might be saved if programs and subroutines were written to satisfy certain criteria as to general use, and the ...
    • On some common practices of systematic sampling 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Systematic sampling is widely used technique in survey sampling. It is easy to execute, whether the units are to be selected with equal probability or with probabilities proportional to auxiliary sizes. It can be very ...
    • On the Bias in Gross Labour Flow Estimates Due to Nonresponse and Misclassification 

      Zhang, Li-Chun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Abstract: I evaluate and compare the bias due to nonresponse and misclassification in the sample gross labour flow estimates from the Norwegian Labour Force Survey (LFS). These help also to explain the level and net change ...
    • On the Effects of Linking Cap‑and‑Trade Systems for CO2 Emissions 

      Holtsmark, Bjart; Weitzman, Martin L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-23)
      Linkage of national cap-and-trade systems is typically advocated by economists on a general analogy with the beneficial linkage of free-trade areas and on the specific grounds that linkage will ensure cost effectiveness ...
    • Optimal Climate Policy in the Presence of Another Country's Climate Policy 

      Kaushal, Kevin R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-25)
      The allowances in an emission trading system (ETS) are commonly allocated for free to the emission-intensive and trade-exposed sector, e.g., in the form of output-based allocation (OBA). Recently an approach combining OBA ...
    • Optimal control and the Fibonacci sequence 

      Brasch, Thomas von; Byström, Johan; Lystad, Lars Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-04-26)
      We bridge mathematical number theory with optimal control and show that a generalised Fibonacci sequence enters the control function of finite-horizon dynamic optimisation problems with one state and one control variable. ...
    • Pandemic babies? Fertility in the aftermath of the first COVID-19 wave across European regions 

      Nitsche, Natalie; Jasilioniene, Aiva; Nisén, Jessica; Li, Peng; Kniffka, Maxi S.; Schöley, Jonas; Andersson, Gunnar; Bagavos, Christos; Berrington, Ann; Čipin, Ivan; Clemente, Susana; Dommermuth, Lars; Fallesen, Peter; Galdauskaite, Dovile; Jemna, Dănuţ-Vasile; Lerch, Mathias; McDonnell, Cadhla; Muller, Arno; Neels, Karel; Pötzsch, Olga; Ramiro, Diego; Riederer, Bernhard; te Riele, Saskia; Szabó, Laura; Toulemon, Laurten; Vignoli, Daniele; Zeman, Kryštof; Žnidaršič, Tina (Working paper, 2022)
      Early evidence demonstrates that the fertility response to the COVID-19 pandemic has varied across European countries. Yet, prior research indicates that fertility responses to disasters are often localized sub-nationally. ...
    • Pappaperm 

      Cools, Sara; Fiva, Jon Hernes; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen (Journal article, 2011)
      Flere politikere og kommentatorer uttaler seg om virkningene av at far er hjemme i foreldrepermisjon. Pappaperm hevdes blant annet å bidra til likelønn, færre samlivsbrudd og et sterkere forhold mellom far og barn. I ...
    • Parental leave policies and continued childbearing in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden 

      Duvander, Ann-Zofie; Lappegård, Trude; Andersen, Synøve Nygaard; Gardarsdóttir, Ólöf; Neyer, Gerda; Viklund, Ida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Demographic theories maintain that family policies that support gender equality may lead to higher fertility levels in postindustrial societies. This phenomenon is often exemplified by the situation in the Nordic countries. ...
    • Parenthood and Couples’ Relative Earnings in Norway 

      Bergsvik, Janna; Kitterød, Ragni Hege; Wiik, Kenneth Aarskaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      With the advance of the gender revolution, income dynamics in couples are changing. Nonetheless, in most Western societies, parenthood still promotes specialized gender roles. Utilizing Norwegian register data on all married ...