Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Title
Now showing items 10-29 of 4931
A Behavioral model of work-trip mode choice in Shanghai
(Discussion Papers;No. 444, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This paper analyzes travelers’ choice behavior by using data from a stated preference survey on work-trip mode choice in Shanghai. Several versions of a multinomial choice model are specified and estimated. ... -
A behavioral two-sex marriage model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)In this paper we propose a particular marriage model, i.e., a model for the number of marriages for each age combination as a function of the vectors of the number of single men and women in each age group. The model is ... -
A causality analysis on GDP and air emissions in Norway
(Discussion Papers;No. 447, Working paper, 2006)Abstract: This paper conducts Granger-causality tests on real per capita GDP and four types of air emissions (CO2, CO, SO2 and NOx) by using Norwegian data covering the period 1973-2003. The test results indicate that ... -
A cohort analysis of household saving in Norway
(Discussion Papers;No. 354, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: Are there generational differences in saving behavior? On the basis of new micro data for household saving in Norway I find that differences between birth cohorts are small and statistically insignificant. In ... -
A Comment on the Environment and Directed Technical Change
(Discussion papers;713, Working paper, 2012-11)The major claim in Acemoglu, Aghion, Bursztyn & Hemous (2012) (AABH) is that subsidies for research and development of clean technologies are more important than carbon taxes when dealing with climate change. However, they ... -
A common base answer to “Which country is most redistributive?”
(Discussion papers;811, Working paper, 2015-06)Which country is most redistributive? This question is often discussed in terms of comparisons of measures of redistribution when each country’s tax schedule is applied to its pre-tax income distribution. However, we believe ... -
A comparison of the global warming effects of wood fuels and fossil fuels taking albedo into account
(Discussion papers;778, Working paper, 2014-04)Traditionally, wood fuels, like other bioenergy sources, have been considered carbon neutral because the amount of CO2 released can be offset by CO2 sequestration due to the regrowth of the biomass. Thus, until recently, ... -
A comparison of the labour market integration of immigrants and refugees in Canada and Norway
(Reports;2009/31, Report, 2009)According to the OECD (2008), Canada’s immigrants score among the highest in the industrialised world when it comes to employment rates. Measured by employment rate Canada ranked 3rd (only surpassed by Portugal and ... -
A conflict of interests in electricity taxation? A micro econometric analysis of household behaviour
(Discussion Papers;No. 338, Working paper, 2002)Abstract: In conducting economic policy, governments generally face conflicts in various objectives, e.g. between efficiency and equity. In Norway, one objective of energy politics has been to reduce electricity consumption, ... -
A counting approach for measuring multidimensional deprivation
(Discussion papers (Statistisk sentralbyrå. Forskningsavdelingen);No. 700, Working paper, 2012)This paper is concerned with the problem of ranking and quantifying the extent of deprivation exhibited by multidimensional distributions, where the multiple attributes in which an individual can be deprived are represented ... -
A demand system for input factors when there are technological changes in production
(Discussion Papers;No. 556, Working paper, 2008)Abstract: In a system with n input factors there are n − 1 independent cost shares. An often-used approach in estimating factor demand systems is to (implicitly or explicitly) assume that there is a (independent) cointegrating ... -
A directional shadow elasticity of substitution
(Discussion Papers;No. 7, Working paper, 1985-04-10) -
A discrete choice model for labor supply and child care
(Discussion Papers;No. 315, Working paper, 2002)Abstract: A discrete choice model for labor supply and child care for mothers of preschoolers is presented. The mothers are assumed to make choices from a finite set of job possibilities and from a finite set of child ... -
A dynamic equilibrium analysis of a carbon tax
(Discussion papers;145, Working paper, 1995-06)This paper analyses the effects of a carbon tax on a small open petroleum producing economy, using an aggregate intertemporal general equilibrium model with differentiated products. The long run effects on welfare and ... -
A dynamic supply side game applied to the european gas market
(Discussion Paper;No. 22, Working paper, 1987-07-16)This paper discusses optimal investment plans for large gas exporters to Western Europe. We discuss market power on the supply side, while assuming price taker behaviour on the demand side. A static game approach is ... -
A framework for analyzing rank ordered data with application to automobile demand
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this paper we develop a general random utility framework for analyzing data on individuals' rank orderings. Specifically, we show that in the case with 3 alternatives one can express the probability of a particular rank ... -
A framework for empirical modelling of consumer demand with latent quality attributes
(Discussion Papers;No. 229, Working paper, 1998)This paper discusses a particular approach to empirical consumer demand modelling when products are differentiated and the product attributes are unobservable. In contrast to the traditional approach to this problem, see ... -
A framework for estimating disequilibrium models with many markets
(Discussion papers;138, Working paper, 1995-02)This paper presents a framework for estimating non-Walrasian models with many markets based on the virtual price approach in Lee (1986). The paper discusses an open economy multi-market non-Walrasian model with many agents ... -
A general equilibrium evaluation of aggregate welfare effects from improved sectoral efficiency . Empirical evidence for Norway
(Discussion Papers;No. 224, Working paper, 1998)This paper discusses and shows how a CGE model can be used to assess welfare effects of structural policy reforms targeting inefficiency problems at micro levels that normally are not captured in operational CGE-models. ... -
A Generalization of Hall's Specification of the Consumption function
(Discussion papers;121, Working paper, 1994-07)This paper deals with optimal consumption over time. The starting point is a dynamic utility function which is exponential where the exponent is quadratic in the observable consumption outlays. The approach is shown to be ...