Browsing Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (SNORRe) by Title
Now showing items 3317-3336 of 4924
Pandemi og strømstøtte – konsumprisindeksen. Metodiske valg i 2020 og 2021
(Notater/Documents;2023/31, Working paper, 2023-06)Da Norge stengte mange av tjenestenæringene i mars 2020, fikk dette betydning for konsumprisindeksen (KPI) som skal måle prisutviklingen på varer og tjenester som husholdningene etterspør. Både den direkte effekten ved ... -
Pandemic babies? Fertility in the aftermath of the first COVID-19 wave across European regions
(Working paper, 2022)Early evidence demonstrates that the fertility response to the COVID-19 pandemic has varied across European countries. Yet, prior research indicates that fertility responses to disasters are often localized sub-nationally. ... -
Panel data with errors-in-variables : a note on essential and redundant orthogonality conditions in GMM-estimation
(Discussion Papers;No. 190, Working paper, 1997)General Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of a linear one-equation model using panel data with errors-in-variables is considered. To eliminate fixed individual heterogeneity, the equation is differenced across one or more ... -
Pappa til (hjemme)tjeneste : hvilke fedre tar fødselspermisjon?
(Journal article, 2003-10)En egen fedrekvote av fødselspermisjonen ble innført i 1993 med hensikt å få flere fedre til å ta del i barneomsorgen den første leveåret. Mange fedre benytter muligheten til å bruke sin eksklusive del av permisjonen, men ... -
(Journal article, 2011)Flere politikere og kommentatorer uttaler seg om virkningene av at far er hjemme i foreldrepermisjon. Pappaperm hevdes blant annet å bidra til likelønn, færre samlivsbrudd og et sterkere forhold mellom far og barn. I ... -
Parametric aggregation of random coefficient Cobb-Douglasproduction functions : evidence from manufacturing industries
(Discussion Papers;No. 342, Working paper, 2003)Abstract: A panel data study of parametric aggregation of a production function is presented. A four-factor Cobb-Douglas function with random and jointly normal coefficients and jointly log-normal inputs is used. Since, ... -
Parental job loss and children's school performance
(Discussion Papers;No. 517, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: Using Norwegian register data we estimate how children’s school performance is affected by their parents’ exposure to plant closure. Fathers’ exposure leads to a substantial decline in children’s graduation-year ... -
Parental leave policies and continued childbearing in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Demographic theories maintain that family policies that support gender equality may lead to higher fertility levels in postindustrial societies. This phenomenon is often exemplified by the situation in the Nordic countries. ... -
Parenthood and Couples’ Relative Earnings in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)With the advance of the gender revolution, income dynamics in couples are changing. Nonetheless, in most Western societies, parenthood still promotes specialized gender roles. Utilizing Norwegian register data on all married ... -
Parenthood and couples’ relative earnings in Norway 2005-2014
(Discussion Papers;No. 873, Working paper, 2018-04-16)In the current paper, we investigate within-couple inequality in earnings using Norwegian register data on married and cohabiting couples. We are particularly interested in assessing whether the negative relation between ... -
Pareto-efficient climate agreements
(Discussion Papers;No. 505, Working paper, 2007)Abstract: Recent contributions show that climate agreements with broad participation can be implemented as weakly renegotiation-proof equilibria in simple models of greenhouse gas abatement where each country has a binary ... -
Part-time work, underemployment and gender : worker versus job explanations
(Discussion Papers;602, Working paper, 2009)The article analyses part-time work, both so-called voluntary and involuntary, in a gender perspective and discusses under what conditions women and men work part-time. The discussion is based on logistic regression models, ... -
Partivalg etter sosiale kjennetegn ved de siste stortings- og kommunestyrevalgene. Med noen historiske tabeller
(Rapporter;2020/47, Report, 2020-12-04)Det er etterspørsel etter mer detaljerte opplysninger om blant annet partivalg etter kjønn, alder, utdanning og yrke. For å imøtekomme dette har utvalget til velgerundersøkelsene i forbindelse med stortingsvalget 2017 og ... -
Partner Choice and Economic Outcomes among the Children of Immigrants
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Several studies have shown that immigrants marrying natives experience better economic outcomes than those marrying other immigrants, but we know less about partner choice and the economic outcomes of the children of ... -
Partner choice and timing of first marriage among children of immigrants in Norway and Sweden
(Discussion papers;810, Working paper, 2015-06)Using register data from Norway and Sweden, this study addresses the relationship between partner choice and the timing of first marriage among all migrant- and non-migrant-background individuals born between 1972 and 1989, ... -
Partner choice and timing of first marriage among the children of immigrants in Norway and Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-13)Using population register data from Norway (n = 209,532) and Sweden (n = 592,491), this study addressed the relationship between partner choice and the timing of first marriage. We considered all migrant-background individuals ... -
Partnere skiller seg oftest : skilsmisser i registrerte partnerskap og ekteskap
(Journal article, 2005)Lesbiske partnere skiller seg oftere enn homofile partnere, og personer som lever i registrerte partnerskap skiller seg oftere enn gifte. Det viser analyser av norske og svenske data. Merk også at hittil er det bare født ... -
Pasienterfaringer i allmennlegetjenesten før og etter fastlegeordningen. Del I kronikeres erfaringer : del II kapasitetsforskjeller hos allmennlegene
(Rapporter;2005/34, Report, 2005-11-25)Fastlegeordningen var spesielt rettet mot mennesker med kronisk sykdom. Vi har undersøkt hvordan personer med varige kroniske helseplager har opplevd ulike sider ved allmennlegetjenesten før og etter reformen. Kapittel 1-5 ... -
Pasientstatistikk 1980
(Rapporter;1982/34, Report, 1982-12-20) -
Pasientstatistikk 1981. Statistikk fra det økonomiske og medisinske informasjonssystem
(Rapporter;1983/24, Report, 1983-10-21)Denne publikasjonen inneholder pasientstatistikk for 1981, utarbeid4 på grunnlag av data fra Det økonomiske og mecisinske informasjonssystem (ØMI). Statistikken omfatter alminneljge somatiske sykehus i 13 fylker. Pasi ...