• Behov for helsepersonell. Demografiske og økonomiske rammebetingelser 

      Bjørnstad, Roger; Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea; Holm, Inger; Holmøy, Erling; Nielsen, Vibeke Oestreich; Stølen, Nils Martin (Rapporter;2009/38, Report, 2009)
      Den sterke økningen i antall eldre de nærmeste tiårene innebærer en betydelig økning i behovene for helse- og omsorgstjenester, selv om mulige forbedringer i helsetilstanden på hvert alderstrinn drar i motsatt retning. ...
    • Demand and supply of labor by education towards 2030. Linking demographic and macroeconomic models for Norway 

      Bjørnstad, Roger; Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea; Godøy, Anna Aasen; Holm, Inger; Stølen, Nils Martin (Rapporter;2010/39, Report, 2010)
      Because of globalization and technological progress, most OECD-countries have seen a considerable growth in the demand for labor with higher skills and educational levels the past decades. In many countries, supply has ...
    • The Demand for Labour by Education. A Sectoral Model of the Norwegian Economy 

      Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea (Rapporter;2013/41, Report, 2013-10)
      Since the 1970s, relative wages have remained fairly stable in Norway, and the structure of wages can be regarded as relatively compressed. This means that wages are relatively low for workers with high skills whereas ...
    • How are educational groups affected by economic shocks and trends? 

      Bjørnstad, Roger; Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea (Rapporter;2011/50, Report, 2011)
      Since the early 1990s, Statistics Norway has produced model-based projections on demand and supply of labor by education. The demand and supply side has been modeled separately, but in a consistent manner so that it has ...
    • Tilbud og etterspørsel etter arbeidskraft etter utdanning, 1986-2025 

      Bjørnstad, Roger; Fredriksen, Dennis; Gjelsvik, Marit Linnea; Stølen, Nils Martin (Rapporter;2008/29, Research report, 2008)
      Som i de fleste andre OECD-land, har Norge opplevd en betydelig økning i behovene for utdannet arbeidskraft gjennom de siste tiårene. Dette gjelder både arbeidskraft med utdanning fra universitet og høyskoler og arbeidskraft ...